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smozoma last won the day on May 18

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    Ontario, Canada

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    Miss 3 one-timers in 5 seconds then score on the 4th

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  1. Sorry some of those resources are suuuuuper old. These days I like the HxD hex editor: https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/ What kind of editing are you going to do, what changes do you want to make? If it's just rosters, you should use the NOSE editor
  2. KingRaph was making progress on that but it's stalled at the season mode stuff
  3. The version from old games is the PC version. This is a Sega Genesis version, that needs to be played with an emulator. Instructions for getting the emulator (which includes the original Genesis and SNES versions) are here: https://nhl94online.com/html/getting-started.php And then you download the game file from this thread and place it in the "ROMs" folder and then open it as in the instructions (but open the updated game file not the original game file) "ROM" = complete game file
  4. It didn't go anywhere 3 years ago, he was mentioning a site that used to exist in the past
  5. Yeah I try to break it down as the ROM is the whole game, that you play with emulator. Calling it the cartridge is a good idea. Then I mention the origin of the name ROM as an aside. A lot of people think the ROM file is a patch. They want to install NHL'94 and then install the update.
  6. Haha, thanks! I was trying to explain what to get to someone on reddit since people tend to not know what a ROM is
  7. FYI the forum makes it difficult to know which one to download. I like Adam's system of putting the latest one under a "Current Version" heading and the others under "Old Versions"
  8. I was just about to upload mine but yours is better Here's a zoomed in version I made as well because my full one was no good 0 0 0 :8 224 224 224 :1 192 192 192 :2 96 96 64 :3 64 32 32 :4 160 96 32 :5 224 160 32 :6 128 128 128 :7 160 0 32 :9 96 0 0 :10 192 0 32 :11
  9. Utica Comets I penciled in the text, hopefully it looks alright, not too strong 0 0 0 :10 224 224 224 :1 192 192 192 :2 128 128 128 :3 64 32 32 :4 96 96 96 :5 128 32 32 :6 192 32 32 :7 192 0 0 :8 160 160 160 :9 224 96 96 :11 32 32 32 :12
  10. Henderson Silver Knights 224 224 224 :1 0 0 0 :6 192 192 192 :2 160 160 160 :3 128 128 128 :4 96 96 96 :5 32 32 32 :7 64 64 64 :8 96 64 32 :9 128 96 32 :10 64 64 32 :11
  11. Grand Rapids Griffins.. tough one, very busy and the outline is really thin.. 224 224 224 :1 192 192 192 :2 128 128 128 :3 96 96 96 :4 96 0 0 :5 160 160 160 :6 64 64 64 :7 0 0 0 :8 96 64 0 :9 128 96 32 :10 32 32 32 :11
  12. Cleveland Monsters 2 options, 1 with a straight vertical ridge on the head, and the other with a dithered/checked ridge 224 224 224 :1 192 192 160 :2 160 160 128 :3 160 128 64 :4 96 96 64 :5 32 32 32 :6 32 32 96 :7 128 128 128 :8 0 64 128 :9 0 128 160 :10 +black 224 224 224 :1 192 192 160 :2 160 160 128 :3 160 128 64 :4 96 96 64 :5 32 32 32 :6 32 32 64 :7 128 128 128 :8 0 64 128 :9 0 128 160 :10 +black colour 7 differs
  13. Charlotte Checkers 224 224 224 :1 192 192 192 :2 160 160 160 :3 0 0 0 :4 128 128 128 :5 96 96 96 :6 32 32 32 :7 64 64 64 :8 192 0 32 :9 96 0 0 :10 128 0 0 :11 0 0 0 :12
  14. Bridgeport Islanders 224 224 224 :1 160 160 192 :2 128 128 160 :3 192 192 192 :4 32 64 128 :5 192 96 64 :6 96 64 96 :7 96 96 128 :8 160 96 96 :9 224 96 32 :10 0 0 0 :11
  15. Belleville Senators 224 224 224 :1 0 0 0 :2 32 0 0 :3 192 32 32 :4 128 128 128 :5 64 64 64 :6 192 160 160 :7 192 64 64 :8 192 96 96 :9 96 0 0 :10 96 96 96 :11
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