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  1. Hi guys! Been reading the forums in the last few days trying to learn everything I need to create my own ROM. I've learned a lot, thanks to your input and very interesting discussion! You guys are beasts. So I had this idea of creating a new ROM with, for example, the following teams (please add any suggestions!): - All-time* best [country] born (federov with ovechkin, for example) - All-time best [franchise] players (have crosby w/ lemieux, gretzky/mcdavid, laine/selanne, etc.) - Rookie team (Rookie Lemieux, Selanne, Crosby, Bossy, Nieuwendyk, Larmer...) - Undrafted / late picks? - Small Form factor, jumbos, ... - Etc. *all time, or maybe since ... 1980 I'm not really familiar with leagues, but I think this would not be suitable for leagues. I'm just doing this for fun. -> Obviously I have players from different eras, sometimes even the same player from 2 different years. I think the only way I can build these rosters is based on stats. Also, since i have players from a while back, I can't used advanced stats. I MIGHT or might not get creative here and there depending on how my ratings come out. Anyways my question would be: there is so much information all over this forum on some of the attributes; but is there a widely respected or accepted approach to defining all attributes? Any known approach? I know OFF was based on points, def on +/- if I'm not mistaking, but how about speed and agility, etc.? I did see one thread asking this specific question, but it appears to have died before it was completely debated. An alternative approach to stats would be to find an extraction of all games attributes from 93 and up and readjust them on the same scale. But that would leave out all players from before those games. Unless I use another method for them....! Better stick to all stats based. Any ideas? Did I miss and obvious source of information in my research? Team ideas? Oh! And I saw there are bugs that need to be fixed (weigth bug on gens). Anything else? Cool features that can be implemented in the roms? I was planning to use NOPE, btw. Hope this post isnt too messy. Thanks guys, have fun playing!
  2. Unfortunately, there are no tables in this forum... These initial ratings are based on the 2011-12 season. important note.. there is no Roughness (Rgh) rating, it is actually the Passing Bias (PsB) rating. 0: passes a lot. 6: Shoots a lot. I think it's ok to use half-ratings or ranges if you can't decide on a particular number. Resources http://www.nhl.com/i...d=nav-sts-indiv http://www.hockey-re...s/TOR/2012.html http://www.behindthe... 34 45 46 63 67 Phil Kessel Pos: ES:RW, PP:LW Line: ES:1st, PP:1st, PK:No. Stats: 82-37-45-82. -10. 20PIM. 12.5%. ATOI 20:03. 12 hits. Role: Rushing Sniper Notes: Phil "The Thrill" is immediately recognizable on the ice as the guy flying down the right wing creating a scoring chance. Four consecutive 30-goal seasons (3 on the Leafs so-called first line), and a point-per-game player in 2011-12. Scores on his quick wrist-shot. Criticized for his lacklustre defensive play, and non-existant physical game (but on the plus side hasn't missed a game since his 2009 shoulder surgery). Will be forever remembered as the guy the Leafs traded Tyler Seguin and future Bruins captain and Hall of Famer Dougie Hamilton for. Videos: , Ovr: The ratings below give him a 75-77, which seems a bit low. The defensive awareness really hurts (each DfA point is worth 2 overall) Wgt: 202 Spd: 5 - scary speed Agi: 4 - straight-line skater OfA: 5 - point-per-game player even while playing with a 3rd-line-calibre centre. DfA: 2 - he's shown some effort and was sometimes on in the last minute, but when it comes down to it, he was -10 ShP: 4 - he has a quick wrist shot, but doesn't overpower goalies ShA: 4-5 - 12.5% shooting is not exceptional. He shoots from far away, though, which will reduce his Sh%. Tends to surprise goalies with a quick shot. Chk: 0-1 - 12 hits in 82 games, 11 in the previous season.. StH: 4 - Depends more on his speed End: 4 - highest even-strength TOI for forwards PsB: 4 - he did lead the team in assists, but he's a shooter Pas: 4 - very skilled passer, but that's not why he's on the ice Agr: 0-1 - probably under strict orders to not get hurt LW Joffrey Lupul Pos: ES:LW, PP:? Line: ES:1st, PP:1st, PK:No. Stats: 66-25-42-67. +1. 48PIM. 13.1%. ATOI 18.37. 110 hits. Role: Powerish Forward, Phil Kessel Point Leech Notes: Many thought his career was over after having back surgery and a series of dangerous complications and blood infections that saw him lose 40-50 pounds. Matched Phil Kessel point-for-point through the 2011-12 season, until an injury stopped his season at 66 games and 67 points. Don't be fooled into thinking he's just as good as Kessel, though. Analysis of his points show that he is highly dependent on Kessel to create chances for him, but credit must be given for his ability to make the best of those chances. Criticized for his poor defensive game by the Leafs blog world, but he finished his season +1. Videos: , Ovr: The below gives 68-75 Wgt: 206 Spd: 4 - he keeps up with Kessel Agi: 3-4 - OfA: 4 - DfA: 2 - ShP: 4 - had an up year, so let's give him a 4/4 shot ShA: 4 - 13.1% shooting, aided by Kessel's great passes Chk: 3-4 - 110 hits. without his injury, he would have been the highest non-checking-line Leaf StH: 3-4 End: 4 PsB: 3 - 25 goals, 42 assists. He'll keep when appropriate Pas: 3-4 Agr: ~3 - 48 PIM C Mikhail Grabovski W Clarke MacArthur C Tyler Bozak C Tim Connolly W Nikolai Kulemin W Matt Frattin W Nazem Kadri C Matthew Lombardi C David Steckel W Mike Brown W Jay Rosehill D Dion Phaneuf D Jake Gardiner D John-Michael Liles D Cody Franson D Carl Gunnarsson D Mike Komisarek G James Reimer G Ben Scrivens Lines: LW - C - RW Lupul - Bozak - Kessel Kulemin - Grabovski - McArthur LD - RD AHLers: C Joe Colborne G Jussi Rynnas W Carter Ashton W Ryan Hamilton W Colton Orr Left team: Jonas Gustavsson --> WPG --> DET Luke Schenn --> PHI (for James van Riemsdyk) Joey Crabb --> WSH I think) Keith Aulie --> TB Darryl Boyce Colby Armstrong --> MTL Philippe Dupuis
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