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No NHL96 with 2023 rosters ?


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We have the most info on hacking those two games and there’s the most demand. 

It might seem like a no-brainer to hack the games with the most features (such as 96) but it also can cause some issues and you lose certain levels of customization/ease we have with 94 (and 95). 

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7 hours ago, bobapanbeers said:

Hello there

I've seen a bunch of updated rosters for the NHL94 and NHL95 but nothing for NHL96.  is there a reason for that?

There is always the option to create a mod of 96. It will come but sometimes these things happen over time. Be patient and there will be one that will come out.

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Unfortunately there is also that problem of there only being 26 teams in '96. Even if someone were able to crack the code to add the six newer teams into the game, I'm not even sure there is enough free memory to accommodate them.

Perhaps '98 with it's five All-Star [plus two hidden teams] is a possible candidate if someone is able to figure out how to get the hidden teams to be available the game without them taking the place of the East/West All-Stars, there is still those other complexity issues that Sean alluded to.

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@Sedge Hmm, I may have. Right now I'm only remembering how much of a hassle the PS2 port of '94 was to do stuff with. <shudder>

I'd say with '96, the most fiddly bit was the fact that in some cases you might need to put a team with a long name into a spot originally occupied by a team with a short name. And unlike wboy's '94 mod with its standardized name bars located in a single spot, these names and logos are spread out and only allotted enough tiles to accommodate what was required for the original team.

The other more minor issue that stands out is that the main menu is configured differently, so NOSE doesn't know how to access the data to edit it. The only thing that makes this a problem is that you can't set the default match up. There is also the team ranking system, the simulation AI, playoff team selection and everything related to season mode, but I'd like to think that with enough will and time, most of that could be cracked.

With the exception of season mode I suppose, given that we know how to edit a season in '95, but it causes major memory issues when you try to incorporate the additional teams into the mix.

Edited by von Ozbourne
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I've always wanted to mod 96 as it is one of my favourites of the era, but like 95 it is very tightly packed in terms of flexibility for additional teams. I honestly believe you'd have to extend it to 4MB in order to get it to work, and even at that, a lot of the mathematical functions for calculating stats and building season data would have to be altered and expanded to accommodate 32 teams.

It's a big job. Not saying it can't be done, but it would take a lot of free time and dedication. (I have neither atm, so don't ask LOL)

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  • 1 month later...
12 hours ago, BlueJacketRebel said:

If 96 had Columbus I'd play it the most because i could build my own team.

Curious, in accepting that there is [at least currently] no way to expand the ROM beyond the original 26 teams, what the appetite would be for just going with "Playoff Editions".
What I mean by that would be to wait until the playoffs and make a game without the bottom three teams in each conference. [They're usually so bad it would suck to play as them anyway]

There would still be a couple other hurdles to clear in order to make it work, but I figure that might be the best compromise at this stage.

Although I guess that wouldn't help this year with your Blue Jackets...

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If I cant play as Columbus I'd probably not play it. Ive tried to play a simulated season on several 94 roms that do have Columbus and give up. its not worth the headache. i'll just play the OG 92, 93, 94, Even Table Hockey, and @Sean NCAA rom until Columbus' time comes.

Although an expanded even table hockey roms with Columbus by anyone would be most appreciated.

Edited by BlueJacketRebel
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