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NHL 94 O'Connor Cup


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When you're 2-28-1 lifetime online (.080 winning percentage!) you start to forget what winning against a real human being feels like. And when even the C/D division of a league is hanging you out to dry nightly (1-21-1 avec les Nords) you start to wonder "how the hell will i ever pick up some wins?"

Now, this is just my story, however I'm sure there are similar ones out there. My solution? A noob tourney!

Dubbed after Myles O'Connor, the worst rated player in the game, this tourney will showcase the not-so-best and brightest of the bunch. It'll be a GENS tourney (if you suck and play SNES, you have rightfully earned my full condolences) with the original rom, format depending on how many players join (most likely a single-elimination bracket). To join you must either 1) be an "experienced" player who has noticed a lack of skills or 2) be a relatively new member of the community who hasn't found their footing. I WILL background check, and any player with past triumphs will be banished.

Post the team you want here, along with AIM.

EDIT: here are yon brackies:

EDITED EDIT: brackies moved to score report threads

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I'm a noob on SNES, so count me in on this one

AIM: Iceguy94

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It'll be a GENS tourney (if you suck and play SNES, you have rightfully earned my full condolences)

considering the first two entrants are snes-ers, that's probably gonna change...

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current competitors:

O'Connor Cup (GENS): TubaHero: QUE (aim: meatskid1), MrSoul: (xmrsoulx), wittgenstein (philiveyismyhero), willsxx94: BOS (willsxx94), Bob Kudelski (BobKudelski26), The Four Seven: HAR (riotsword), Junior: DAL (jrd@lawyer.com), Mike Gartner is the best: NYR (greatonegsh), sarcdoc23: CAL (sarcdoc23), dwink1217: PIT (dwink1217), mutoridze (mutoridze), jahopin: TOR (diamonddictator), the internet: SJ (rien n est foutu), runningchief: EDM (therunningchief), nationals1: WIN (chris1knights@hotmail.com)

Smyth Cup (SNES): dakattack04 (cajunman009), RedWingDevil: PIT (iceguy94), MrSoul (xmrsoulx), IQ25: WIN (iq25boogiers), Kebert Xela: NJ (p1calledChuckles), sarcdoc23: CAL (sarcdoc23), dwink1217: DET (dwink1217), the internet: SJ (rien n est foutu), runningchief: TOR (therunningchief), Junior: ANA (jrd@lawyer.com), ibttw23: QUE (hoopsrgreat23)

want at least 8 in each division...once again, RECRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUIT!!!

and if there is a team you specifically want, post 'er...or else i'm drawing from Trevor Cann's mask (isn't useful for much else...)

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god, i'm jacked for this...i've pm'd a few new forumers, but none have really responded...so would anyone be totally crushed if the deadline was sooner, and we just played with these folks?

and ps: please, for the love of god, post what team you want

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I get the Penguins. AIM ICeguy94.

TubaHero, you should check in with the newbs coming to the boards.

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I get the Penguins. AIM ICeguy94.

TubaHero, you should check in with the newbs coming to the boards.

yeah, i've sent a few out to some of 'em...but i think i'm just gonna do one huge-ass on now to a crudload of new guys. plus, i'll be on full ninja stalker mode tonight, so if any new kids join the forums, they'll be pm'd before they even know what hit 'em.

Also, forget what i said last post...no way we're doing a tourney with only 9 people...that doesn't even make a respectable grade 3 clique, let alone a tourney.

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Hey, I just joined last night(well, if you want to get technical, early this morning) after reading about all of the great hacks for '94 and the others, I come back today and see an invitation to play, so why not?

I have GENS, so put me in for a spot in there. I haven't played online with it but I'm sure it won't be much of a problem for me to figure out. I call dibs on Hartford.

AIM: Riotsword

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Thanks for the invite. Let my self-immolation begin. I am in for a GENS spot. Dallas please.

Anytime during after 6:pm Pacific time is good with me. Sunday night works. Weeknights work next week except for Weds. and Thurs. Next weekend is wide open day and night.

BTW, is it lines on or off? Offsides on I presume?

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I'd love to be on board, but I would need to know how the scheduling works.

no real schedules...i'll just put up a bracket (seedings will be random) and you and your opponent work out when you play...though it's always best to post availability so people know when to expect you.

BTW, is it lines on or off? Offsides on I presume?

i figured we'd go with the classic league rules...5 minute periods, line changes off, penalties on with no offsides.

also, Junior, quoi est ton AIM? ("what is your AIM?" for the uninformed...)

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I'll join with San Jose. Not sure if I'll use GENS or SNES because I don't have either on this computer, nor do I have any experience with them online.

aim: rien n est foutu

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My solution? A noob tourney!

Good idea.

Since my Super NES online experience is at zero i`ll join this.

Post the team you want here, along with AIM.

Also a good idea.

I`ll take Winnipeg.

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from that i assume you're choosing to snes it up...


SNES: dakattack04 (cajunman009), RedWingDevil: PIT (iceguy94), MrSoul (xmrsoulx), TubaHero: QUE (meatskid1), IQ25: WIN (iq25boogiers)

This might take a while to fill . . .

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This might take a while to fill . . .

lol...and the fact that our snes competitors are made up of 2 gens crossovers, 2 guys in both tourneys and a guy who hasn't been logged onto the forum or aim since he signed up isn't exactly promising...but i guess we should all just take journey's advice...


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I am a noob of noobs, so this seems like a great place to start (i hope).

I will take the New Jersey Devils if and when this all goes down.

My aim is p1calledChuckles (i'm not usually on that much, but now that i have a reason i should be)

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Il y a un poisson dans mon pantalon.

"There is a fish in my pants." lol

lol...and the fact that our snes competitors are made up of 2 gens crossovers, 2 guys in both tourneys and a guy who hasn't been logged onto the forum or aim since he signed up isn't exactly promising...but i guess we should all just take journey's advice...

We might as well hope for the best . . . or we could clone ourselves.

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Yes I would love to play in this tournament. I'd prefer GEN. but ill play whatever. I'll take any team, but NY Rangers would be my first choice. Just let me know when it starts and thanks for the invite.

you got an aim on ya?

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