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pass/shoot bias


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I've been considering a more formulaic method of generating pass/shoot bias ratings. (I used to just generally consider position, assists and shots and pick something that seemed right.) I've thought about shots divided by time on ice, but I figure it might skew certain positions. I have yet to crunch any trial numbers to see where I'd likely draw lines. if you have any thoughts, please share them.

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thirty views and no opinions? how do you rate this stat for your ROMs? what makes sense to you? would shots/TOI be problematic? Beuller?

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I think you should use just a simple shot to assist ratio regardless of TOI.

If a player has a high shot to assist ratio the he shooting bias will be high. Then low shots to assists would mean low shot bias.

No matter what the amount of TOI a player gets, his style of play will be the same so his ratio generally should be the same.

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the issue I see with that is if he sucks at passing his assists would be low despite attempting passes three times as often as attempting shots. however, shot accuracy would likely also be low, keeping the shots on goal total way down, too. thanks for responding. I am certainly considering your input.

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  • 4 months later...

to anybody doubting the pass/shoot bias rating, check out the PC version of NHL '94:

jump to six minutes in to see it spelled out in the ratings.

  • Thanks 1
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