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Everything posted by jrodimus

  1. Just lookin at profiles late one night.... Am i nuts?
  2. How to be a hokkeefan: The Really Missing Manual Step 1: see above comment Step 2: While playing games, abrupty hit the pause button for no apparent reason-go back into the game as abruptly as you paused it Step 3: Announce to your opponents that you're taking a smoke break approximately every 8 minutes; make sure you're gone for at least 15 Step 4: Immediately after aforementioned drunken rant, respond to your own post within one minute-shortly after that, delete original drunken, ranting post;replace with Step 5: Ask an NHL 94 member for a game and disappear Step 6: Create multiple alter-egos, get on the message board and talk about what a good guy you are *This is by no means a comprehensive guide on how to be a hokkeefan, so feel free to amend this manual!!!!
  3. Det (jrod) 5 @ Que (Ice) 3 Que 4 @ Det 2 ggs iceman
  4. DET(jrod) 3 @ Pitt(Legend) 6 Pitt 0 @ DET 7 GGS Legend
  5. VAN (dmac) 2 @ DET (jrod) 5 DET 6 @ VAN 4 ggs dmac
  6. DET(Jrod) 4 @ Buff (VC) 5 OT Buff 3 @ DET 7 GGS Voc
  7. DET 3 @ WIN 2 WIN 2 @ DET 5 GGS Sunny
  8. NYR 0 (Hokk) @ DET 2 (Jrod) DET 2 @ NYR 6 ggs hokk
  9. jrodimus31 Detroit oh.......snap
  10. HEY!!!
  11. Umm, he posted this on March 31st, SEBE
  12. I'm there!!! NHL94 weekly wrap up show. Let's do this, hokk!!!
  13. Guess i'll continue to feed the addiction AIM:jrodimus31 Time zone: Pacific 1. DET 2. Buff 3. Que 4. Dall 5. Wpg 6. Tor 7. Wsh 8. Cgy 9. Van 10. Bos 11. LA 12. Mon 13. Pitt 14. Edm 15. Htfd 16. Phi 17. Chi 18. NJ 19. TB 20. NYI
  14. Buff I believe Patrick/Chaisson are both #3 Patrick #7 please Thx
  15. Buff Line 1 LW- Savard C- Mogilny RW- Damphousse LD- Parick RD- Lidstrom G-Moog x- Amonte Buff Line 2 LW- Amonte C- Ranheim RW- Miller LD- Smehlik RD- Chiasson G- Waite
  16. Look at all that blue on the scores list! Boys, the tide is a-turnin' USA ALL THE WAY!!!
  17. Geez, there's so many Fav post-Gotta be one of awesomerino's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out there posts about his teams post game antics in the locker room. If memory serves, a few of awesome's Kings players were raped/murdered, Gretzky almost OD'd on a mountain of coke and Kelly Hrudey was killed and eaten. *Honorable mention to any one of Hokk's various(drunken) rants Fav forum incident- "Hokkeegate" where hokkeefan was temporarily banned from league play and i believe the forums. He then went on to create several aliases who talked about how nice a guy he was. Everybody knew who it was and gave him constant crap for it. Fav one-liner-"The square root of 100 is alligator"-Tomas Sandstrom Another favorite was someone pointing out how hokkee once "Hulk smashed" his computer desk after a particular loss. That s**t is still funny
  18. Typical Sunny humility...
  19. Agreed. This much entertainment(for free!) is unheard of in 2008. Thanks guys!!
  20. Hokk-I'm willing to offer my 12 rd pick from GDL6 and a family-size bag of Cool Ranch Doritos for Gretz.
  21. gm 74- CAN 1(habs/sebe) @USA 10(SOH/jrod) (not a typo)
  22. Hey you have fun with hatch, he's a real gem
  23. 11.9 Buff Umm...Kelly Miller?
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