Hey Everyone
So this year with the A league being as hot as it is with the world's top players, i am finding myself wanting to watch these games more regularly... while i LOVE the Smoz, Raph and Halifax Thursday Night Specials, they are not ENOUGH
SO. The only way i can selfishly enjoy my evenings with a brew and chips in the times of COVID is to teach YOU slackers how to STREAM.
My experience so far is that, while wired in, i haven't experienced direct lag from running a stream at the same time as playing a game so unless your internet connection sucks (In which case you should upgrade it) you should be fine.
Step 1: Create a TWITCH account:
Choose your username and all of that good stuff and just get your account live. Don't need to configure much on this end right now
Step 2: Download Streamlabs OBS
If you need some help configuring Streamlabs OBS with twitch, go here: https://howto.streamlabs.com/streamlabs-obs-19/getting-started-with-streamlabs-obs-28
Once you download StreamLabs OBS and create your basic settings, you login to your TWITCH account from STREAMLABS. It then does all of the magic and makes the connection:
Step 3: Follow My Instructions Here:
I go through step by step what you will need to stream in this video and how to setup StreamLabs OBS
Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise i look forward to watching your streams!!