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Maniple Leaves

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Posts posted by Maniple Leaves

  1. As a rookie SNES player, now awaiting my sophmore season, I have limited experience with these leagues, but I'll share my opinion.

    I really enjoyed the structure of a real season that the Classic league gives. I agree with chaos's analysis. IT would be fantastic to have a matchup based deadline system. Say, every week you have to play a pair of games against three particular opponents. This will force the players to keep in touch more regularly and plan their schedules ahead of time, instead of playing whoever whenever, all the time.

    It will also keep the regular season schedule in check. So that the situation is avoided when a few teams have finshed their season while the rest struggle to catch up because of a few "poor connectors" (ie people who don't meet deadlines and don't reply to IMs, etc.)

    The season will be slower paced for some, but would run its course over the same period of time or possible in less time, as it would be more efficient.

    I think what the league needs for newcomers, both during a season and all year round, is a competitive ladder system. This is most often used in Tennis clubs. You could Goolge "Tennis Ladder" for more information if you are unfamiliar. We could have two ladders, one for for each general skill level, or even just one ladder reserved for players who want to improve their skills.

    Another tactic would be to set up some kind of AIM group, so that newcomers can easily join into a big pool of players. This giving them more opportunities for exhibition games. I'm not sure if this is readily possible, or if it means that the whole league has to be more aware of new players so that we can all add them quickly. Maybe Halifax can send a mass IM reading something like this: "New SNES (or GENS) player, AIMNAME. Add him (or her (LOL!))"

    All in all, having gone through one season, I think the total experience is great. Although there is room for improvement, for the most part, the league runs really well. So keep up the great work.

    Thanks and peace.

  2. He won the series in 4 straight over crash and the wings. good job bud!


    Get er done buds!

    Thanks Halifax! I will take the opportunity to thank you chaos and the rest of the NHL94 community for making this a great league. For years, I lamented the lack of a season in the original game. Your efforts here produce an experience that far surpasses the satisfaction any virtual league format would give. Not only that, but through this season I've had the chance to grow and improve as a coach.

    I want to thank my team as well. A great group of guys. Mario really showed that he is one of the greatest all time players and his teammates provided a great foundation as well as picking up any slack when needed. Pleasure to be in the room and on the bench with these guys. Kept their sticks on the ice and their heads up. Overcame in the face of adveristy from some tough squads these playoffs. We grew closer as a team through it.

    One last word of silly celebration before I wrap up. I've been awarded the Copper Cup, a copper-plated replica of the SNES-A Stanley Cup for the B playoffs.


    Looking forward to to next season and a chance at trading in the cheap copy for the real cup!

    Thanks and best of luck to the other finalists,

    Maniple Leaves

    PS. My challenge still stands to the winner of the SNES-A finals.

  3. Blackdevil and I have been in communication but our schedules have not been falling together very well. I told him I'll be online Sunday night and monday, yesterday didn't happen so hopefully we can play tonight.

    Blackdevil aim message me to confirm a time for tonight. I'd like to get started a little bit on the early side so that we can have time to finish the series tonight.

    Thanks, Maniple.

  4. I've been looking for the Toronto Coach (Johnzors) for a while now. If you are reading this get at me on AIM or if AIM is not possible then by email. Hoping to get the games in as soon as mutually possible. At least let me know when that could be.

    Bob Kudelski aka Chicago Coach, please also let me know when we can play our games. Hoping to schedule it for this week.

    My only remaining opponent is Grayto and I've already scheudled the games with him for the coming days.

    So far the league has been a blast.


    Maniple Leaves

    Username: Maniple Leaves

    AIM S/N: Maniple Leaves

    Email: manipleleaves [at] gmail [dot] com

    Current League: Classic '94-2011 Spring

    Current Level: SNES-1

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