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Favourite Videogames of All Time

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The turtles games were also loads of fun, except the first one (i never figured out that you could just walk across that gap.. that must be the most devious troll in video game history).

Haha, I know the exact part you are talking about! I used to try forever, then I got the NES max controller and was able to do it tapping the turbo button for jump. Try playing Battletoads if you think that is tough!

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I gave up on Battletoads, even with an emulator :D. Just way too hard. The turtles game, I'm not sure it was hard, it was just boring. I think I got stuck in some stage driving the van around, just couldn't figure out what to do next.

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River City Ransom was awesome. Loved that game! Loved beating a guy with a tire or a garbage can. I can play this and TMNT IV: Turtles in Time forever.

I think 7th Saga was one of the worst RPGs ever made, B) .

FF7 is somewhat overrated, but I understand why so many people like it, for a lot of them it was the first FF they ever played.

When I was younger I was into shooters more, Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny (PC) FTW, Doom, Duke Nukem 3D. I thought the Halo series was really good too, probably the only one I'm actually decent at.

I have the 2 NBA Jam carts for SNES I can bring to Toronto.

Smash Bros games and the earlier Mario Parties (1-3) are awesome party games.

Blast Corps (N64) is awesome too. Very underrated, I'm happy they are including it in the Rare Replay!

I love RPGs, so this list is RPG heavy:

3 - Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past (SNES)

5a - Chrono Trigger (SNES)

boom...loved these ones bud.

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  • 3 months later...

All Time Faves in no particular order:

1. Ladybug (Colecovision)
2. Sid Meir's Pirates (C-64)
3. Castle's of Dr.Creep (C-64)
4. NHL'94 (Genesis)
5. Baldur's Gate (PC)

The first 4 I play now and again on emulators. I could name more great C-64 games I played back in the day, but I figure if I haven't sought the ROMs out recently then they didn't stand the "test of time".

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I can't do 5, as I love these 7 almost equally. Contra is my #1 though. For the arcade games, 99% of my time playing them has been through emu's, if that needs to be said. With the exception of Warcraft, I still play most of these semi-regularly, with the occasional marathon session thrown in.

Contra (NES)
Out Zone (Arcade)
NHL 93 & 94 (Genesis) - I go back and forth
Streets of Rage 2 (Genesis)
Warcraft II - The PC version is way better, but I played it mostly on PS1
DoDonpachi (Arcade)
Super Hang-On (Arcade)

Honorable Mentions:
Roller Coaster Tycoon (PC), Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Arcade),

As for Hockey, it's hard because there'd be such a drop-off between each one. 92-94 is all I play today. But I did spend a ton of time with Ice Hockey on NES as a youngster, and NHL 96 as a teen.

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It was only at the arcade, and for a limited time.

It was the sequel to the original Tron, and called "Discs of Tron". It was a huge cabinet(referred to as the environmental version) you stood in, to simulate as if you were playing, just like in the movie. Man, was that game amazing. Discs wizzed by you, in surround sound. I read that the cabinet weighed over 700 pounds.

It's one of those items that you put on your "buy if I ever win the big lottery" list.

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It was only at the arcade, and for a limited time.

It was the sequel to the original Tron, and called "Discs of Tron". It was a huge cabinet(referred to as the environmental version) you stood in, to simulate as if you were playing, just like in the movie. Man, was that game amazing. Discs wizzed by you, in surround sound. I read that the cabinet weighed over 700 pounds.

It's one of those items that you put on your "buy if I ever win the big lottery" list.

This one?

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# 2 Rock and Roll Racing (Tarquin JAMS into first! Solid gameplay, solid tunes)

Smoz knows!!! It makes my list too.


1) 94 (Sega)

2) NBA Jam (Wii)

3) Golf (Wii)

4) Rock n Roll Racing (Sega)

5) Homerun Battle 3D (App)

- Angry Birds (honorable mention)


1) 94 (Sega)

2) Ice Hockey (Nintendo)

3) ?

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I really have enjoyed reading people's top 5. I'm surprised that most games mentioned are classic games.... but I find my list is pretty similar with 1 exception

1. The Last of Us (PS3)

2. NHL 94 (Genesis)

3. Tecmo Super Bowl (NES)

4. Starcraft (PC)

5. Mario 64 (N64)

#3-5 probably change day to day... but #1 is solidified. The Last of Us was such a great game that it ruined all other games for me afterwards!

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I forgot about this thread! Here's mine:

Top 5:

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (N64)

NHL94 (Both)

Dragon Warrior 3 (GBC)

Diablo 2 (PC)
Diablo 3 (PC)

I played the crap out of Diablo 2, and I'm currently hooked on Diablo 3 about the same as I was hooked on D2, so I guess they're about tied. I also played a ton of Worms Armageddon and World Party, so those would be next. The only shooters I really got into were Golden Eye and Halo 2, they're honorable mentions.

Top NHL games:

1 and 2 NHL 94 (Genesis and SNES.. they're tied alright?!?)

3 NHL Hitz (Gamecube)

4 NHL 96 (Genesis)

5 Hit the Ice (Genesis)

Close call between Ice Hockey on NES and Hit the Ice for #5.

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This list is subject to change on any given day... except for NHL '94.

1. NHL94 (Gens)

2. NBA Jam (Arcade)

3. Street Fighter II (Arcade & SNES)

4. COD4... but I don't feel it's aged well so Battlefield 4 for my military FPS

5. Civilization (PC) / Civ 4 (360)

.... why stop there?

6. Wii Sports (Tennis)

7. Ghouls N Ghosts (Gens)

8. Robotron 2084 (Arcade)

9. Herzog Zwei (Gens)

10. Ms Pac Man (Arcade)

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Top 3 Addicting games


2.Pokemon red/blue

3.Shining Force 1,2 and the sega cd version.

Great sega games (that I played the crap out of as a kid)

Streets of rage 2, Road Rash 2, Mlb sports talk baseball, Joe Montana Football, Pga tour 2, Zombies ate my neighbors, Wiz n liz, Gunstar heroes, General chaos, Sonic 1,2,3, Tmnt:hyperstone heist, Mrs Pac-man, World of illusion staring Mickey mouse and Donald duck(sounds lame but it was a blast)

Great Multiplayer games (no particular order)

1.Super smash bros melee (Gc)

2.Medal of honor (Gc)

3.Worms armageddon (Dreamcast)

4.Mario kart

5.Blast chamber (playstation)

6. 2on2!

Worst game ever........Brett Hull hockey 95

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Great sega games (that I played the crap out of as a kid)

Streets of rage 2, Road Rash 2, Mlb sports talk baseball, Joe Montana Football, Pga tour 2, Zombies ate my neighbors, Wiz n liz, Gunstar heroes, General chaos, Sonic 1,2,3, Tmnt:hyperstone heist, Mrs Pac-man, World of illusion staring Mickey mouse and Donald duck(sounds lame but it was a blast)

Joe Montana Football was awesome... simple and easy to pick up. Definitely flies under the radar in terms of fun games for Gens

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Joe Montana Football was awesome... simple and easy to pick up. Definitely flies under the radar in terms of fun games for Gens

Haha yeah it was great, I remember my whole gameplan was bombing it down the field with the shotgun plays.....and nothing but onside kicks.

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Haha yeah it was great, I remember my whole gameplan was bombing it down the field with the shotgun plays.....and nothing but onside kicks.

only way to stop those bombs was to pick the Deep Zone defense where your backs just start running backwards from the snap.

Philly was a beast team in that game from what I remember... I know they didn't have rights for names but that Phi QB definitely ran like Randall Cunningham

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YES! But I remember the cabinet being larger where you stood on a disc, and don't remember there being a seat.

Regardless, the game is the same.

Neat coincidence: a youtube show about arcade games that I subscribe to, released a new video today, with, what must be the variant of Discs of Tron that you remember. "Environmental Discs of Tron". Relevant section starts @4:42.

This guy gives a complete tour. Looks like he has a complete/deluxe After Burner too!? That's a game I've wanted to play ever since I saw it in Terminator 2.
*edit* - Hmmm. Actually, maybe these are both the same as the one in the first video? I dunno.
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Neat coincidence: a youtube show about arcade games that I subscribe to, released a new video today, with, what must be the variant of Discs of Tron that you remember. "Environmental Discs of Tron". Relevant section starts @4:42.

This guy gives a complete tour. Looks like he has a complete/deluxe After Burner too!? That's a game I've wanted to play ever since I saw it in Terminator 2.
*edit* - Hmmm. Actually, maybe these are both the same as the one in the first video? I dunno.

Wow. Thanks! You're right, the "environmental" version is the large stand up version, that I must have played on.

They might have had some promotional decor around the game (because I remember they had just gotten the game), that made me think it was larger. It now looks a bit boring to watch, but the sensory experience during gameplay was fantastic.

What a great arcade parlor in the video.

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In General

1. Super Mario 1,3, World, 64, Kart, Tennis (NES, SNES, 64, 64, 64)

2. Donkey Kong Country 1, 2 (SNES)

3. Medal of Honor Allied Assault (PC)

4. Grand Theft Auto (1, London 1969, 2, Liberty City, Vice City, San Andreas) (PC)

5. Gran Turismo (PSX)

Sports Only

1. NHL 94 (Sega Genesis)

2. Bad News Baseball (NES)

3. NHL 2000/2001 (PSX)

4. Ice Hockey (NES)

5. NBA Jam

6. NFL Blitz

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my favorite video games in general are

Double Dragon (NES)


Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)

Street Fighter II Hyper & Championship (SNES)

Transformers: War For Cybertron & Fall of Cybertron (PS3)

Modern Warfare games (PS3)

Burnout 3 (PS3)

Streets of Rage 1 & 2 (Genesis)

TMNT 2, 3, In Time (NES, NES, SNES)

for Sports

NHL94 (Genesis)

Bad News Baseball (NES)

Blades of Steel (NES)

Wayne Gretzky 3D Hockey (N64)

MLB 15 The Show (PS3)

NBA Jam (Genesis)

Face Off! (C64)

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When I was in High School, my friends and I all agreed to get Sega Genesis, and thus, that is the only system I have ever known NHL 94/95 on. I see why the SNES is better though, after having read the differences (no shot passes going in, and no soft goals, which always irked me to no end in my high school days). So ...

1 (tie): NHL 94 (Sega)

NHL 95 (Sega)

* I know that the games are so different, and that 95 is not exactly loved in these parts, but I loved it regardless (I played a ton of NHL 96 too in college).

2. Halo (XBox) - how sweet was 16 player, with 4 boxes LAN'ed - Bloodgulch

3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (XBox 360) - Game Mode: Survival, 2 player tandem, oh the carnage

4. NHL 15 (PS4)- this game is super fun for online versus- wide open, passing is sound, and it feels so good to snipe with with a lefty coming down the RW (I am a righty myself, so I cannot do this in real life).

5. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (the first one that came out on XBox 360- I do not recall the exact name of the title) - I played the heck out of Headquarters on XBox Live.

Honorable Mention:

NHL 93 (Sega) - this game "wet the whistle" for my buddies and me to get into video gaming hockey. I know that the game was ridiculous, and I used to win by scores of like 30-5, which was stupid, but there was something about it, like we knew that epicness was pending, so we got ready, and got ourselves familiar with the game, controls, players, etc ...

NHL 92 (Sega) - For whatever reason (too busy with Madden and Lakers v. Celtics), we barely played this game, even though it was pretty good actually.

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  • 6 months later...

River City Ransom is amazing. I just recently got the ROM and started playing again. Love that you can buy things like sushi to gain attributes. The passwords are ridiculous though!

An officially licensed sequel is in development by Conatus Creative (based in Ottawa) that was funded through Kickstarter: River City Ransom Underground.

Looks really good. It's been awhile since there was an update, though.

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Aside from 94...

1. The Legend of Zelda : Wind Waker

2. Super Smash Bros. Melee

3. Super Mario Galaxy 2

4. Diablo 2

5. World of Warcraft (the early years)

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