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Ronnie last won the day on December 18 2023

Ronnie had the most liked content!

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  • Location
    Hamburg Township, MI

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  • Preferred System
    Sega CD
  • Favorite Way To Score
    triple fake

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  1. Just curious is there any way to put a chime or bell in the game for a 1 minute warning before the period ends? I suck at watching the clock LOL!
  2. Thank you so much for this @AdamCatalyst!!! I'm gonna download it now and play a little tonight! :-)
  3. Awesome @von Ozbourne! Cant wait to play the updated version tonight! :-)
  4. Finally downloaded this last night! It's incredible and plays great! Thank you @von Ozbourne and @Jkline3 for your excellent work! :-)
  5. Sweet dude yeah sounds good and no worries at all. 😊 No rush at all please take your time. Life is busy and work is certainly important. I’m thankful that you do this for our community 😊
  6. The seasons almost here! Woohoo! When's the latest ROM gonna drop? :-)
  7. Agreed! It was so much fun! Yeah That Perron shot with 7 seconds remaining was so amazing!
  8. Totally heartbroken my Wings didn't get in. But man what a final 3 games.
  9. lol I love it!!! That’s a good April Fools Joke! πŸ˜‚ you got us
  10. Yep same here! It's like your not playing against an opponent cuz there's only 5 men on the ice.
  11. Hopefully it’s an easy fix. 😊
  12. @von Ozbournetried playing with Minnesota Wild tonight on the new update and there seems to be a glitch with that team. It'll freeze up if you listen to announcer Dave. If you press start immediately instead of listening to Dave's intro you can get into the game but there aren't any Minnesota players. Weird?
  13. Sweet! Thank you @von Ozbourne!
  14. @AdamCatalystthank you! :-)
  15. Awesome @von Ozbourne! Thank you so much for all of your hard work! 😊
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