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Posts posted by chaos

  1. Thanks man, and congrats!

    Was definitely pretty hilarious in some of those games, even my gooning it up couldn't save me. :(

    And yeah, I really switched off this season after a ) I wasn't able to get hold of all my opponents for the rest of my regular season games and b ) one of my playoff series ended up being an FF after trying to get it organized for a couple of weeks. Can't remember the last time I played a game before yesterday, and I'm kinda doubting that I will sign up for next season too.

    The Fall season runs a lot smoother, since everyone has hockey fever with the NHL season starting up. Once the end of Spring comes, everyone loses interest due to nice weather and vacations, and its hard to find some guys. I was hoping that the playoffs wouldn't drag on like this by shortening the season with quicker checkpoints, but it didn't work out that way.

  2. Master is around. He answered the PM yesterday. Waiting on dangler. When you guys are looking for another coach to play you really should use the PMs. It sends an email to that person. SuperDave was looking for Sureshot for a few weeks, I PM him, and he answers within an hour.

  3. Sorry dude... But this brings up a good issue - maybe it's time to do away with Gens C. The league was basically all new guys who were unfamiliar with the rules and deadlines, maybe it's better for new blood to go to B league, or even A if good enough, with like 18 teams instead of 12 in A 12 in B and 12 in C.

    Gens C is good for new players so that they aren't thrown into a league where they stand no chance against veterans. Also, it's nice having 3 leagues because this allows all coaches to get good teams. Since Classic is not a draft league, it is better this way because everyone has a chance to win. No one wants to be stuck with Ottawa or any other sucky team in a league where you are brand new and playing against some good veterans who have a team like Chicago.

    Alot of new guys, if you notice, don't start off out of the box with good records. What happens? They go 0-10 and decide playing NHL94 online is not for them. They leave, and then that team needs a new coach, and who wants to start off with an 0-10 team in a 40 game season? If the leagues were combined into 2, this situation would happen more often. There are only a few new guys who come out of the box and play well, or finish out a dismal season and congrats to them.

    Really, in the end, it depends on how many guys sign up. This is the real factor determining how the leagues are made, and how the divisions, conferences, etc. are set up. It gives everyone a chance.

    And, as a matter of fact, GENS-A was the league that was slacking the most when it came down to playing games this season.

    Fall season always runs smoother, because everyone has hockey fever and no one is going on vacation.

    I know Sureshot has been around most of the season and playoffs. I'll PM him and let him know. Fall season registration will start soon, and we need this done.

  4. Maybe the system can be modified so it doesn't matter who posts the score? i know when I lose a big game at home, I don't really want to rush to the site and report my score... or upload the game (GDL/Blitz).

    The winner should report the score or upload the game..

    That's not a bad idea. The other team would still have to confirm though. Since we don't have save states set up on the classic website as of now.

  5. Thanks for the updates

    All that remains now are the B and C finals!

    Good luck to Sureshot, SuperDave, RedWingDevil and... RedWingDevil? there's been a mixup in the B finals, it says RedWingDevil vs RedWingDevil, instead of dcicon5148 :)

    Haha yeah I know. That was put in as a placeholder until dcicon-beaver series was played as it wasn't played yet when I updated the brackets. I'll fix it later today.

  6. Series should be completed by the weekend. My availability has been horrible of late especially this month, so I apologize.

    Lets try for Saturday afternoon, or Sunday at the latest. If I cant make it by the weekend, just let Ice advance via bye.

    OK, I'll give you guys a chance to finish it. The rest of the playoff schedule will be up later today.

  7. The deadline was this past Tuesday, but it seems no one pays attention to deadlines.

    Final deadline is Mon. July 5th.

    If series are not completed by then, I will be picking winners and semi-finals will begin.

    Series not yet completed:

    - All of GENS-A

    - dcicon5148 vs. nationals1 in GENS-B (Series 3-0 right now)

    - mcolligan vs. funkbrother62 in GENS-C

    - dangler vs. xot82 in SNES-A

    - Auggie vs. Volly in SNES-B

    It has almost been 2 weeks since the playoffs began. We need to get these over with before everyone disappears for the summer.

  8. With their team just barely making the playoffs on a tiebreaker, Joe Sakic and Mats Sundin knew they had to step it up against the likes of the best team in the league and play some mistake-free hockey. Boston went into the playoffs with only 9 regular season losses and BOS had a 5-1 Head-to-Head record in the regular season.

    But this is playoff hockey. Things change.

    So step up they did. After winning the first 2 games in Boston, the Nordiques were dreaming of a sweep when the series went back to Quebec. But then the mistakes began. They few behind quickly in the first period 4-0 in both games. Boston took the first one. QUE came back with 5 straight goals in Game 4 and won it in a nail-biter, 6-5. With a 3-1 series lead going back to Boston, they were ready to finish them off.

    But, Ray Bourque, Adam Oates, Cam Neely and company struck back. Game 5 was won in convincing fashion 6-3. Quebec was reeling. Too many dumb mistakes, and Boston was taking advantage of every one of them. Game 6 was a defensive struggle, with the score 1-1 going into the 3rd period. That's when Boston turned on the jets and took off with 3 straight goals, embarrassing Quebec on home ice.

    Game 7 went back to Boston. Win or go home. 2 quick tripping calls on Duchesne and Leschyshyn and it looked like Boston was taking this one as well.

    The offense decided now was the time to step up. Quebec took a commanding 6-2 lead and the defense clamped down on the high-scoring Bruins, knocking Andy Moog out of the net, and held up against the onslaught to win Game 7, 6-4.

    Great series against Pondhcky! Home ice a non-factor in this one, each team only winning 1 game at home.

  9. Playoff schedule is up on the website. Still waiting on the play-in series with Bo and IceStorm.

    Everyone else, 1 week deadline from tonight. Try and contact your opponent via AIM, PM on the forum, or email(you can get their email from their coach page) and get the games scheduled!

  10. There were a lot of games that were not played this season, especially in GENS-C. Some decisions were based on DNP and FF guidelines on the nhl94online.com website, along with some judgement on my part.


    Eastern Conference

    1. Zalex

    2. angryjay93

    3. canadiensfan66

    4. Vocally Caged

    Western Conference

    1. flasox24

    2. Freydey32

    3. Carse

    4. Winner of Play-in Series (best of 3) - BoKnowsNHL94 vs. Icestorm94 (IceStorm has Home Ice due to 3-2 Head-to-Head Record)


    Eastern Conference

    1. kupuck19

    2. donnybrook

    3. WagsTh

    4. RedWingDevil

    Western Conference

    1. dcicon5148

    2. beavers33

    3. maverick_z

    4. nationals1


    Eastern Conference

    1. Sureshot

    2. mcolligan

    3. funkbrother62

    4. rc69fab

    Western Conference

    1. thegaijin

    2. SuperDave (19GP, but only took over last week, and posted avail. in forums)

    3. Dragon

    4. orangeblack32 (34GP to patstew19's 24GP, who had not tried to contact coaches)


    Eastern Conference

    1. dangler

    2. Grayto

    3. RedWingDevil

    4. xot82

    Western Conference

    1. masterof94

    2. Shaftman

    3. fenty62

    4. rc69fab


    Eastern Conference

    1. pondhcky1

    2. Auggie

    3. Volly

    4. chaos (tied with jurikobeski, 4-2 head-to-head record)

    Western Conference

    1. hokkeefan2

    2. rc69fab

    3. dcicon5148

    4. Dragon

    I will have schedules up tomorrow night. Deadline for the games will be next Tues. night. IceStorm and BoKnowsNHL94, please play your play-in games as soon as you can and post the results in this thread.

    Begin your complaints here.

  11. Hey Evan,

    2 things I noticed:

    I couldn't reply to a PM that was sent to me. The reply button was greyed out. I don't know if this was just a one time issue or if anyone else has seen this.

    The News section on nhl94online.com is displaying an error, prob due to the forum upgrade.

  12. Hey everyone,

    Playoffs will start next week. I will have the schedule up Mon or Tues.

    As far as those who have yet to play games, please make an effort to schedule them either by posting in the Schedule A Game area or leaving an IM for the person. I will make judgement calls and assign forfeits or DNPs on the remaining games to finish playoff seeding.

    As far as my availability for GENS-B, I will be on tomorrow morning until 11:30 Eastern, then back on prob around 5 Eastern and will stay on AIM for the rest of the night if anyone wants to get games in.

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