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Looking for SNES2 Games Tonight


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Need to get at least two games in tonight, hopefully several more. If you've been looking for me, I will be there.

AIM:gsguyotte (Buffalo Sabres)

you backed out of playing the games tonight. both you and volly are hard to get games done with. 2 games is only 20 min.

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you backed out of playing the games tonight. both you and volly are hard to get games done with. 2 games is only 20 min.

I was there as you know. I sent out 3 simultaneous IMs and Quebec was first on the horn. We played 2 games and then I had to attend to family (have 2 young children). You got an IM directly from me. Please get off my back, I'm getting tired of being hounded. You are the only one trying to give me a hard time. We are 10 days into an 8 week season.

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Now then, for everyone else, my availability is random evenings usually between 8pm - 10pm CST. I say random because sometimes I have work to do, I have graduate classes, kids, a loving wife, or any number of other distractions. When the wife is busy (usually twice a week) it's a great time for me to play. Unfortunately that did not happen last week and I had to struggle to hit the checkpoint. Hope to get out in front of the checkpoint a little bit, because I will be in the british virgin isles from 3/28-4/4.

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I was there as you know. I sent out 3 simultaneous IMs and Quebec was first on the horn. We played 2 games and then I had to attend to family (have 2 young children). You got an IM directly from me. Please get off my back, I'm getting tired of being hounded. You are the only one trying to give me a hard time. We are 10 days into an 8 week season.

Hounded? Wtf do you mean? So when I am available to play games I am not allowed to see if you are busy? Yeah I may be well ahead of schedule but you did not give your time schedule until now so what was the harm in asking you to play our games? If you want me to stop asking them dont be signed on to AIM

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Hounded? Wtf do you mean? So when I am available to play games I am not allowed to see if you are busy? Yeah I may be well ahead of schedule but you did not give your time schedule until now so what was the harm in asking you to play our games? If you want me to stop asking them dont be signed on to AIM

I mean the following:

1) Calling me out (anonymously but obviously) in public forum: See here

2) IM message: "i don't want this to drag on week after week". Must be kidding. We're 10 days in.

3) This thread: "you backed out of playing the games tonight". Already addressed this.

Edited by gsguyotte
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I mean the following:

1) Calling me out (anonymously but obviously) in public forum: See here

2) IM message: "i don't want this to drag on week after week". Must be kidding. We're 10 days in.

3) This thread: "you backed out of playing the games tonight". Already addressed this.

Of course I called you out. That's how it works around here. If you cant get a hold of people then post in forums. Got your attention, right? Now that you turned this into an issue, you will be hearing a lot more from me. Just to annoy you. If I see you on AIM then you will be getting a message from me. am going to assume you are available then. You are quite the character. Nice to have guys like you to spice things up around here. So you want to play our games tonight?

Edited by rc69fab
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No need to harass guys for games. We've just passed the first of 8 deadlines; who cares if a guy has been hard to find so far. It's a casual league. Drama-free :D

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Hey man, I am not trying to make a deal about this. I didn't realize I am not allowed to ask him for games. Isn't that the point of AIM? Thats how we contact people, right? Well I have free time to play games. I see he is online. So I send a message, right? As far as I know thats how its done. Not my fault that he is making such a big deal about it. Its funny how people get so worked up about it. All he had to do was tell me his availability right away but instead he wants to turn this into an issue. Why? Hmm..I don't know. I think its funny though. This is the first "fight" I have been in on this sight. Long way to go to be good at it. Hey Hokkee, I need a trainer. Are you available? LOL!!

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of course you can ask for games.

but if a guy says he can't or doesn't want to play at that moment, then let it go and try again later. there's plenty of time left to play.

maybe he's being overly sensitive about it, but maybe you're also being overly aggressive about it, causing his backlash. if you think the backlash was undeserved, that's fine, but I don't think escalating things by threatening to message him extra just to annoy him is constructive.

I'm sure you guys will find a convenient time to play in the next couple weeks.

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