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Defending Those Cheesy Crease Cuts


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Everyone is familiar with those crease cuts.  Your opponent cuts across your crease, and your idiot goalie stacks his pads, leaving a yawning cage for an easy lay up.  Sometimes you actually take control of your goalie in time, and yet (in what I consider a glitch) he flops right down all the same, even though you did not activate him stacking the pads.  (If I took control, I want to have full control, dammit!)

What is the best way to prevent these crease cuts, and swoops with similar effect? (That result in stacked pads, yawning cage.)  Is it more about preventing them with your D-men? Or early, proactive goalie control? (Sometimes I do the early manual, but feel I am still prone because my manual is not expert level.)  Maybe there is some technique I am not thinking of?  Share your knowledge! :)

Any tips and suggestions are appreciated.  Atomic and Zep seem especially good at making my goalie flop like a moron, and it is frustrating the hell out of me. (I don't exi vs Zep much, but know he is an expert at inducing the Flop, especially with #99 whom he loves.  I exi Atomic all the time, and he gets one of these cheese goals every couple games, whereas I get them on him rarely.  I give him credit -- a goal is a goal! -- but seek some tips on preventing them.  If I haven't figured it out in 25 or so years, I need help. So help!!)


NOTE: I am talking about standard crease cuts as well as swoops near the net, both of which result in stacking the pads and easy goals.  How best to defend these?

Edited by aqualizard
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Haha, I misunderstood the title and thought this was going to be like a moral defense of using the crease-cut.

I think the best defense is the B-check. If his player is light and high-agility (#99), that can be tough, and you may need to CB him if possible (difficult if he's already really close to your defender).

If you don't have a guy there, though, you need to take manual control. If he's too close when cutting across, you can knock him down with the goalie.

However, beware if it's a ploy to get you to take manual goalie, then he dishes off for an easy one-timer goal.

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Clog the low slot with a defender, more often than not its enough for them not to attempt it knowing there is a guy right there to lay them out. If not possible (no other guys around for D), take control of the G and use him like a defensemen. Try to take the guy out knocking into him before he can shoot. 

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Doing the diving save when using the goalie can help out. Just make sure you get enough momentum to use it; time it right when you move so that you can zip towards the skater with the dive and catch him. Do it at an angle so that you can catch him when he's about to skate by you.

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I'm heavy on the crease cuts and if you over chase me, hitting Hull type center for a one-timer blast, ESPECIALLY if you take the goalie, cause then you can't defend the pass while on goalie.  I rarely see anyone playing this game like "real hockey", so I don't consider them cheese cuts.  I definitely see so MANY forms of "cheese" that I no longer consider any goal cheesy.

There are 3 ways that make crease cuts easier to get going than others, so telling you how to do them easier should help try to prevent them, if you see the logic there.

#1 SPEED.  Fast players move around and can get behind your net and just loose on a defense, and a speedster on the loose is a formula for a lot of crease cuts.  Bure & Mogs are my favorite guys to get crease cuts with.  Usually, speedsters are also light, so preventing them from getting the puck with space is vital to limited them, and fat defenders that are good at checking them w/ C/b, are too slow to catch them once they are loose.  Keeping the puck away from them in open space is also effective in stopping many other goals speedy players can score.

#2 Strong puck skilled wingers.  Think Jagr/Fedorov/Ronning, depending on the style of the rom (WBF/Classic) and the weights of the defenders when planning how to stop them.  These 5+ stick handling guys are a b***h to stop as they start to make their cut, absorb your hits and keep going, as your goalie flops.  NOT trying to B check a guy who can just take that hit is important.  KNOWING if you have a fat forward or light forward that is going to try to crease cut you, thinking ahead of WHOM to be using on defense prevents their successful attempt at cutting through the lane.  I see guys grab a say weight 7 defender to try to stop Fedorov.  No matter what ROM we are playing, he's taking the B check or the C/B or the C check here.  It's just bad math/ bad defense type thing, and usually results in Fedorov controlling where he wants the puck to end up.  A weight 7 player almost can't stop a Fedorov, only slow him down.

#3 Sitting on defending one timers will leave the crease cut lanes open.  Checking the center as he comes across the blue line can screw up the timing of a one timer combo before pursing the winger.  But, if I get off a few one timers dead red middle, I find guys start to open up the crease cutting lanes. 


Not saying there are EASY answers, but the great players find ways to prevent too many attempts at sure fire goals, and that normally means no easy one timers, limited break aways & limited crease cuts.

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What about slowing them down by using the A button once you get close enough? That'll buy you some time and maybe slip in a poke check once they get stuffed.

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