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Season 2 Coaches & Team Selection


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- Registration

- League Settings (will be revised for the draft soon)

- NHL'91 rom to familiarize new coaches with players and teams.. Draft rom will be here on the forum.

- Playoff bracket - Finals recap and videos: season 1 summary

This season will have a draft. The conventional 6 forwards, 4 defenseman, and 2 goalies deal. A randomizer will determine the order in which coaches select the team of their choice just like last season..

The same process will be used to determine the draft hierarchy.

The regular season will again be brief, probably in the range of 30 - 40 games. I'll leave this up to the coaches, probably with a poll after team selection is completed.

I'm considering letting players from the Russian National teams '91 super series into the draft pool to sweeten the pot.. Which would bolster an already very deep talent pool exponentially.

However, no Soviet teams would be available, just the players.

No line changes this season. Primary reason being a draft would take too long, and I know some of last seasons coaches weren't enamored with line changes.

Once the returning coaches are seated I will fill vacancies with registrants in order of date, starting with anyone who signed up while the first campaign was in session.

Have about 50 new registrants to sift through and contact. Most of them I've never seen post here.. I'm guessing they signed up after being redirected from other sites to watch the game 6 movie. Who knows.

Any new coaches who have limited experience will have to play some test games with established members before taking their seat.

Returning coaches don't have to bother with registration, just sign here if you want to compete in season 2.

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Oops! I already sent the registration form! That's what I get for not reading the whole thing! Well, anyway, I'm taking first spot here. Teams I'm aiming for are the Oilers, Kings and Canadiens. If not, 2nd options will be Red Wings, North Stars and Blues.

I didn't really mind the line changes schtick, but I would think that 7-minute periods would have made them a bit more bearable. Of course, some guys will start to complain that 7 minutes will be too much, so I can't really say about that.

It'll be interesting to see the Russian teams in there. Even if they'll be visitors, players that get them will have a nice tour in the league. I would also like a 40-game season.

You'll take care of the form I just sent, won't you, Jesus? About goshdarn time too!

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in registered on website but bad team selection

i want montreal, please

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Coaches are seated and registration is closed. All signups hereafter will function as reserves in the event of a replacement.

This season welcomes 9 new coaches into the league: Angryjay93, Beavers33, Carse, Diccon5148, Kupuck19, Mav, Sebe, Tubahero, and Zalex.

Here is the order of team selection courtesy of Randomizer. I'd like to emphasize that this is not the order of the draft.

1. Tubahero - Quebec

2. Smozoma - Toronto

3. Camkneely

4. Angryjay93

5. Boknowsnhl94

6. Freydey

7. Donnybrook

8. Zalex

9. Mav

10. Habs

11. Wags13

12. Hokkeefan

13. Sebe

14. Iceguy94

15. Carse

16. Beavers33

17. Houlanov

18. Xdeathsbloodx

19. Clockwise

20. Kupuck19

21. Diccon5148

The podium is Tubahero's.

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f**k you

cause this guy couldnt stay retired i pick detroit


Edited by Freydey
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