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  1. These college ROMs are epic. Thank you so much.
  2. Thx so much for these NCAA Roms!
  3. I think that is what I am going to do too.
  4. I have looked around. The offsets mentioned in all the documentation do not line up with the 32 team rom due to data having been moved around in the rom. That is precisely what I was asking about.
  5. Hello everyone, I used to have my pulse on the basics of rom editing but that was years ago. I recently tried opening up a new 32 team NHL rom and looking back at guides for offsets and nothing seemed to match up. Have the offsets been moved around in the new rom? Is there somewhere I can get a ROM that has no other hacks applied other than decompressed and expanded to 32 teams? Otherwise, where can I find documentation for doing all the old things like messing with the fatigue and the checking calculations etc. Thanks.
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