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Found 6 results

  1. This is a list of all Genesis roms (non-hockey) that are found all over the forums. Links to the original source have been added to give credit to the creator/authors. This will allow you to see the changes as well as the content included. If I missed something to be added, please reply below and I’ll update this list. Football NFL Primetime 2021-22 created by UltraMagnus Tecmo Super Bowl III '21 created by UltraMagnus Tecmo Super Bowl III '20 created by UltraMagnus Madden 2017 ('93) created by Goldglv Madden 2016 ('93) created by slapshot67 NCAA 2011 (TSB3) created by Drunken_1 NFL '09 ('98) created by SabreDance Baseball Triple Play Baseball Gold '21 created by UltraMagnus Triple Play Baseball Gold '20 created by UltraMagnus World Series Baseball '20 created by UltraMagnus Basketball NBA Live '21 (98) created by UltraMagnus NBA Live '21 HWC (96) created by kdubmods NBA Live '20 (98) created by UltraMagnus Soccer FIFA Soccer 2020 ('95) created by TA_Marcos_Translations IN PROGRESS ROMS FIBA '19 (Nba Live '97) modding by TA_Marcos_Translations NBA Jam TE by Ultramagnus World Series Baseball '21 by Ultramagnus NCAA WSB '21 by Ultramagnus Madden '21 by Ultramagnus Editors John Madden Football Editor created by Goldglv TecmoSuperBowl Editor 2000 created by Flash EmuWare Presentation
  2. Hello Fellow NHL95ers!!! I'm making this post for anyone who has been inspired by all the hard work from the members across this site have done. This is my little way of giving back to help someone else along the way. A huge thanks to @kingraph @smozoma @wboy @Jkline3 @Asher413 @slapshot67 and many others, who I've missed - I apologize in advance. I've included in the zip file with a step-by-step word document, and the programs I've used to create my material. Most of the material has been shared before from @kingraph mapping list of NHL95, @smozoma Ditherer program, @wboy NOSE program, and @Asher413 knowledge of schedules. Everything I think can help you along your own way of creating something new. NHL95 Step-by-Step.zip
  3. Hey all, just doing the usual stuff working on my Dream League ROM, and I'm making a team of NHL94.com members. I have just about everyone from the leaderboards put into the game but I still need 10-15 more players. If you want to be on the roster, just give me some info and stats for your player and I'll put you in there. Thanks guys! Here are some pics of the N94 team so far. (Don't mind the ice logo, haven't put it in yet.)
  4. Hey all, I've been doing lots of behind the scenes work on my Dream League ROM, and while I was doing that I finally found a way to run NOSE on a Mac!! First, you're going to have to download NOSE from the link here. https://forum.nhl94.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=4289 Next, download the library files that are required for NOSE here. https://forum.nhl94.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=5245 Extract both of these packages to your desktop. Now, since you're on a Mac, trying to run .exe files is pointless. This is where WineBottler comes in. Head to https://winebottler.kronenberg.org/ and click the second button (the stable build) to install it. This is 100% safe and will not harm your computer. You should now have the WineBottler Combo .dmg file. Open it up and drag Wine and WineBottler to your Applications folder. Here's where the magic happens... Right click the libraryfiles.exe file and scroll to open with, then click Wine. You should see a dialog box. Check the box that says "run directly in ____" and hit Go. Once the installer opens up, click through it. It will tell you it is installing to windows\system32, which is perfect. It is installing these files into an emulated windows system that Wine uses to run .exe files. You're basically done! All that's left to do is right click NOSE.exe and navigate to Open With -> Wine. NOSE should start up just as it would on Windows!! Happy editing!
  5. I was using NOSE to look up some player attributes in the classic NHL 94 rom for Gens and had a couple questions about several attributes. Could someone please define the following or how it benefits/hinders a player to have a higher rating in that category? 1. H/F 2. Agility 3. Aggression 4. Checking (is this the ability to B-check effectively?) 5. Stick left/right (why is this stat important to non-goalies?) I tried looking around the forums for answers as I'm sure they're out there but I couldn't find them. If you could share any info you have, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  6. I was very excited to receive my new laptop for my birthday, and was set on making a rom for the hockey league I play in. I downloaded the snes editor but it said that it wasn't working. It says component "TABCTL32.OCX" or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing, or invalid. It also said runtime error "339". Help me please!
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