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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Hey guys, we got one team to come out, so we have 4 total. Looking for more possibly, just respond to this thread, or pm me if interested. Thannnnnnks.
  2. Oh, we have a facebook group as well... It's called NHL 94 Vancouver Join it if you're interested!
  3. Hmm, I know it might sound weird, but we were looking to do a get together in Vancouver. We just had a 3 man tournament, format was everyone plays eachother twice, top two teams play a best of three, winner gets contention for a cup, cup goes in a best of 3... We just grab some beer, and play for a couple of hours. If you're down for something local, that's what we're looking for, however we could play online as well prior. I know a trust thing would be an issue, going to some random persons house to play some NHL doesn't exactly sound appealing... at first... but I think if we collected enough teams we could get a really killer tournament going. The 6 of us are all in our early 20's, fairly relaxed... I want to become a police officer personally, so there's not going to be any freaking out or drugs or anything around (a couple of the guys smoke pot, not too big of a deal and can be avoided if it bugs you guys). Lemme know if you're still interested, the 2v2 online would still be fun though =)
  4. Hey, new to the forum, have been checking the webpage for years now, even participated in a few games... Wondering if anyone from the Vancouver area would ever be interested in a 2v2 tournament? We've currently got 3 teams, looking for one to five more. We're going to get a stanley cup and all... So if anyone is from the lower mainland, and has a partner, let me know =) Oh, this is for the SNES.
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