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Everything posted by Drezz

  1. If you do a bit of trickery, you can get enough tiles to fit both a scoreboard ad and the scorekeepers. I always felt the roof looked way too low in proportion to the fans, so I eliminated those tiles, extended the stairs upwards and added more fans to make the lower bowl look bigger. The resulting switch gave me a few more tiles to work with.
  2. I am outnumbered by Leafies by a count of 2 to 1 at my office, so the sports radio options are always Fan590 and TSN1050 every damn day. If there were two stations that have been sucking the teat of sports betting ad money, it's the Bell Rogers duo. If it isn't the ads every 30 seconds, it's the betting segments on every block of air time. Prior to the Online Wagering floodgates opening in Canada, I really hoped Marek would be the one to take Ron Maclean's place on HNIC with Freidman acting like the Harry Neale type industry connected fill in. But now I can't stand listening to Friedman and his incessant noisemaking and completely unprofessional attitude to the segment on air, it drives me bananas. I get that it's supposed to have an informal vibe, but he's supposed to be a professional NHL analyst - not a hobbyist wannabe cracking jokes while drinking beers on his USB mic in his basement. Which brings me to Marek, who often slides in his wagering advice in a manner that feels like he's trying to sell you a used car that you didn't even think you needed. And Wyshynski... ugh. I disliked him when he was the Puck Daddy, and I still dislike him now. He reminds me of Patton Oswalt's character on King of Queens, except the Hockey geek version. Point is, today's analysts lack the professionalism and don't command the same level of respect their forbearers had. They're literally a bunch of high school nerds who couldn't play, but loved the sport and their encyclopedia game is really good.
  3. He hates the ads but he's very diplomatic about the things he dislikes so he doesn't ruffle any feathers. But he let it slip in a livestream that he wasn't a big fan of how sports gambling has pervaded every aspect of hockey on television. When panels of analysts start talking about moneylines and over/unders and prop bets or slyly integrating them into their broadcasts (I'm looking at you, Jeff Marek), you know they've jumped the shark and bent over for the corporate money. Remember when Huawei was ALL over HNIC branding until the spy-tech scandals. They humped that leg real hard.
  4. Shannon's a good dude. His commentary is usually very insightful. You can tell he's an educated fan with knowledge on HOW the business of hockey works and why things happen the way they do.
  5. My vote goes to Ozzy. I don't like Bettman. He looks like an animatronic puppet. Complete with talking out the side of his mouth.
  6. Stephan Lebeau on Montreal. Sneaky good when used on the wing, hard to get off the puck.
  7. I super intrigued by this. I think with some additional bug testing for the sprite load/unloads, that this will be.a great addition to the ROM hack toolkit.
  8. Holy smokes, man. This is such an amazing retrofit. I was blown away by the first, but this one is even more detailed. Great job!
  9. If this helps - here's an updated version of wboy's graphic + the reverse angle version used in instant replays. The difference is the extra spacing used behind the bench, the scorekeepers and the modified areas between the benches. If you match up the tile layout to the offsets, it will give you an idea of placements.
  10. DUDES... LOVE IT. From the fancy banners to the reverse retro jerseys and the little things... that's what makes a good ROM. The things you discover while playing make these ROM hacks so much fun to play through. I LOVE the look of these. SO CLEAN and MODERN One problem. Montreal is probably going to lose EVERY game wearing the powder blues (They've worn them about 7-8 times already and lost each time) so that jersey is CURSED!
  11. For authenticity, the black is preferred. I think KingRaph's suggestion might be the least invasive and give you the white/grey you'd need for the ice logo palette.
  12. Absolutely - my ROM sets are still a ways off from release, but you can definitely integrate them into your updates for future DIY modders. PS, shoulders are almost done.
  13. And here's the updated INI files that I appended to. along with the BMP. Obv. the strip hacks would only work with the ROMs I created, but it's an interesting hack to a hacking tool! roms.ini strips.ini 94 Strip Drezz.bmp
  14. Figured it out! I didn't update the roms.ini Now, it works like a charm. This will be helpful for users, since I changed the palette order.
  15. Huh... I must have done something incorrectly then. I tried this exact same thing and it didn't load up the option. I'll review how you did it and see where I went wrong.
  16. Ah I see it! Interesting layout! So single tone for the skin. Tha works too
  17. I'm curious to see what you did there. I was considering recompiling wboy's source code with my strip hack included, but I'm not 100% certain how to do it yet.
  18. @AdamCatalyst Funny how you resurrected this thread... and I've recently resurrected part of this ambitious plan. I do have a ROM with the hacked tileset, but it's different than the originally planned palette. The shoulder stripe remains, but is isolated from the pants stripe. The pants stripes have been eliminated. There are two colours for the jersey, two for the pants, two for the shoulder, two for the arm and sock stripes, two for the helmet, two for the face, two for the ice, one for the skate blade and stick, and one for the eyes and skate boot. I'm still reviewing the sprites for errors, but you can definitely have the layout once I've finished it. The problem is, I've altered the goalie mask to have an eye-cage, and it may not be to your liking, so you'll have to review it. Also, I haven't updated the bench players, penalty box or the faceoff windows. Still a bit to do yet, but you can have what I've done so far for reference!
  19. Personally, I'd use Adam Catalyst's as his documentation is really good and he managed to fix the player card crash. Also, he tries to keep the core look of the game as close to the original as possible. But all of the 32s I've seen follow the same structure... so take your pick.
  20. We were just talking about this on the discord.
  21. Did you remove the checksum routine? That's usually the first thing you need to do prior to making any edits. Once that has been altered, you can make modded roms.
  22. In the 2nd gen of 3D NHL games on PC (2000-2005) when we broke open the AI, there were a bunch of label to some of the functions (stepuptimer, stepupdefault? I think) which were also found in earlier iterations of the series 95-99. The code wasn't commented but fragments of the text were still there. Since NHL Hockey and NHL95 on PC were similar in structure to the Genesis version, Ì wouldn't be surprised if that code made its way through every iteration... even up to now.
  23. If he made any tweaks to the cpu defensive awareness, that may happen. EA has this thing called "step-up logic" that they've used in their AI parameters for decades. Basically, if a player moves within a certain range of another player they will engage, but if you alter those values to affect the distance between them, it creates dead spots. Offensive players won't move forward, defensive players won't attack. It's a tricky little piece of code to get the balance right.
  24. Fantastic work man. Your level of detail inspired me to be more thorough and try new things within my own ROM.
  25. I've updated the tutorials to reflect that now. Sorry for the confusion!
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