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Posted (edited)

The Blitz League needs a few coaches to take over some of the teams with missing coaches. Also, there is always room in the Blitz Farm League for coaches who don't get a team. If you do well in the Farm league, you can get promoted to the real league.

How to Sign Up

To sign up, post your AIM account name below.

AIM is the de-facto communication method for the NHL94 community (for setting up games), so you must have it to join the league.

Quick league summary:

  • There is an "A" league, a "B" league, and a "Farm" league.
    • "A" and "B" have 9 teams each (expanding to 12 next season).
    • "Farm" has everyone else who wants to join (they'll join "A" or "B" upon expansion, or when coaches quit or disappear)

    [*]Promotion/relegation at end of season

    [*]The ROM uses the Weight Bug Fix so that players with high weight and checking skill can actually check, and light guys get knocked over easily (if you can catch those speedy buggers!). Lindros, Neely, Stevens, etc. are tough now. Gretzky, Fleury, etc, are weak, but hard to catch.

    [*]you keep half your team between seasons (randomly, but evenly, chosen), and there is a draft for the guys you lost.

    [*]Goalies have been improved about 6 points (except belfour and roy).


Current signups

  1. rynweinmeyer - (given L.A!)
  2. Houlanov - (given BUF!)
  3. mlnewc - (given BOS!)
  4. sonoffett87 / matthurray - (given BOS!)
  5. skoolyardpuck - (given TOR!)
  6. Kazelegend15 - (given DET!)
  7. Flamingpavelbure - (given DET!)
  8. JacketsZherdev
  9. burerr9610
  10. Freydey32
  11. Iceguy94
  12. Zalex1414
  13. canadiensfan66
  14. blackandgold94
  15. WagsTh * eligible for season 3
  16. jrodimus31

Edited by smozoma


The Blitz League needs a few coaches to take over some of the teams with missing coaches. Also, there is always room in the Blitz Farm League for coaches who don't get a team. If you do well in the Farm league, you can get promoted to the real league.

How to Sign Up

To sign up, post your AIM account name below.

AIM is the de-facto communication method for the NHL94 community (for setting up games), so you must have it to join the league.

Quick league summary:

  • There is an "A" league, a "B" league, and a "Farm" league.
    • "A" and "B" have 9 teams each (expanding to 12 next season).
    • "Farm" has everyone else who wants to join (they'll join "A" or "B" upon expansion, or when coaches quit or disappear)

    [*]Promotion/relegation at end of season

    [*]The ROM uses the Weight Bug Fix so that players with high weight and checking skill can actually check, and light guys get knocked over easily (if you can catch those speedy buggers!). Lindros, Neely, Stevens, etc. are tough now. Gretzky, Fleury, etc, are weak, but hard to catch.

    [*]you keep half your team between seasons (randomly, but evenly, chosen), and there is a draft for the guys you lost.

    [*]Goalies have been improved about 6 points (except belfour and roy).

I think we will need to replace 2 coaches, but even if you don't get one of the teams that already exist, you can still join and play in the Farm league. If you do well in the farm league, you can get promoted to the real league.


Current signups

  1. rynweinmeyer - (now has L.A!)
  2. Houlanov

Also, AngryJay93 is going to be inserted into the league as an expansion team, but he will have to pick his players from the free agents. I can accept one other person who wants to join this way, but be warned that your team will be brutally bad!



If you need someone, I think I would like to join

waiting for GDL is a bit too much at this point.

AIM: sonoffett87 (old AIM still works, but I'm invisible to users I don't have on my buddy list)

Posted (edited)

i'd also like to sign up too, just to see what could be SO radically wrong with the rom that he shouldn't even be considered for use in any other league.

Edited by skoolyardpuck
Posted (edited)
i'd also like to sign up too, just to see what could be SO radically wrong with the rom that he shouldn't even be considered for use in any other league.

One reason I voted against this for GDL was that I think the values used for the weight bug fix could possibly still require some tweaking. The formula I'm using is not a direct "heavy > light" formula (i'm factoring the checking rating in), so I'd like to see how the new formula balances out (i may need to make it a little easier to hit or a little harder to hit).

For example, I have Wendel Clark on my team, and because he has a high checking rating in the game, he should be a decent checker.. but so far he has really disappointed me. I'll get feedback for a lot of the players over the first season of Blitz and then see if I want to adjust the value I have in the formula that affects how easy it is to hit.

(the new formula to calculate a check's effectiveness is (6*wgt + 10*chk - 14)/8. I can make it easier to check by making that 14 lower, or harder by making it higher)

The other reason I didn't want it in GDL was that GDL already has a history using the original code. Plus if all the leagues have it, Blitz loses some of it's uniqueness before even the first season :)

Edited by smozoma

makes sense. I had no idea there were still problems with it. It just seemed like everyone was like WHAT? LEAGUES WITH WGT BUG FIX? BLACK PEOPLE BEING ABLE TO VOTE WAS ENOUGH OF A CHANGE AND NOW THIS??? but i guess i was wrong. Carry on.

  • 2 weeks later...


still looking for new coaches

there are several coaches on the verge of being replaced...


"mlnewc" has been overwhelmingly unavailable, and will very likely be given the shaft when classic hits its first checkpoint (Sunday Night). I have also not seen Dervin online - ever. I don't know how he's making contributions to this community (somehow I see his name around) but he's totally not around.

I would like to be put on the waiting list for the Blitz league

My aim is Kazelegend15

OK, you're 3rd in line (which could get you in next week, the way a few guys are going)

Posted (edited)

i am told omniboy doesn't exist

it seems i missed a lot being away this weekend.

Edited by smozoma
are my bruins still playable? XD

I'm afraid they've been given away, but I'll put you on the waiting list!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Any more people interested in joining in for Season 2?

It'll start in january.

Please post your AIM name

Edited by smozoma
Posted (edited)


AIM: Freydey32

Edited by Freydey

I can do it if you want. I'm kinda bored and I want to get experience with league play.

AIM: Iceguy94.

I can do it if you want. I'm kinda bored and I want to get experience with league play.

AIM: Iceguy94.

Your lack of enthusiasm is not encouraging... We need people who are committed to playing a full 44 game season over 2 months, then a month of playoffs. You also have to take part in the draft process, which requires daily activity over a couple weeks at the start of the season. Still interested?


Well, waiting for a league to start for days can do that to ya. :D All I ask is 'Yo, man! Where's the rom?' When do we start? It's a good idea for me to be at least in a league that's active and I can do another one too.

  • 2 weeks later...

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