Here is my update on the Beckett article.
It is bad news, unfortunately.
For my NHL '94 article, I was actually able to conduct an interview with Jeremy Roenick. My conversation with him was about video games, espeically NHL '94. That became the focus of my article, becase it is not every day that I get to talk with an NHL legend.
Thus, I also wrote a sidebar (a short companion article) to accompany my interview with Roenick. This is where I used my conversations with everyone who replied to my initial request.
\But the sidebar had to be cut due to space limitations. This is the first time in 10 articles that I've had something cut.
I'm really sorry about this.
I am going to write a few more pieces about NHL '94 (one for my blog, one for another sports site). I will contact everyone indivdually and make sure it is OK that I use my conversations with each of you for this new article, since it will not be printed in Beckett, but elsewhere.