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He defeated Jasontaylor in 6 games. Scores to posted soon. Thanks buds!

Chaos said registration for fall league will start as soon as possible with in the next 2 months.



Fall'12 - kingraph takes over Hartford in SNES C, loses to TheLegend86 in the playoffs, TheLegend86 goes on to win SNES C.

Spring'13 - kingraph takes over Montreal in SNES B-1, loses to annatar in the playoffs, annatar goes on to win SNES B!

With solid data like this, it's pretty obvious that the formula to win SNES Classic is to play ME in the playoffs after I replace someone. No other skills required.


I'm joking of course...congrats to annatar, dude played amazing! Hope to see you in SNES A next classic!


Congrats to Annatar and the rest of the guys in the league. I think some of them are going to wreak havoc when they play in A.


6-Game Series makes it sound closer than it was, Annatar was the clear winner. Great play, and even better attitude and sportsmanship. It sucks to lose in a final, but it helps losing to a guy who can laugh at his own mistakes and compliments you on good plays. However, I still maintain that Steve Duchesne was secretly a disguised Scott Stevens, and that Valeri Kamensky needs to report for immediate P.E.D. testing.

Fun series, great playoffs. Looking forward to my sophmore Classic season in the fall.


Thanks everyone! It's been an amazing season. The intensity of playoff games made me wonder why I wasn't doing this years ago. Better late than never.

Congrats to everyone in SNES for getting their games in and being so much fun to play against, especially kingraph, Northway and jasontaylor who all made me sweat in the postseason. Kudos to everyone who was around for exhibs too (especially Northway and Oilers who forced me to improve).

Fall Classic can't get here soon enough!

By the way, Kamensky is insulted and suggests instead that maybe jasontaylor should have made sure Oates wasn't out partying before every game.

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