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Team Rearranging


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Hello All,

I'm new to using NOSE, EARE, etc. I'm basically 'porting' my All-Time Rosters ROM from SNES over to Gens. I am using Sauce's 2021 32-team ROM as a base with the help of @seamor. I have already updated the team order, the home/away/pp/pk advantages, the number of selectable teams(30), the team ratings, the players, and the lines. I thought I was using the 30-team ROM from the start so rather than start over and use the 30-team ROM as a base I'd like to just continue with the progress I've already made on this 32-team ROM if possible.

What I'm looking for help on is basically tying the new order of the teams with the actual team name and logos. I believe I would need to update pointers and, if needed, rearrange team data in the hex code to properly align with the correct team. I'm not sure where to start after browsing the forums for a while now. I will be copying logos and colors from the default NHL 94 ROM as a base to start with. I will then most likely update the jersey colors to align with my SNES version. I have also never used Tile Molester before after opening it one time and immediately feeling discouraged lol.


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