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Posts posted by McMikey

  1. Hopefully, some good brews and face to face time changes all that! Either way, in case you carry some of those negative, FU guys emotions still, please remember, we all love you and not one guy is trying to deter your from your cool work/job/project!

    Thanks Brutus my man! I'm just trying to make the world a better place 16 bits at a time.

  2. NHL '94 was released on FOUR different consoles, so even then the point of having the "best" NHL '94 player doesn't apply to the tournament if it's only going to be GENS and SNES. Sure it's cool to mix them, but you still won't determine who the best player is. What if the runner-up in the tournament is actually better at the other two consoles?

    How can you even write such a gross miss statement MrP lol Now I can get in the troll game. Sega Genesis 60 hz, Mega Drive 50Hz. Sega CD, Mega CD, SNES, Super Famicom, Game Gear, MS Dos and then you can't forget the engine was used on Mutant Hockey League. So a true King of 94 would have to beat everyone on 9 different systems... oh wait then they are all the mods and emulators for each of those versions. Factor in the lag in modern TV's vs Tube TV's and you have to have both of those.

    Basically if Michael Jordan decided to stay on the couch, that didn't change the fact he may be the best basketball player in the world. What did was he got off his ass, played by the rules that was given to him and kicked some ass LIVE against real people.

    I truly hope you can make the event MrP, I really do... but not for me or the movie, but so you can see all your buddies that would really like to meet you. Balls are in your court

  3. Guys guys guy relax. If I could somehow win gens, I'd be ecstatic. It wouldn't bother me to play the snes winner after, because I'd know that I won what mattered to me (and all the hardcores). The winner just has to play the other winner with a for fun mentality, it's 100% fine.

    The individual console brackets are the real competitive, fun challenge. The console vs console series is just a fun exhibition for the doc. Have fun with it

    Thanks Chaos and TomKabs93 for translating my thoughts into "Hardcore" for me hahaha :) :)

  4. Oh on a side note as you may have guessed it, King of Kong is one of my favourite movies. I never knew I thing about Donkey Kong before and now i'm a huge fan of it and play it when i can. Its was such a great not only doc but a feature film. Some Donkey Kong hardcores made a doc call "The King of Con", taring apart the original movie. The Con movie wasn't to awful and I enjoyed watching it because I learned more of the real story, but it didn't make me hate the original movie like its was intended too, It only added to my new found love for DK. My point is that my movie will not be 100% bare bones facts there will be mistakes, there is no stopping that. But outside people will fall in love with the game and the will find this forum and learn more about the game and its rivalries over opinion and and fall in love with the game even more.

  5. McMikey I think you took that way too personally. We all appreciate what you are doing, we know the Toronto tournament is only happening because of you and the documentary, I can't wait to watch it. Thank you for everything you are doing.

    Was merely pointing out some logical flaws and caring for the future of NHL94 competitive gaming. I am very well aware of the problems of smaller game sceneries and their comp scenes, so doing it once if you vision it important for the project can be worth it, maybe it can carry on even as an unofficial finals between the gens & snes winners in the future. And I'm trying to be objective here, I think gens guys are on advantage here and I represent myself on that side.

    Thanks bud, that means a lot :). I couldn't even come close to being able to do what i'm doing with out the awesome help from the NHL94.com community. I started out as an outsider and now I think I met more of you in person then anyone haha. True I do take things a little personal because I have so much at steak. But now this tread is becoming more of a therapy session, but where else can someone get help on a NHL '94 addiction lol.

  6. People understand that well enough that they're separate games. But visioning one guy as a champ and all, yea people love that stuff, this feels like it would be more serving the documentary than the tournament.

    Yes you guys understand very vey well the differences in the two games but the public or even big NHL '94 fans that are not on the forums have no clue... I know this because i'm studying it like a mad man. The differences will not be able to come across on film as the games are just to similar looking, we can only take peoples word for it. Think as the doc and tourney as the same thing with the same goal. You guys are hardcores and get stuck in ways of thinking, I understand that, again i'm studying that phenomenon.
    NHL '94 doesn't have a big enough following for tournaments to get any bigger then a few guys at a bar. To make NHL '94 bigger and more popular movies like this have to be good and be seen by as many people as possible. What you are saying is right but the general public doesn't know that. I worked for 6 years straight with a camera following me around everyday for the tv show Ice Pilots I know very well the deference between the hardcores and the casual viewers. I'm done venting lol as you can imagine we have a lot of stuff on our plates hahaha. But I don't enjoy answering these questions and because i'm tasked on making the story of NHL '94 and if the hardcores can't all agree on the small things I mite just have to delete my NHL94.com account when the movie comes out hahahaha. You can send personal hate mail to
    Mikey McBryan
    1000 Buffalo Drive
    Hay River NT
    X0E 0R9
    hahahahahaha oh Mondays
  7. If it needs to be in because of the documentary, sure. But should this action become a yearly event, I think it's a bad idea to mix the different platforms, unheard of in competitive scenery of games.

    We are already laying the ground work for next year. I agree totally with your point.. thats why I said its my fault for getting us into this logistic/moral/opinion mess. So as a thought process for a second and think of the systems as secondary and the goal is to find the best person at NHL '94 as a whole (SNES mixed in with Gens). I'm not saying its right, i'm saying if you put the person 1st how would you (or anyone) pick that person

  8. Is there a point why snes and gens winners can't just be titled as the winners on those platforms? I don't see the necessity to crown a one winner out of the two systems. They're both titled NHL94, both are about ice hockey, but in the end they are different games. Both of these platforms also have their own separate moneypool from the signups. I can see it tempting to create out only one pool to make it look bigger, but I think it's stretching out.

    There are a few problems playing on a 3rd platform. The PC version of NHL Hockey, equilevant to 94 is based more on NHL93 and does not have a manual goalie for example, this would be a bit letdown and dumbing the game down from the consoles, I do not see it fitting to define a true winner, should you guys still want to combine gens & snes.

    A little history on the event. 1st off we are making a documentary on the subject, what better way to end and film the movie then having everyone in the same room at the same time doing something amazing. So if there was no movie there would be no event. That out of the way... I'm a Genesis guy and by saying that (and not following the NHL94.com forums until last year) I thought the Sega ruled NHL 94 with an iron fist (I was wrong).

    My first idea when coming up with this tournament was of course it would be Gens only show (easy, simple, one winner). This changed hugely for me on January 10 of this year when I met halifax and the crew in Saskatoon where we played in a live SNES tournament. My eyes where open to the world of Super Mario's version of '94. Now the Doc involved into having a mini Gens vs SNES battle. I have had sit down interviews with almost 60 people now ranging from "never played" to "I made the game". You will have to wait to see the movie on what a have found out on the history of each version and why they are the way they are. But at its core Its a game played by people. The doc follows the human aspect.

    So put your directors hat on for a second... you have interviews with people saying "SNES makes the Genesis version look like a kids toy" or "I wouldn't play the SNES version if it where the last game on earth" The audience will need some type of closure. imagine if at the end of King of Kong Billy Mitchell and Steve Wiebe just stopped looked at each other and said we are both are the best and *slow motion high five, fade to black, roll credits*. We need a solid ending to the story that isn't a grade 6 science fair when everyone gets a ribbon. This is the problem that I got my self into, its my fault. So we need a winner not a tie, there is no steaks in that fight and there will be no closure.

    So back to the top. There would not be a tournament with out the Doc and the Doc needs a winner. The NHL playoffs gives out trophies for each conference. Think of it like that the Genesis is the Eastern conference and the SNES is the West. They don't play each other that much during the normal season. Each conference plays by the same rules but the game play and style can differ greatly. So the winner of the Gens gets the Price of Wales trophy and SNES get their Clarence S. Campbell bowl. They brush off there differences and the play for the Stanley Cup... As Hockey Fans we are all wired to think that way. So yes there will be a Stanley Cup Winner... We will not be able to please everyone in fact it seems to me that its the people who are not coming that have the biggest problems... but all is not lost we are still looking for suggestions on what is the best of our worst ideas :)

    • 2-3 hours unused. If this isn't used for expanding the number of players in the tourney if there is enough demand, may I suggest: 2on2!!!

    Thanks for the math bud! That even helped me focus on the project!

    Can someone mod some 2on2 Carts for us? I know KingRaph has one, does anyone else have some. I can't guarantee that there would be time on game day for official 2on2 but what would you recommend for a mini tourney lets say 10 groups of 2. I may be able to host something smaller (No charge) for the Friday night of the 11th at a pub.

    Can you give me a little background on the 2on2... What system/ rules etc

  9. Tecmo Bowl is an older game, and I don't think anywhere near as remembered as NHL 94. It obviously has a better tournament scene for whatever reason, but search for best sports games? 94 is routinely named the best.

    Don't get me wrong I love NHL '94 as we all do. NHL '94 It is by far a better game. BUT they other guys have American Football on the most classic system. It has lots of followers and already has documentaries about it. Its got a head start on us but if we all work hard we can crush that grey cartridge!!!!

  10. Plabax was basically preaching the same things I said. I didn't read through all of this. That being said the goal of the tournament should be maximum playing time this fun and ensuring a true winner. Whatever that entails, but if the tournament doesn't take a full day, I will be sad, as will the entourage I am bringing.

    Right now with our math and using 8 SNES and 8 Gens for 128 players (each playing a guarantee 3 games) we are showing with a start time of 9am the final game with the last two will start around 8pm and play for a better part of an hour. so that a full 12 hours of game play plus we are planing an after party for the survivors. We want to stick to that 12 hour day because frankly there are a lot of people that are working to make this event happen and they will have to be there early to set up and stay later to take down. If more people sign up we will expand the space and add more systems to make it all happen in that time frame.

  11. or, building off of CoachMac's idea... the PC and/or Sega CD versions used to crown one of last two sitting.

    Great idea and this was my original idea, I wanted the PC version to be the tie breaker... But the main problem is both the CD and MS Dos versions of NHL '94 are Sega based, once again its a un fair to the SNES guys... Its a hard one

  12. one winner? how is that done? switching systems back and forth until an off-system win is had? that could take weeks.

    Very very good question and one that we have been working with. No matter what way we do it one system will have an advantage. Our original idea was to have a best out of seven with the game 7 (if needed) would be played on the system that has the most people sign up for. So voted by the players as the most desired system to play on. The main problem with a best of seven series is time. 15mins *7 = is an hour and 45 mis of gameplay at the longest time. To get this whole event done in one day and still have it exciting for the fans and players we have moved to a best of 3. Which still means 45 mins of live game play. At this high level we are hoping that last two players are great on both systems and really it comes down to who is the better at both. BUT there will be clear winner for each system SNES and Gens. I have talked to most of the high end guys and they are focussing on winning their System over the whole event. The final series is icing on the cake. The more people that sign up for your system the better chance you get to win the whole event.

    This is not set in stone and we are very open to suggestions from the community if you guys know a better way that doesn't take a lot of time (under an hour). We will look at it

  13. I meant that it is not as serious compared to other video game tournaments. Not trying to troll, but it's the truth. No room for 300-500 people (at least)? 128 players (64 each) is really weak. 64 players and 20+ games going on at once is what my local college gathers for a video game tournament.

    You have a point, but lets play in the real world for a second. NHL '94 is not a massively popular game or there would already be 500 people tournaments like Street Fighter, Smash Bro's or even the modern sports games. Comparing apples to apples Super Techno bowl is one of the most popular retro system sports games ever, focused on the most profitable league in the world and with tournaments hosted in Football territory and after many years of having events they can get 200+ people with maybe 50 true competitors. We would want 500 people to show up, it fact if that happened we would modify and adjust to make it happen. But on the 1st go in a Canadian city, we can't get those numbers. If we were in a southern college and kids just have to walk out of their dorms, sure we mite get big numbers, but would they be the best players? We have a group of 43 die hard fans coming in from now over 13 States/Provinces so far on day 4 of the site being up. From a stats point of view that is a way better talent pool then 43 random guys at a bar. I'm really really hoping that we get so awesome players that come out of nowhere, but the truth is and we know it someone here on NHL94.com has the highest chance of winning no matter how big the pool of players we can get on the best day. The demo for NHL 94 is unique... very unique and that whys i'm making a movie about it. Its truly special and for the people that can make this tournament, one person will go home a winner but my goal is for everyone to have the greatest time possible.

  14. Do we know the actual exact location?


    I am flying to Buffalo on Thursday the 10th and plan to be in Toronto, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night.

    Its nott 100% official yet, I will hear more Monday/Tuesday. But we are (and very very close ) booking a place called "Real Sports" that is right across from the Air Canada Centre. Which means the closet and best hotel is the Delta. BUT i haven't said anything official until I can say 100% its booked.

  15. OK sorry for trolling, but I just don't think the tournament seems all to serious. I should have just said it like that.

    hahahahahahahaha Oh MY GOD This is priceless...

    Ok I Know better then answering trolling forum comments. But seriously tens of thousands of dollars are being spent making this tournament awesome and one of a kind. YOUR forum buddies are spending hundreds or thousands of dollars to come to this event at the worlds largest sports bar in Toronto. We are having real NHL'ers and the guys that made THE GAME ITSELF coming to see the people that made the game legendary by keeping it alive these 20 plus years. We came up with the rules from suggestions from YOU guys at NHL94.com. Not everyone will be happy I understand this. Staying at home and playing with yourself is everyones right and seems way more "serious" hahaha

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