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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Yo, could I use your rom as reference for an snes update? 

  2. Ok, thanks.
  3. Hey dude, when do you think your updated rom will come out? I'm working on an snes update. I used to make them a decade or so ago but I've got less time now. I'm wondering if you'd be fine if I copied your roms roster and player ratings? If so, could I have access to a rom file where I could open up with nose?
  4. yes, it works, thank you. For the purpose of quick copy and pasting can I somehow remove the overall rating in the SNES csv, since the genesis one doesn't have it, or will that ruin it when I upload it? Right now I have to copy a certain section > paste - then copy another section > paste.
  5. Yeah buddy
  6. Thank you sir.
  7. Right click the editor and go to properties. Go to compatibility then click windows xp. Thats what I did for the editor and it worked
  8. i dont get it. How did yours end up without spaces? I'll show you what my CSV file looks like. All I did was extract the rom and that's how it came out. What's the difference between XLS and CSV? I'll attach my CSV for reference. also, when I copy and paste from your CSV (or mine) then go to save the CSV I get an error message indicating: NHL20.csv may contain features that are not compatible with CSV (Comma delimited). Do you want to keep the workbook in this format? - To keep this format, which leaves out any incompatible features, click Yes. - To preserve the features, click No. Then save a copy in the latest Excel format. - To see what might be lost, click Help. So I save it anyway, then import the CSV to the rom and check to see if it's been changed in SNESEditor and it hasn't saved. Damnit nhl.csv
  9. There's spaces when I extract a rom to a CSV. I'll check your files tomorrow, thanks for being responsive to this, you're a good community member.
  10. why are the values 0-10 in the genesis one? It's 0-1 in the SNES one... There's many things I'd have to manually change to make this work. Did you get the rom?
  11. I tried just copying and pasting the names and I'd get an error when trying to save the SNES one. When I opened the new file in the editor no changes were saved...
  12. Here's the rom. Also the genesis CSV has a row for G|H & H/F and the values range from 0-10 it seems, the SNES CSV has values that range from 0-1 (I think indicating whether they're right or left handed players...) NHL 13.smc
  13. I have edited a Rom using the editor. I made an updated Rom up to nhl 2013. My issue is when I export a csv for genesis there are no spaces in the genesis file, and there are spaces for the snes csv. I'm guessing there's a way to create spaces between cells, I'm just not great with excel. My wife actually created a formula in excel to updated players overall ratings in real time, would you be interested in adding that into a future version?
  14. I'll try this Does it not matter that the formatting is different? The snes one has spaces between players. Also, the genesis edits typically have more teams and many more players that the snes can yield.
  15. I tried. It didn't work. I think there's too many players in many of the genesis updates. Oh, also I'm using updated roms, I'm not copying the genesis data from 94 to the snes 94
  16. Hey, did you make it so the file can't be opened in Nose? Wondering if I could use some of the data for an SNES update.
  17. Hi. Rather than doing an entirely new roster update on the SNES, I was wondering if there would be a simple method to use the data from an updated Genesis rom and copy it into an SNES rom? I've tried to copy with both roster tools, but the CSV file formats are different. I've also tried to move the data via hex editors, but I've got limited knowledge in it, and a simple copy and paste of individual teams left me unsuccessful.
  18. I figure it would be easy to copy over the info from the Genesis to SNES CSV but the formatting is different for each one, and there's different cells for each of them.
  19. Okay. I guess where I'd be confused is that I'm copying an updated genesis roster to a snes roster so wayne gretzky wont be on the genesis one... Yeah, I tried copying Boston Bruins from Sega to SNES and it totally didn't work. Any way I could copy the CSV data over from the spreadsheet?
  20. Could you point me in the right direction to locate this data in the genesis version and where to place it for snes?
  21. Any updates with this? Could a 31 team Rom be made using the NHL logo for the additional teams?
  22. Is there some way to transfer the players and their ratings from a genesis Rom to an snes one, as opposed to manually copying it?
  23. Turns out I don't need to remove the header afterall.
  24. Hello. I am considering doing a NHL 20 roster update. I'm wondering if anyone knows how to adjust the roster tool so the overall ability scores are updated when you edit the player's abilities? Is there some way to transfer the player names + stats over from a genesis rom? That'd be the easiest way actually, hah.
  25. If you edit all the teams lineups, including lines (PP/PK as well), player names, and numbers then I'll do all the ratings.
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