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Graphic glitch question

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Sorry, I couldn't resist. It's probably one of two potential problems:

1. You overwrote the graphics for the Face-Off dots with the Pro-Set graphics.

2. You changed the tiles being referenced for the Face-Off dots to the ones used by the Pro-Set graphics.

You say you used a "patch?" My guess is this is the problem. A patch can only do so much, and if there are other customizations afoot (or the wrong ROM is used) you can get unexpected / unwanted results.

If you want more help, post more info, like… uhhhhh, what ROM are you even talking about? what patch? does the Pro-Set logo look right on the Sideboards view? etc.

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Fair enough.

I don't do any coding, so it's more likely simply a wrong ROM, as you suggested.

The ROM is slapshot's '92 ROM.

The patch is from kingraph:

Everything else, including the sideboards view of the scoreboard (while on the menu screen), looks great.

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I could probably dig through that for you. My initial thought is that the patch is simply writing the ProSet logo over the offset location where the modern ice faceoff dot was set to be. In theory, it could be fixed by changing the rink to use a different tile. I think it had two different faceoff dots. Maybe. if not, a different free tile could be commandeered as the new location of the faceoff dot and the rink tile code can be changed to use that instead.

If you want to send me the ROM I can take a look when I have time in the next couple of days. I'm kind of interested in seeing how the patch works anyway since the ROMs I'm using all have different Three-Star, Jumbotron logos going on and matching them up might be nice.

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Just so you know what you're looking at:

"MHL 92" (Matt's Hockey League) is slapshot's '92. I set a 3-line lineup by taking the players from NHLPA '93 (based on the '92 season) and translating their ratings into this NHL '94 ROM (also based on the '92 season).  Overall ratings are exactly as they were in NHLPA '93.  I haven't done the goalies yet.

Take a look - thanks!

92 MHL.bin

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Had a few minutes to myself and luckily it was as I suspected. The patch just used the sprite locations of its original ROM, but didn't consider the tile order used with the modern rink markings. So those "L" ticks that determine where a skater is supposed to put his feet when taking a faceoff were the undoing. Even if you were using the older style rink markings. But it was just a matter of copying the tile numbers from the neutral zone faceoff dots and pasting them in place of the offence/defence zone circles and the ProSet logo is left alone.

Thankfully @AdamCatalyst made the bigger rink grid map so it was easy to track them down. This should be the rink you are looking for.

92 MHL V002.bin

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