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AdamCatalyst last won the day on August 27

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    Sega CD
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    Five-way passing play.

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  1. Because of the unlicensed material that I include in my ROMs, I'm afraid it would be a recipe for the wrong kind of legal attention. If someone in this community wants to setup a program to run off "official" ROM hack cartridges, I'll be first in line to give them artwork files. I only care that the quality is high, and no-one gets ripped off. You are welcome to go ahead and become that person.
  2. I feel insulted… they didn't use my back of the box art, and designed their own!
  3. I believe that might be his middle-name.
  4. I can't promise anything, as I am entering a crazy busy September, but goal is to get updated ROM out for the start of the regular season.
  5. Oh man, that'a tough one. I wonder if a digital desktop font was even made for that lettering. The included font looks like it was traced from the letters, but not the original letterforms themselves.
  6. Oh man, I forgot to DM you! Here are the best sources I could find for this year's promotional images. Hopefully this helps, you or someone else. NHL 25 - Cover Images.zip
  7. Hmmmm, if that's the case, it would effectively be set by the size of the overlay that the credits are written in, likely defined as 0x20 somewhere. I say that, because if you change the video mode to 320 pixels wide (see '25 below), the credits stay centred in the first 256 pixels. OR, they are written in an overlay 0x1A wide, set 0x3 from the left edge?
  8. Does anyone, by any chance, know how to adjust the x-position of the credits?
  9. I noticed something. I can move the box that appears underneath the Face-Off window, which contains the text indicating which lines are on the ice. The interesting thing about this, is that they are positioned in blocks relative to the top left point of the Face-off window. This leads me to believe that there is a larger overlay being written, with the Face-off window loaded into/onto it at registration point 0/0. All conjecture though. FYI: Face-Off Lines Y Position @ 0xFBC5 Face-Off Lines box height @ 0xFBCB Face-Off Lines Text @ 0xFBEB To be clear, what we are working on here, is working towards a 100% wide mode fix for '94 ROMs, with enough R&D that others will be able to adapt to modded ROMs+. Was hoping to publish it this fall, but as you can tell, I got stuck. I can't promise anything, but I wouldn't be reaching out to others if I hadn't already invested serious time with this making serious progress. There are three known issues that I've not been able to broach: - Face-Off window on right side needs to be moved further right past the 256 pixel limit. - Refs position could be adjusted to better fit visual balance of 320 pixel screen. Lowest importance. - Sideboards view when a Penalty is being called displays in 320 wide mode, despite being a 256 wide fixed graphic. Completely unimportant if one plays with Penalties off, but leads to video garbage with Penalties on. There is already a fix in place to toggle the pause screen back to 256 pixel view, while gameplay toggles back to 320 pixel view. This last one seems to be the most elusive fix, as I can't find where that screen gets called up. I hadn't asked the community here about this, as I was hoping to be able to fix it with the original Russian developer, but no such luck so far. I will post this in the OP at the top.
  10. Could it really be this "easy"? Going to look over Wboy's old notes on this, see if there is an answer hidden therein.
  11. Thanks so much. I really appreciate any time you put into this. Here is what I know: Face-Off Window Background / Tiles Original @ 0x055BF6 / 0x055BFE 32 Team (De-compressed) @ 0x11E2AA / 0x11E2B2 Referenced @ 0x00FB90 / 0x00FB1E & 0x016D10 Face-Off Window Players & Linesman / Tiles Original @ 0x0A78AE / 0x0A78B6 32 Team (De-compressed) @ 0x011EA88 / 0x011EA90 Referenced @ 0x01606A / 0x00FB2E & 0x016D02 Linesmen & Referee Original & 30/32 (compressed) @ 0x05C408
  12. Ah, there ya go. You used a patch made for '94 on a '92 ROM. Since those two ROMs have some graphics moved around, that's why it isn't working as expected.
  13. Sorry, I couldn't resist. It's probably one of two potential problems: 1. You overwrote the graphics for the Face-Off dots with the Pro-Set graphics. 2. You changed the tiles being referenced for the Face-Off dots to the ones used by the Pro-Set graphics. You say you used a "patch?" My guess is this is the problem. A patch can only do so much, and if there are other customizations afoot (or the wrong ROM is used) you can get unexpected / unwanted results. If you want more help, post more info, like… uhhhhh, what ROM are you even talking about? what patch? does the Pro-Set logo look right on the Sideboards view? etc.
  14. Nah, I really am stuck on the rest. I had one last method to try and discern those two items, and it worked. I'm out of ideas on the rest. Is there any way I can trade-in the generous support of the moral variety for technical support? I presume, since it is "much more valuable" it would trade-in with at least a 1.5 ratio, no?
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