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Stepher1980 last won the day on April 8 2018

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About Stepher1980

  • Birthday 01/05/1980

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    Cornwall, Ontario

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  1. Great job, Sauce!
  2. A little edit I did using Skip's NHL 19 creating the NHL 94 team into the Seattle Metropolitans. The consists of former NHL alumni playing in Europe. Tell me what you think... Enjoy NHL19Seattle.bin
  3. i'll redo NHL Hockey 94 with the current rom and not my copy. i will do it right the 2nd time!
  4. I fixed up the players, arena names and other stuff for NHL '93 to '98 NHLPA Hockey '93.bin NHL '98.bin NHL '95.bin NHL '96.bin NHL '97.bin
  5. gonna be a lot of work for me... thanks Slapshot
  6. is there a possibly of an edit for the current Olympics?
  7. is the playoff tree have the match-ups done by divisional or conference? and are the team line-ups done with pp and pk lines?
  8. one thing i forgot to mention to you Naples the playoff tree is a little screwed up. it's fixed up with eastern team vs western team 1st round match-ups
  9. what recorder did you use? i'm trying to get something else than debut
  10. great work! just a suggestion that Vegas home helmets are grey and not black... but everything else is perfect going to try the game at some point tonight.
  11. I've downloaded dosbox and nhl 96... the game is downloaded, dosbox downloaded and installed. but I can't install the game. I mounted the setup and I went as far as selecting the sound for it and then when I go to install the install type it says "an error has occurred during the installation" does power iso work for the game or do I need daemon tools? the os i'm using is windows 10 and the dosbox i'm using is 7.4 Hell if anyone has TeamViewer and want to do it for me my id # is 293 705 212. I can't buy the actual game it's self because my laptop doesn't have a disc drive, if I had it it'll be a lot easier. please anybody will help? thank you!
  12. it'll be cool if the 32nd team you can edit it on NOSE
  13. is there a way to install nose editor on ubuntu linux? anyone?
  14. Habs vs Bruins...i'm scared

  15. Ah!... I See says the blind man to his deaf dog...

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