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Princes vs Paupers: A League Idea


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8 minutes ago, smozoma said:

Do I qualify? :D More of an A-/B+.

Dude, I would be honoured!  

You can be the 4th A we need.  If others are cool with it, you can draft a team in the bottom half, since you are not an A+ like Depch, Raph and Ice.  But, if you want the challenge, you certainly can take a bottom 5. Up to you. 

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Coach has (tentatively) agreed to make a ROM based on the Classic ROM that has these characteristics:

1. the patch that makes Hot and Cold correct (so the player ratings are real)
2. the patch that does not count body checks after whistle
3. make OT 99 minutes

These changes do not impact the gameplay of the Classic ROM.  They just help with stats, and avoiding tie games.

Looking to start league in a week, aiming to wrap up before March 1. 

Edited by aqualizard
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4 minutes ago, Depch said:

I'm good with Anaheim, just don't give SJ to Raph!


Haha, I will not take TB or SJ, they are much better than the bottom 3.  I'll roll with either Anaheim (KASATONOV/YAKE), Florida (MURPHY/HYNES) or Ottawa (ERMMMMM).  In that order.

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I will make the rom and also include some improved graphics (Sticktape and Eye fix, Logo Sponsor, Splash Screens, etc...) if that is ok with Aqua.

Again it will remain Classic physics and rosters.


Can someone point me to how to not count checks after the whistle.


Also let all 5 of them in and why no playoffs?

Edited by CoachMac
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Ok couple things:

1. There is a draw to see who picks who, so I have no control over who picks what team, or more importantly (it seems), who Raph picks!!
2. There is a slight issue because we have 5 A guys with Smozoma and FPB

I hope it is ok if we keep both of them, and have 9 guys (5 A and 4  B and each of us plays 2 more games for 16 total.)  This is meant to be a very casual and fun league... don't want to make it work or un-fun for anyone.  I will assume that is cool unless someone protests in this thread. :)


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Hey Coach, the ROM is your domain! Thanks a lot for that!  Graphics and whatever you see fit on that front sounds cool!  I really appreciate it.

As for the team selection, I need to make an Executive Decision and say let's stick to a draft.  That is the fairest thing.  Hopefully you will be first seed in the B draft, and Raph gets last seed in the A draft! :) (But if that doesn't happen, well, it's just a silly league anyway.)

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Here is the official draft order.  Pick whenever.  Order made at random.org.  I made screen caps as proof, but let's face it, you just have to trust me. ;)


There were 5 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. smozoma ( SJ )
  2. depch (OTT )
  3. FPB ( FLA )
  4. raph ( ANH ) 
  5. ice ( TB )

IP: 204.187.xxx.xxx
Timestamp: 2017-02-08 17:48:29 UTC


There were 4 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. coach (DET)
  2. j&j (VAN)
  3. aqua ( BUF )
  4. atomic ( CHI )
  5. jer_33 ( MTL )

IP: 204.187.xxx.xxx
Timestamp: 2017-02-08 17:54:30 UTC

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57 minutes ago, smozoma said:

I think the smozROM tool can do that? I forget actually!

I think the smozROM tool does it as part of the weight bug fix, but there's not a separate choice to keep classic and count in-game body checks. 

Here's the details on how to accomplish this hack: 

It looks pretty lengthy, and I've never tried it myself, so I don't think I can help much here.  It might be easier to apply the simple WBF hack using the smozROM and accompanying body check hack, and then reverse back to classic in straight hex.  Just a thought.


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7 minutes ago, kingraph said:

It looks pretty lengthy, and I've never tried it myself, so I don't think I can help much here.  It might be easier to apply the simple WBF hack using the smozROM and accompanying body check hack, and then reverse back to classic in straight hex.  Just a thought.

Coach, if too much work don't worry about it.  Just do what you can, matey! Low hanging fruit. ;)

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So I have the chance to take Anaheim, but instead I'll go with Ottawa!

Reason behind this was that even though I love Anaheim chemistry a lot (Semenov-Yake is gold), I went through the teams one by one and was surprised that Ottawa actually had quite an ok roster skating wise. In Jamie Baker & Mark Lamb we trust! Florida was the worst for me, just a horrible horrible offence in skating and everything.

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1 minute ago, smozoma said:

Send the ROM when ready and I'll see if I can do it. 

Do we want per-player check stats, or just eliminating after-the-whistle checks?

I want to eliminate after whistle checks from counting.

(Not sure what you mean by first bit.)

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17 minutes ago, aqualizard said:

I want to eliminate after whistle checks from counting.

(Not sure what you mean by first bit.)

Oh whoops I forgot that the original game also had per-player checks (as a hidden stat).  So nevermind, I can try to get the after-the-whistle checks eliminated!

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I really appreciate having you two ROM Hackers helping out with this little league.  Thanks, guys! :) And if the check thing proves too difficult, no biggie, thanks for trying.

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13 minutes ago, TexasPachyderm said:

Ohh how did I miss this (?)

Hey, Tex!  Part of the reason you missed it was because even though I love exis with you, I didn't seek you out like I did the other A guys.  You are kinda "in between", so it wouldn't have been fair to give tyou a bottom 5 team, or fair to the rest to give you a top 5 team.  Sorry, Tex.  (You kinda got too good. ;))

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