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  1. Ahhh gotcha. That makes sense. It just threw me off seeing the 1 min (which I've since figured out how to edit lol). I typically use 5 min periods too so that's probably why it felt short to me as well. Thanks! Now if only I could figure out how to get a Y button goalie control patch to work lol
  2. Came across this mod the other day and love everything about it (specifically Groups B and D for NU/ND, and rotated ice logos) but I have a question. Why are the penalties 1 min? I didn't see anything in the thread when I searched for it.
  3. Well I was able to easily flip some of the audio but now, as I sit here watching the Sabres in their black thirds, I’m tempted to try making an “alternate jersey” version of the game with all the home jerseys as the teams thirds who have them 🤣 played an NCAA mod that has the center logos rotated too which is tempting Down the rabbit hole I go…
  4. I just thought of another question. Is there a way to get the wide screen mod to work on the Genesis Plus GX Wide emulator in RetroArch or is it meant for the regular Genesis Plus GX set to 16:9?
  5. Would you look at that, a whole post in the forum about how to change/edit sound effects and music 🤣 my bad, should have searched first 🤦🏻‍♂️ Thanks! I have figured out some of it, like swapping the goal/end of period horns I saw someone suggest, this is going to be a fun little experiment
  6. Stumbled onto this and have been playing the crap out of it lately. Great work all around. I have one question. Out of curiosity, it possible to mod the sound effects in the game? I ask because the rubber-y (I hope that makes sense 🤣) sound the puck makes hitting the boards has always bugged me and it might be fun to tinker with replacing it (if possible)
  7. So that’s how it’s supposed to be? I’m coming from playing ‘94 on snes and it’s definitely a diff sound lol
  8. Loving this mod. Just a quick question. Is it just my rom/emulator that makes the puck hitting the boards sound like a rubber ball or is that how it’s supposed to be?
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