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Who here thinks wrap arounds are a good way to score here?

I sure don't. That is basically the major flaw of NHL94(Peace be upon him).

Whoever does this either doesn't know any better or just plain sucks.

Back in highschool we had a friend named James Kim. This was his way to score. He wasn't very good at this.

This move will, for ever-after, be referred to as a James-uh Kim-uh. As it has been for over ten years by Jeff and myself.

This game should be about skill. Not Cheapness.

The next thing people will say is Martin Gelinas' attempt off his foot into Tampa Bay's net in the finals should have won Calgary the cup.

See the lesson of History: Joel Otto, first round 1989 playoffs. Calgary Vs. Vancouver.

Don't be cheap guys.


Who here thinks wrap arounds are a good way to score here?

I sure don't. That is basically the major flaw of NHL94(Peace be upon him).

Whoever does this either doesn't know any better or just plain sucks.

Back in highschool we had a friend named James Kim. This was his way to score. He wasn't very good at this.

This move will, for ever-after, be referred to as a James-uh Kim-uh. As it has been for over ten years by Jeff and myself.

This game should be about skill. Not Cheapness.

The next thing people will say is Martin Gelinas' attempt off his foot into Tampa Bay's net in the finals should have won Calgary the cup.

See the lesson of History: Joel Otto, first round 1989 playoffs. Calgary Vs. Vancouver.

Don't be cheap guys.


Never learned them, don't feel I need them.


I thought the wrap-around flaw was in NHL 93?

In 94 (genesis), the cheap way to score is to skate straight across the net, just in front of the goalie -- the goalie goes down when you're about half-way across, then you can just lob it in the far side. Very very annoying and hard to counter if the guy is using someone like Roenick or Yzerman.

Players who keep trying to set up the skate-across goal are sooooooo annoying to play against. Every rush is the same with them. I prefer a more wide-open game.. one-timers, dekes, good passing... Not just rushing into the corner, turning 90 degrees, and trying to skate across the front of the net with your toughest guy. When I get scored on, i'd rather it be because my opponent outplayed me, not because my guys just couldn't knock down his guy (Roenick, Yzerman..) doing a skate-across.

Never learned them, don't feel I need them.

No offense Tick, but I think you are the master of the "skate-across" goal. One of the 1st moves I learned from someone playing online was from you.

1. Start the skate-across

2. The opponent, 9 times out of 10, takes goalie control and moves over to the far side

3. Simply flip it short side.

You've scored a ton like that on me and another online player. We even refer to it as "The Tick Goal."

Cheap or not Cheap? I don't know. I really don't use that goal much, but I definately think twice when taking goalie control in that situation now.


"Cheap" is complaining about a shot that is very simple to stop with manual goalie.


Calling the skate-across goal "cheap" is an excuse for poor defense. You should have your defensemen positioned so that someone cannot score on you like that.

And... if you are good with manual goalie, you will be able to stop this scoring chance as well. I don't believe there are any cheap goals in NHL94.

"Cheap" is complaining about a shot that is very simple to stop with manual goalie.
No offense Tick, but I think you are the master of the "skate-across" goal. One of the 1st moves I learned from someone playing online was from you.

1. Start the skate-across

2. The opponent, 9 times out of 10, takes goalie control and moves over to the far side

3. Simply flip it short side.

You've scored a ton like that on me and another online player. We even refer to it as "The Tick Goal."

Cheap or not Cheap? I don't know. I really don't use that goal much, but I definately think twice when taking goalie control in that situation now.

None taken, believe me. I consider the technique part of the cat-and-mouse game of manual goaltender vs. skater. But wouldn't it be more correct to call me the master of the "fake-skate-across" goal?


The "skate across" goal isn't hard to stop, just use manual goalie and when your opponents skates across, just knock them down with your goalie. It is a very good way to score, but it is very stoppable.

The "skate across" goal isn't hard to stop, just use manual goalie and when your opponents skates across, just knock them down with your goalie. It is a very good way to score, but it is very stoppable.

And if they're too far from the net to hit them with the keeper?

In 94 (genesis), the cheap way to score is to skate straight across the net, just in front of the goalie -- the goalie goes down when you're about half-way across, then you can just lob it in the far side. Very very annoying and hard to counter if the guy is using someone like Roenick or Yzerman.

Yes, this is the very cheap move I'm referring to. B)

James-uh Kim-uh!

You should have your defensemen positioned so that someone cannot score on you like that.

Oh I do. But if the guy is Roenick, Gilmour, Fleury, Yzerman, etc? Sometimes I'll use the A button on them, since it doens't usually result in a penalty.. but at the same time, using the A button is essentially a penalty in spirit, so it's a cheap counter. The B button can knock them down, too, but it's also a penalty (tripping.. or roughing of the nads) in spirit.

Overall, I just think it's a move that makes for a boring game. Yes, you can counter it by clogging the slot or using goalie control, but it's still cheap. The game turns into a trapfest, as you have to get back and clog clog clog! It's dull and I don't enjoy playing those guys. I lost like 20-30 games straight to Backhandfloater and tk11 but kept playing because they each play a fun, fast game.

I prefer a more wide-open game.. one-timers, dekes, good passing...

Haha.. good passing.. what the heck was I talking about.. my passing is typically 45% (though i went 2/21 (9%) over 2 periods recently with Detroit). I make a lot of risky passes. But that's fun. I put a pass through FOUR players a couple days ago -- it ticked off one guy's stick and bounced through the crowd over to a streaking Curtis Leschyshyn who slapped a one-timer in out of midair to win the game.. hilarious goal. But I was on the last save slot so couldn't save the replay B)


The A button is a big part of the game. I heavily disagree that it is a "spirit" penalty, and I'd like to hear what everyone else thinks about using the A button on defense.

Oh I do. But if the guy is Roenick, Gilmour, Fleury, Yzerman, etc? Sometimes I'll use the A button on them, since it doens't usually result in a penalty.. but at the same time, using the A button is essentially a penalty in spirit, so it's a cheap counter. The B button can knock them down, too, but it's also a penalty (tripping.. or roughing of the nads) in spirit.

Overall, I just think it's a move that makes for a boring game. Yes, you can counter it by clogging the slot or using goalie control, but it's still cheap. The game turns into a trapfest, as you have to get back and clog clog clog! It's dull and I don't enjoy playing those guys. I lost like 20-30 games straight to Backhandfloater and tk11 but kept playing because they each play a fun, fast game.

Haha.. good passing.. what the heck was I talking about.. my passing is typically 45% (though i went 2/21 (9%) over 2 periods recently with Detroit). I make a lot of risky passes. But that's fun. I put a pass through FOUR players a couple days ago -- it ticked off one guy's stick and bounced through the crowd over to a streaking Curtis Leschyshyn who slapped a one-timer in out of midair to win the game.. hilarious goal. But I was on the last save slot so couldn't save the replay B)


hahah when i do a wrap around it goes soo wide like a real wrap around is being super tight to the net but in 94 you pretty much do a huge circle and your quite distant from the net

but the cheap goal you people speak of where the player goes 90 degrees to beat the goalie

we call that the Cut

its so cheap but its the only way i can score but manual goalie makes it very easy to stop people from doing that

I'd love to know how to stop the pass shoot score method it's quite solid

The A button is a big part of the game. I heavily disagree that it is a "spirit" penalty, and I'd like to hear what everyone else thinks about using the A button on defense.

Agreed. I can't believe people actually are opposed to it philosophically. I hate it when it's used on me, but I don't complain, because that'd be like complaining that a guy tripped me with the B button or slammed me with the C button.


how can you be opposed to the wrap-around? its the easiet way to score on the computer, but the easiest shot to stop with good defense and a manual goalie

Guest BSDaemon
Yes, this is the very cheap move I'm referring to. :lol:

James-uh Kim-uh!

lol... its not a cheap move. just stop it with your goalie... problem solved.


One techinque I try to use going across the crease: wait to see if the player switches to manual goalie, if he does I'll try to send it back to my centerman for the one timer. If he doesn't, I'll administer the cross crease cheese.


Hey Case at the 55 sec. mark of smozoma video he scores a James-uh Kim-uh goal.

Loop in the corner and then go from one side of the crease to the other.The skate across goal.

I'd be the goalie and stack the pads and rob his ass.

In league play cross creases it's all good but in exibition play let's try and make some nice passing plays.


Hey Case at the 55 sec. mark of smozoma video he scores a James-uh kim-uh goal.So cheap.

Loop in the corner and then go from one side of the crease to the other.The skate across goal.

I'd be the golie and stack the pads and rob his ass.

Hey, that play took some hustle :D not some boring set play. What I object to with the skate-across is that some guys try to set it up play after play and barge through your defense with their most Roenick-esque player. How is that fun? It's repetitive and frustrating. It's the NHL94 equivalent of playing the trap.

What I actually liked about that goal was the stick handling near the red line. And that 4 opponent guys are all chasing him frantically, mwaha.

If the skate across presents itself to you, then take it (if there's an open net, you'd shoot, right?). If you try to manufacture the skate across.. zzzzzzzz




What do you mean hustle?

Pushing down, going right to left and scoring a cross crease goal is so cheap. James-uh Kim-uh I avoid doing it and I certainly

wouldn't put it as a highlight.

Get the offsides on!!!



The highlight was the stickhandling at the red line to get around some player at the boards. Four players frantically chasing him to the goal added humour. The goal itself was irrelevant (and a total skate across, though I doubt the CPU's enjoyment of the game was negatively affected). And the goal was scored on the rush (hence the hustle), not a set play. I thought I might get some flak for that goal in the video, but -- Gah!

Offsides just add more whistles, since the CPU players are a tad dumb. In the oNHL94 stats league, we use offsides and line changes, and some games you just wish you could check the refs over the boards, as the offsides slow the game down a lot since people have to wait for the guy who went in ahead of them to come back, or someone went in offscreen and got a whistle. I don't think many people find playing with offsides on adds anything to the game, unless you're playing with 3 or 4 players and need it to prevent cherry-picking. I don't care if it's me or my opponent who went offside -- I don't want to waste time on whistled plays. It's hockey, not football :D


The problem is when playing the computer there is no compitition. I think goals should be scored and games should be won on skill not just an easy way to score on a wide open net

The highlight was the stickhandling at the red line to get around some player at the boards. Four players frantically chasing him to the goal added humour. The goal itself was irrelevant (and a total skate across, though I doubt the CPU's enjoyment of the game was negatively affected). And the goal was scored on the rush (hence the hustle), not a set play. I thought I might get some flak for that goal in the video, but -- Gah!

Offsides just add more whistles, since the CPU players are a tad dumb. In the oNHL94 stats league, we use offsides and line changes, and some games you just wish you could check the refs over the boards, as the offsides slow the game down a lot since people have to wait for the guy who went in ahead of them to come back, or someone went in offscreen and got a whistle. I don't think many people find playing with offsides on adds anything to the game, unless you're playing with 3 or 4 players and need it to prevent cherry-picking. I don't care if it's me or my opponent who went offside -- I don't want to waste time on whistled plays. It's hockey, not football :money:

I know I've said this before, but offsides adds a couple of additional strategic elements to the game. First, it can benefit the players who comes to understand how his CPU teammates will act and taking steps to avoid offsides (largely by passing to that stray winger who's streaking ahead of you). Second, it's a boon to the defense, since clearing the zone becomes much more effective with offsides on, even if your flip of the puck out of the zone is caught by the other team at the red line.


Of course, offsides MUST be on. Its way too cheap to have them off.

If the computer goes offside to often you're playing the wrong system

94(SNES, naturally)

  • 1 month later...
Who here thinks wrap arounds are a good way to score here?

I sure don't. That is basically the major flaw of NHL94(Peace be upon him).

Whoever does this either doesn't know any better or just plain sucks.

Back in highschool we had a friend named James Kim. This was his way to score. He wasn't very good at this.

This move will, for ever-after, be referred to as a James-uh Kim-uh. As it has been for over ten years by Jeff and myself.

This game should be about skill. Not Cheapness.

The next thing people will say is Martin Gelinas' attempt off his foot into Tampa Bay's net in the finals should have won Calgary the cup.

See the lesson of History: Joel Otto, first round 1989 playoffs. Calgary Vs. Vancouver.

Don't be cheap guys.


How can any goal be cheap? If someone is doing wrap arounds on you, do it back to them. Everyone plays by the same rules!

  • 2 weeks later...
I thought the wrap-around flaw was in NHL 93?

In 94 (genesis), the cheap way to score is to skate straight across the net, just in front of the goalie -- the goalie goes down when you're about half-way across, then you can just lob it in the far side. Very very annoying and hard to counter if the guy is using someone like Roenick or Yzerman.

Players who keep trying to set up the skate-across goal are sooooooo annoying to play against. Every rush is the same with them. I prefer a more wide-open game.. one-timers, dekes, good passing... Not just rushing into the corner, turning 90 degrees, and trying to skate across the front of the net with your toughest guy. When I get scored on, i'd rather it be because my opponent outplayed me, not because my guys just couldn't knock down his guy (Roenick, Yzerman..) doing a skate-across.

Good luck getting to the front of my goal, however the fade is a very effective way to score. My defense is so tough, God bless anyone if they get any scores like this on me, but we all get beat by the fade sometimes. Knowing when to activate goalie helps. Pokes and hooks also work well, you have options.

Thomas, Detroit-MI

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