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Well I had a few hours off today (a huge rarity) and decided to play a couple different versions of classic NHL.

Played 98 and enjoyed it, I changed the color of the ice so it's cleaner looking, slowed the players down and eased up on the goalies. The biggest flaw I noticed was how the defenders will go back and sit in front of their net. Good for defensive hockey but it's just not something you do. Also the goalies aren't as floppy as 94 etc.. which takes away some of the goalmouth scrambles and excitement.

So I then played 95 which I really love because of the league mode and a closer resemblance to the originals than 96-98. No fighting kind of sucks and the puck needs to stay in the rink more but the deking and one timers are great. Not too many long shots go in unless it's a one timer or something. Almost find it a bit fast more my liking right now.

Lastly I threw in 94 and I have to admit, I kinda forgot how much fun the original look and feel the early games had. Goals come off all different ways. 2 on 1's , one timers, long shots, flukes and scrambles are so much fun and the D will attack you wherever you are. Something about those quirky graphics just seem fantastic too. Just wish fighting and blood stayed in it. Oh well. Anyone have a good way of playing a season while collecting stats etc... My point being 94 is now over 10 years old and does so many things better than games around today. It's a real shame. I think I am going to be spending more time with 94 and the likes.

Oh and the BEST part of any game ever.......highlights from other games. Damn, now bring that back EA.

Later boys!


I actually played NHL 96 for SNES yesterday, couldn't stand it at all, didn't even complete the first game.. The sounds are really bad, I can't understand what they did after NHL 94...

I went back a year and played NHL 95, the fact that the sounds sucked almost as bad in 95 didn't make bad enough impression so I played a whole game. I liked how you were able to do a 360° very quickly, but why no snapshots?? In NHL 94 you can shoot really quick, sure in 95 you can shoot pretty quick, but it still does a wrist shot animation. Yeah, about the animations, they are even worse than the sound. :)

I was surprised how similar the two 95 and 96 games were on both SNES and Gen! At least by the looks. Since the NHL 94 versions aren't similar in any way, even the game play is a lot different.

I can't describe the sounds in 95 and 96, lacking vocabulary. :) It's mainly the shot shound that bothers me in them, can't recall they were that bad in Gen. The game play over all feels very stale and like you said Mack, the many different possibilities of scoring in 94 is great. I think the variety is as big in SNES as in Gen.

These are the EA hockey games that caught my attention the most (in no order).

EA Hockey

NHL 94 - SNES (Sadly, this is the one I've played the most, but one of the few I haven't owned!)

NHL 95 (Elitserien) - Gen

NHL 96 - Gen

NHL 99 - PC

After 99 it really started going down hill, I think 2000 was the last game that I played "a lot" (at least completed a couple of seasons).


it's a good fun game at least has fighting hey a good weak;ing macth for a fight burevs. gretzstky bure won man I love my canucks :P

it's a good fun game at least has fighting hey a good weak;ing macth for a fight burevs. gretzstky bure won man I love my canucks :P



Oh well. Anyone have a good way of playing a season while collecting stats etc...

hey mack, i have been fooling around with simming a season and tracking the stats in a database. basically when the game is done, i have to enter the stats in manually (usually takes a minute, minute and a half), and then the database rolls up the stats. if your interested, check it out


That's awesome bud. That's the sort of thing I did with NHL Htz Pro. Do you have a program that figures out the save %'s etc... or do you do everything by hand. Also do you play every single game? Just wondering how it all works.


i sim the games using the turbo function in the emulator. i have php code that figures out save and shooting % and adds up the totals.


Could I grab that php off you?

What is the turbo feature? Never realized there was one.

Could I grab that php off you?

What is the turbo feature? Never realized there was one.

I would guess that he means setting the frameskip to a high value instead of Auto.


Wow.. Now I'm getting really excited! :D So, malachku, you're saying that the stats and stuff on http://geoff.myvnc.com/nhl/ is all by you, it's not an online league or something?

Do you like.. Write down all stats for each player in forms and then the "php" calculates the rest, and puts it in nice order etc? I would so love that. Haven't thougth of fast-forwarding games to "sim" them before. :) (In Zsnes you can actually assign buttons to fast-forward, and even reverse!) Wouldn't it even be possible to extract stats from a save state?

Not really sure how that php thing works, but I would be really interested in tryiing it out, if you'd want to share it that is. Looks awesome! :lol:


yep, all the stats come from 'simming' the games and inputing the stats from those games. i have 1 form that i input the stats in, click add and presto! all stats, records, etc are rolled up and spit out. i use the rosters from nhl94.com/update (i lowered the goalie attributes because i was getting too many low scoring games).

all the stats are inserted/stored in a mysql database. the shot % calc just takes the number of goals a player has and devides it by the number of shots, then times 100. nothing special really. all the numbers are already in the database.

when a game is done, i just leave the emulator window open, and type in the stats to my add form, i dont write them down.

in the gens+ emulator you can assign a key/button to the 'fast-fwd' function also.

there was discussion about extracting stats from a game save here. i looked at it, but it didnt work with the way i had my database setup.


hey guys, i added a test database so you can fool around with adding games etc. just click add game sheet on the left menu.

you can also edit/add players by clicking players list on the left, then add new. to edit a player, select their team, click go, then edit on the player you want. this is where you can set if he is in the starting lineup or injured etc.

nhl94 test season


So is is possible to get the actual 'form' from you? It's OK if you don't want to share. The test thing is awesome but I don't want to directly copy your site. Thanks man.


sure, i can send you the form. thing is you need the mysql database backend for the form to work. if you want i can send you the empty database and form page in a zip file or something. let me know, and i can email it or whatever.


If you wouldn't mind, could you send that zip to me as well? xstioph@hotmail.com (or @gmail.com if it's larger than 20mb, but I guess it's only a matter of kilobytes, heh).

Thanks. notworthy.gif


Thanks man! Though I think I have overestimated my knoweledge in this area, heh.. I only know basic html atm. I have a friend that knows a lot about this, might ask him some basics.

  • 3 years later...

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