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So I've begun working on a complete NHL15 conversion of NHL95PC. I just started a few days ago and I hope to have it done by the end of the year. I thought I would post some updates as I progress through the mod. I currently have the graphics about 98% complete for two teams, Anaheim and Boston. *********************************************** Here is the first release. We'll call it version 1.0 Please let me know of any issues you may find. I would like to release at least one more version before the end of the season to fix any bugs that are found. I am not open to changing lines or updating rosters. But if you find a misspelling or a blatantly wrong attribute I would be willing to fix that in a future release. Enjoy ************************************************ ************************************************ Version 1.1 includes the SRLOGO.qfs file and KIBA's rink selection tool. ************************************************ NHL15PC NHL15PC
Does anybody know how to extract player stats from an exhibition game in NHL95 PC? It seems like it should be a simple export feature in the game but I can't find anywhere to even view player stats for the game.
KOHL11 starts on december, last day to apply for league is 14.12.2017 15:00 UTC+3 (Finland). KOHL is GM/coach league, games are simmed by NHL95PC. All games are proacasted by a video stream. If you have interest to join, send email to and I send you further info if you will get "license" to our league Please be sure that you have enough time and effort to coach your team during next 4-8 weeks from 14.12.2017 before you apply. Rules: Team selection: You can find us from Ircnet-channel #KOHL and from Discord: Some goals from season 7:
One thing I wish for the PC version of 95 (aka the OG version) is for a rom hack where one of the teams is full of characters from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise.
I know this is a long shot. But does anybody know how to edit/modify the palette files? These are the files that are usually compressed in the .QFS files and I assume they determine which set of colors are used for the accompanying image. They show up in NHLInfo as !pal and I can extract them using NHLInfo. However I can't get them to open in GIMP and when I view them with a hex editor I can't find any useful information.
I have made a Windows command line tool for the NHL 95 PC version that allows you to increase or decrease all players' or goalies' attributes, hopefully it will be useful for someone else too. For example, I find the pace of the game a bit too slow by default, so I can increase the players' speed attribute by 30 or something. The tool is described in more detail on its GitHub page where you can also download it. The tool can also add a team to the database (by copying the first team's data), which you can use as a starting point if you want to try adding a team to the game. The added team will show up in some menus but trying to use it will crash the game. By debugging the crashes someone could possibly figure out what changes need to be made to really add teams. I tried starting it myself but I haven't done any DOS debugging before and it seemed it would just require too much time to be worth it.
So I've been working on a spreadsheet that randomly creates a pool of players that can be imported into NHL95PC for the NCAA mod I play with. I just completed it and it occurred to me that others may find it useful for creating draft pools for simming seasons beyond one year. The pool is created in a format that can be pasted into the csv file that Kiba's roster extractor/importer creates. There might still be some bugs in it as I haven't tested it too much yet. But it is setup to be modified pretty easy in terms of adding cities/states/countries/provinces/names. I won't go into too much detail unless somebody tries it out and asks specific questions. My ultimate goal is to use the latest tool Kiba wrote to generate player stats based on their ratings so that it can be dumped into NHL95 databases so that simulations are accurate. This would lead to the possibility of an externally run franchise/dynasty mode for NHL95PC. Please don't hold me responsible if the macros destroy your computer. NCAAH95 RECRUIT POOL
Here is a complete conversion of NHL95 PC to NCAA hockey. Please see the readme file for details. Comments are appreciated and welcome. NCCAH14.rar