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Final Week & Milestones


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Things are looking good.  Everyone looks to be able to finish the season.  Season is over March 1.  

Games Remaining, most to least:

  1. Smozoma / 2
  2. FPB needs 2
  3. Icestorm / 2
  4. Kingraph / 2
  5. Depch complete! 
  6. Coach complete!
  7. Jack&Jose complete!
  8. Atomic complete!
  9. Aqualizard complete!
  10. Jer_33 complete!

Thanks so much for participating! It has been fun. :)

Edited by aqualizard
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I thought the point was A guys w/ bottom teams vs B guys with top teams.

I'd have thought you wouldn't have mixed the schedules (A vs B only), so the results would not be mixed together then.


Just seems to be me then the winner is the guy who did best against the opposite setup, not against everyone.  For example, perhaps someone in B group was better head to head of the B guys but worse vs the A guys, or vice-a-versa. 

To me, the winner would be the guy who performed better against the opposite setup.  Anyhow, not knocking it.  I'll be interested to see the break down of how A vs B exclusively went.



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1 hour ago, Brutus said:

I thought the point was A guys w/ bottom teams vs B guys with top teams.

I'd have thought you wouldn't have mixed the schedules (A vs B only), so the results would not be mixed together then.

This is a good idea, and I think that is how it should have been done. :)

That said, Depch did some analysis and figured out what you are suggesting: how As did againsts Bs only, and how Bs did against As only:

It is at the bottom of this thread:

What happens when... ?

I do wish I did what you suggest because then I could have only played A guys, which I would have preferred. (Mind you, maybe the A guys wouldn't have liked it as much? I think they take more satisfaction in beating the Skilled guys...)


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