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  1. With SDL dwindling down we're getting ready for the next SNES league. I am running a Salary Cap league where you put together a team of your choice and stay under the cap. This season we will be using my All-Time Rosters(ATR) rom containing the greatest players from each franchise. How it works is everyone builds their own team using a pricing sheet I have come up with sorted mostly by overall with some adjustments based on player weight. For anyone familiar with my previous Salary Cap leagues- I am removing the rule from previous seasons where a team would need to have a top and bottom player having a difference of no more than $40. However, I've created a new, hopefully, more flexible rule where a single bench player(4F or 3D) needs to be a minimum of $60. I'm also adding a second goalie but with an extra $60 to the cap to bring it to $800. The template below includes the Price List as well as a Team Template tab for you to experiment with two lineups, as well as an example team I created to show you for reference. Download a copy for yourself to create your own lineup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oMhnH2VmJKL-Sil8ZYoORvBXoTDmFCejWV7oGDuflvY/edit?usp=sharing Some things to note: Your lineup will consist of 6F, 4D, and 2G(new this season) using the ATR rosters Your team must be under the cap meaning $800 is the maximum salary your team can have. You don't have to spend the entire $800 if you choose not to. A bench player(4th F OR 3rd D) must be $60 or above(coach's discretion on which). 30 GP - Everyone plays every opponent 6 games each(3 home 3 away). I'm planning on having at least two divisions: A and B but may add C if there are a lot of signups Post your desired team here. First come, first serve on teams. I'm reserving Boston . I'm keeping this to the existing teams in the default 94 template(i.e. not updating Quebec to Colorado or anything like that). I'd be open to utilizing ASE and ASW if someone wanted. I'm not updating jerseys either this season. The team advantages will be the same for all teams just like SDL Penalties on, except offsides Manual goalie No line changes Submit rosters to me through Discord by Sunday night 7/24. I will be updating the ROM as the rosters are being submitted. Please submit your roster and lines using the following format: Line 1: LW-C-RW, LD-RD, G Line 2: LW-C-RW, LD-RD I will not be posting anyone's rosters publicly until all rosters are submitted to me. You will all find out once the ROM is finalized. Let me know if I missed anything or if anyone had additional questions. I will reserve everyone's season 1 teams(minus the actual players) unless you want to drop out, trade with someone else, or pick up a team that hasn't been used yet. Teams available: ANH, BUF, CGY, CHI, FLA, HFD, LA, NJ, NYI, SJ, STL, TB, WSH, WPG Teams: BOS @kidswasted DAL @stewy DET @Straka82 EDM @dcicon5148 MTL @annatar NYR @Mooney OTW @Bob Kudelski PHI @TheWiz84 PIT @dangler QUE @McMarkis TOR @TheProfessor VAN @koke_45 ATR_Salary_Cap.smc
  2. Alright buds it's time I finally run a SNES All-Time Rosters(ATR) league using my ATR ROM. I have attached the ATR ROM to practice with and explore as well as the team rankings and the entire roster list in CSV format. This will be team draft, not a player draft. I will run a player draft in the future. The league signup deadline is 2/6. We will conduct the team draft sometime during that week but won't start the season until at least the SDL playoffs begin. This gives you time between now and the draft to test teams as well as time to practice your drafted team before the season starts. Draft order will be randomized using a draft randomizer website. There will be A, B, and C divisions. If you have a preference please let me know. Otherwise I will place you into the division I think you're suited for. Every team will play each other 6 times(3 home/3 away). A and B divisions will play a 42-game season. C division has 9 teams with a 48-game season. The team advantages will be the same for all teams just like SDL and Salary Cap. Penalties on, except offsides Manual goalie No line changes Top 4 in each division will make the playoffs with a Bo7 for each series Playoff tie-breakers: Games played, head-to-head record, overall goal differential, overall GAA, overall Save % All-Time Greatest Rosters Team Ranking - Sheet1.pdf All-Time Rosters Game-Ver4.2.smc ATRv4 Default Rosters.csv
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