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  1. This is a list of all Genesis roms (non-hockey) that are found all over the forums. Links to the original source have been added to give credit to the creator/authors. This will allow you to see the changes as well as the content included. If I missed something to be added, please reply below and I’ll update this list. Football NFL Primetime 2021-22 created by UltraMagnus Tecmo Super Bowl III '21 created by UltraMagnus Tecmo Super Bowl III '20 created by UltraMagnus Madden 2017 ('93) created by Goldglv Madden 2016 ('93) created by slapshot67 NCAA 2011 (TSB3) created by Drunken_1 NFL '09 ('98) created by SabreDance Baseball Triple Play Baseball Gold '21 created by UltraMagnus Triple Play Baseball Gold '20 created by UltraMagnus World Series Baseball '20 created by UltraMagnus Basketball NBA Live '21 (98) created by UltraMagnus NBA Live '21 HWC (96) created by kdubmods NBA Live '20 (98) created by UltraMagnus Soccer FIFA Soccer 2020 ('95) created by TA_Marcos_Translations IN PROGRESS ROMS FIBA '19 (Nba Live '97) modding by TA_Marcos_Translations NBA Jam TE by Ultramagnus World Series Baseball '21 by Ultramagnus NCAA WSB '21 by Ultramagnus Madden '21 by Ultramagnus Editors John Madden Football Editor created by Goldglv TecmoSuperBowl Editor 2000 created by Flash EmuWare Presentation
  2. Hello Fellow Members!!! Im creating this post as Ive offically cracked the vast majoirty of SEGA sport roms as well as some other systems. Im looking to create some new material for the following sport games. Madden 91, 92, 93 and 98 -- Rosters, Teams, some grpahics -- SEGA NHL95 -- Everything -- SEGA Tecmo Super Bowl 1, 2, 3 -- Rosters, Banners, Grpahics, Teams -- SEGA World Series Baseball -- Logos, Stats, players, teams -- SEGA Triple Play Baseball -- Rosters, Stats -- SEGA FIFA Soccer -- Rosters, Logos, Teams -- SEGA College Football National Championship -- Teams, Info, Logos -- SEGA NBA Jam TE - Logos, Rosters, Ratings -- SEGA NFL Blitz -- Graphics, Logos, Teams, Players -- N64 Others if requested. Ive already begun some preliminary talks with @segathon to create a custom rom for their tournaments. So, if you have anything your looking for please message me and we can go from there.
  3. NHL '23 (95) is in production. A lot of changes are going into this version of the rom MOD. There has been alot of background adjusting and playing with things to see how the appearance can improve. Well, with some others in the communities help @DeterminedApathy with his amazing portraits mod. Ill be putting out updates as the season approaches. But already almost done. Just needing to finalize the rosters with the new rating system Ive created with guidance and assistance (HUGE SHOUT OUT to @Sauce) Things that will be included: NHL23 actually team schedules for 26 teams (other 6 will be replaced with in-season teams) New Player portraits. Updated rosters and ratings. 2023 NHL prospects including Conor Bedard, Matvei Michkov, Adam Fantilli, and more. Some Easter eggs as well. Here is a small sneak peak.
  4. Hello Blitz Fans!!! Pleased to introduce NFL Blitz 2K21 for the N64. New updated rosters as of WildCard weekend - January 9th, 2021 through Ourlads. Addition of the Houston Texans. Updated Screens and Ratings. Plus, DIY file below to create your own Blitzmania (All required programs included, plus a Step-by-Step user guide) NFL Blitz 2K21.z64 NFL BLITZ Step-by-Step.docx Blitz Modding.zip
  5. NFL Primetime is coming back... With updated rosters effective as June 28, 2021 and depth charts adjusted as well via (2021 NFL Depth Charts and Rosters | Ourlads.com) Baltimore Ravens and Tennessee Titans are in the game as well, but as extras (no players, except in FA) Money Players are all added and player stats have been updated to reflect the 2020-21 season. Playing the game, you will have to download and copy the .srm file into your Genesis folder as it will have the depth charts adjusted. Big Thanks to @kdubmods for his box art. And to @jrollingfor his soundtrack. This really hits the Primetime feeling Let me know if there is anything you would like to be updated. Deion Sanders - Prime Time Football '96 (Sega Sports) 1995 tv commercial.mp4 Primetime v1.srm Primetime v1.bin
  6. Welcome to the Tecmo Super Bowl 3 - 2021 I've updated the rosters referring to the Lindy's Sports Pro Football rosters 2021. I will be using the lineups.com/nfl/rosters to obtain the accurate player ratings (-20 rating from that site) New in 2021 rom: All top rookies from draft class - Trevor Lawrence, Kyle Pitts, Kwity Paye, Najee Harris, Trey Lance, DaVonta Smith, Patrick Surtain II, Micah Parsons, and many more. Rosters accurate as of July 3, 2021. Houston Texans replaced the Houston Oilers. There is no Baltimore Ravens or Tennessee Titans top players are in the TRADE Season Mode as free agents (Lamar Jackson, Derrick Henry, Marlon Humphrey, etc). Looking for assistance on editing the graphics to some degree (Mini helmets, Logos and End-zones) Any updates you would like to see, please let me know. Tecmo Super Bowl 3 '21(1).bin
  7. Hello All, I've decided to create this feed for the NFL Primetime football games from Sega Sports. This will allow everyone to follow the progress of the game as I update new features and players. Highlighted in BOLD BLUE is completed teams. Also, all the players (over 2200 players to update) will have their ratings, names, NFL Experience, colleges and 2020 player stats. Remaining Roster Positions: Los Angeles Chargers -- LB, DB Los Angeles Rams -- DL, DB COMPLETED TEAMS: Arizona Cardinals Atlanta Falcons Baltimore Ravens (Top Players Only - Free Agents) Buffalo Bills Carolina Panthers Chicago Bear Cincinnati Bengals Cleveland Browns Dallas Cowboys Denver Broncos Detroit Lions Green Bay Packers Houston Texans Indianapolis Colts Jacksonville Jaguars Kansas City Chiefs Las Vegas Raiders Miami Dolphins Minnesota Vikings New England Patriots New Orleans Saints New York Giants New York Jets Philadelphia Eagles Pittsburgh Steelers San Francisco 49ers Seattle Seahawks Tampa Bay Buccaneers Tennessee Titans (Top Players Only - Free Agents + Julio Jones) Washington Football Team ROOKIES
  8. Hey Everyone. Ive been discussing with a few of the users on the site, specifically @SirPurr3 regarding updated TSB3 for Genesis. Since, there isnt an editor for SEGA, I've found a loop whole to edit the rosters through the NES/SNES editor. To do so, Ive created this step by step editing process to allow you do so yourself. What you'll need: Tecmo Super Bowl Manager 2000. (Attached below) A Version of TSB 3 for the genesis. (Attached below) HxD editor to make some the team name changes. (Attached below) 1. Download the 2 items, and extract the TSB3 editor and open it. Best case is to copy file first and rename it something else to keep the original file in tact. You will see why later. 2. Go to FILE and select IMPORT DATA and select your TSB3 rom. 3. At this stage it appears nothing has happened. But if you click on, EDIT, you will have the ability to DEFINE TEAMS/PLAYERS and GENERAL INFORMATION. 4. Next, select DEFINE TEAMS, and a pop window will open and select the drop down to find the team you are looking for. Lets say Oakland Raiders and select them. 5. At this point you can edit the city name, abbreviations, schedule name, and team name. Ive changed it to the LAS VEGAS RAIDERS and click APPLY. The name above will change to the new name. As you can see it has changed and than make all the changes you want and click APPLY for each team you change. Then, when finished with the team names, click OK. 6. Next step, is to change some player names. Go to EDIT, and DEFINE PLAYERS. There will be a window that pops open and your will see the ARIZONA CARDINALS QBs. Go to the team(s) you want to change players on and following these steps. Will go to the RAIDERS. You'll see the team name is now LAS VEGAS. Update the names you want to see in the game. To prevent overlapping of the screen to wrap the names, which messes the screen up. Keep the play names to 16 characters (ie. Trayveon Williams would be the max letters. So, abbreviations should be used or initials where possible.) I choose DEREK CARR for this test. To change their profile pic select the button DETAILS. IMPORTANT to select the skin color and image you want and press OK. Click back on details if your unsure if you selected the right image. Once, you've completed all the players you wanted to edit. Select OK in the bottom right. 7. MOST IMPORTANT STEP - Once your ready to save, please follow these steps to ensure everything sticks. Click FILE, and than EXPORT DATA Find the file you would like to apply the changes to (This to make sure you keep the original in tact). Ill use the original for this. Select SAVE. Once, you click it a window will pop-up and this is important. Select AUTO, which will fill the team names, regardless if you made changes or not. Then, press NEXT. Do this for each division. This step is basically taking all your changes and applying them to the teams and players. It is important to make sure you do this everytime you make changes to the rom. Once you finished all the teams to be added, click finished. 8. At this point, go to your emulator and test the game. You will see your changes applied as below with the team names and player update. 9. Some to spots where the team name hasn't changed, go into the HxD editor to make those changes to show in the game throughout. At this point you should be set to get TSB3 experience in 2020! Ive also attached the 2020-21 Season rom below that Ive completed with all the changes and teams, if interested. Also, Ill be doing an update of the graphics and logos, where possible. tsbm2k-w-71update.rar Tecmo Super Bowl 3 Final Edition (U).bin HxD.rar Tecmo Super Bowl 3 '20.bin
  9. Hello All, I'm doing something that might have been attempted or not. But thought the conversation may need to be asked. What are your thoughts of merging NHL94 and NHL95? Using the players from 94 in 95? Using end of period/penalties screen from 94 into 95?
  10. NFL Blitz Enthusiasts!!! Im happy to introduce NFL Blitz 2020 - Preseason edition. Im aware that this isnt an SNES game, but falls under the Nintendo umbrella. Rosters updated as of today (August 13,2020). Team Ratings updated as of today (August 13,2020). If there is anything you would like to see in the game, please let me know and enjoy!!! NFL Blitz 2020-PS.z64
  11. Fellow NHL95 enthusiasts. Im reaching out for some help on current as well as future roms. Im always pumped to do all the graphically editing and adjustments. But always being slowed to a turtles pace on editing the rosters (or atleast updating new roms with their appropriate players). Is there anyone who would like to team-up moving forward to assist with this. It would be a huge help and much appreciated. PM please if interested.
  12. Does anyone have any SNES roms with updated rosters for the 2017-2018 season? If not, what about for the 2016-2017 season? I've just seen custom Genesis roms out there so far. Thanks.
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