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Look who's coming back to the neighborhood


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I'm not quite a rookie, but it feels like a long time ago since I was here. I'm amazed it has stayed as long as it did and people have given recognition to this site!

Some of you may remember me fondly, others not so much. I caused some waves around here and though I had a bit of a temper, some things can change and I gave it my best shot whever I got into a game and a league.

Yeah. that's right. It's me, Iceguy94! I missed the ruckus that is NHL94.com and I wondered how you guys been doing lately since I disappeared. Looks like a lot of changes and a couple of new leagues have emerged along with a new generation of hockey jockeys around! I wonder if some of the old veterans are still around or moved on with their lives too.

Lots of stuff has been happening for me over the last few years, but I won't bore you with the details. What matters is that I've decided to drop in and see you guys again and what are you up to. And mostly, I tried to get my old account of RedWingDevil up and running to come back but for some reason, the forums don't seem to recognize the account or my e-mail even though it's still up.

I don't know if I'm up to snuff when it comes to league play yet, but a few exhibition matches here and there never hurt anybody. For now, I'm back, guys! :D

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Still using your neighbor's internet?

I dunno. Why not test it out? :rolleyes:

But in all seriousness, I got new internet, there was change in equipment and I have missed online game with people for quite a while. Might as well give it a try, no?

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