Hi guys. Here it is at long last, the video I promised of the SNES final game and celebration. Congrats again to Jamil and of course to Adam Kudelski for a hard fought game. I'd like to think it was the first round game between Adam and myself that helped boost his confidence and propel him into the finals (he beat ME by 6 or 7 goals, can you believe it???).
Follow the link here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j8py2lk80n8y3e2/AAB7dx0vgluHVy6oDtQcyAOua?dl=0
You can stream it and download it if you like, along with a few pictures. I may add some more stuff later on.
Thanks again to everyone who was there and epecially those that organized the event.
As for improvements, 2 Vs. 2 player! Halifax, make it happen buddy! (and about the random teams we have to select )