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Playing edited rom on GDSF3


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Hey, I was looking to get a game doctor SF3 or 7 or whatever, and was wondering if an edited rom of the game is able to be booted on a game doctor for the snes?

Also, I've seen some updated roms, with updates teams, jerseys, and rosters, but when I attempt to edit the roms, everything's all wacky!

Is there any way to edit someone elses edited rom?


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Might need to be a bit more specific than "everything's all wacky" ;)

Does Statto's editor work?

Don't know what a game doctor is. I imagine as long as the checksum is correct it would work, but I don't think the checksum on edited ROMs is usually correct (since emulators don't care about it). But it might not care, either.

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