I like IceStorm's idea. When it's NA home game, we play with NA rules. When its Euro home game, we play with Euro rules.
This is the only way we can play with Euro rules. NA players hate line changes and offsides and if we vote, NA rules are going to win every time.
There is only one thing. If we play with original NHl94.bin, it doesn't matter if we have line changes or not. In original.bin you can play with one line the whole gane. Therefore I think one format should be playing with bin with accelerated fatigue (and perhaps with weight bug fix), so that line changes would really matter - for example NHL2010.bin. And I know you NA guys hate this, because you don't want to try anything new (except FlamingPavelBure and Tickenest), but come on, even consider this.
Let's say, we play NA home games with original bin and NA rules and Euro home games with NHL2010.bin and Euro rules. Everyone gets what they want, and we can finally play against each other.