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Hey guys, I need to be at 36 games by the end of the night, and I believe Rage you have to as well. I will hopefully be online a good amount of time tonight to play so I can avoid a penalty. Thanks guys!!


Hey OB, not sure I can play tonight as I hurt hurt my hand and it's very swollen, but I should be good to go later in the week and I'm assuming this will be enough for you to avoid the draft penalty!


I won't be around till this weekend to play, away this week for work. I believe 36 GP is not a penalty checkpoint.

Date    GP
Aug 13   6
Aug 20  20
Aug 27  28
Sep  3  32 *
Sep 10  36
Sep 17  40 *
Oct  1  44 **


Oh thanks for showing that dude, I thought there was a penalty. But smoz if you read this I will have 40 games by the 17th, guaranteed, even if I do not have 36 by the end of the night.

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