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Intro message - GENS to SNES

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you guys should just admit that you each hold the controller like an epileptic retard trying to get the last drop of lubricant out of my mother's goo tube.

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  • 3 months later...

Interesting write up. When I was a kid and played Genesis all the time, I went to my cousin'e house to play SNES NHL 94. At that time, none of my friends had SNES. It was just determined that Genesis was better. When I played SNES NHL 94 at my cousin's house, it just did not feel right. I did not play enough to know why. I like the list though, it may have just been all the subtle things (like the sounds) that just turned me off.

Just played NHL 94 on the SNES for the first time in 20 years. I did notice that the passing was infinitely better than on the GENS. If there was a lane, then the pass made it to where it was supposed to go. In NHL 94, someone commented on the randomness (artistic-ness, I think it was called) of the passing. I find that when I try the one timer pass with a legit playmaker (a least in NHL 97, which I mostly play) such as Peter Forsberg, then I am golden. However, trying to set up one timers with a Claude Lemieux is a whole other story, and a bit of an adventure. That is just the GENS experience though, with attribute steroidedness, which I always enjoyed. Realism? BAH! Overrated!! haha

Edited by Cosmic
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Just played a game on SNES, with awareness of:

1) Weight bug (I never could figure out why Super Mario and Jagr were such Mary's on GENS; so I played with them on SNES, and they play like they are supposed to play)

2) the quick get up button

3) The quick goalie take button

And wow, I can't believe that I like SNES better. Not to mention the passing and passing lanes seem a lot more open and crisp. In GENS, it seemed like everyone bunches up too much and just clogs things up.

Anyway, shout out to trudatman and his INCESSANT ranting about how SNES is better. If no one were to have articulated these nuances, then I would not have noticed them (nor set my controller with awareness of these factors). I wish I would have known all this when I was in High School (my senior year was '94).

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Honestly, I think the only thing better in the Genesis version is the Goalie movement. In SNES, the goalie movement is just clunky to me, where in Genesis it is much smoother.

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....shout out to trudatman and his INCESSANT ranting about how SNES is better. If no one were to have articulated these nuances, then I would not have noticed them (nor set my controller with awareness of these factors)....

oh, no. now you'll be shunned forever.
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