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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. haha its probably that retard rocky again
  2. not everyone has theirs listed
  3. Just a friendly reminder that if you're posting for a game and you're new here (or somewhat new...), please post if you play gens or snes so we dont bother adding players for the wrong console to our AIM lists
  4. The new Gens league will start this fall. Keep an eye on this forum for details to come
  5. well the two that i tried to set up, nobody signed up for.
  6. Well I figured a summer league in general would be nice. apparently everyone else disagrees.
  7. well there have been offers to start up summer snes leagues, but nobody seems interested.
  8. im up for that. i got mine on ebay. just make sure they are real ones and not the fake ones. the fakes have the nintendo logo embossed in them. the real ones have a silkscreened "super nintendo" logo on them. boy is there ever a massive difference!
  9. im here a lot. but nobody seems to have any interest in playing nhl94 these days...
  10. Canadian teams i can run one for snes and one for gens, if there is enough interest from either side.
  11. Again, since the spring 2007 league has been cancelled, i thought maybe I'd revive this idea. I really think it could be fun, as it's a change from the usual competitive games and is meant to be more fun then anything. Of course, we could do both SNES and GENS if there are more gens interested players
  12. Being that theres no spring league, What do you guys think of a Canadian showdown tournament? All 7 teams in some sort of tournament format. Anyone interested?
  13. Incorrect. Also Incorrect. The original post very much had to do with the method of connecting players. I understand where you're coming from in trying to prove your point, and I suppose that's all that matters anyway. Perhaps you're just defensive because I made fun of people discussing networking terms they don't really understand (for which I apologize, it was rude to do so). Not a problem, I've grown tiresome of this thread. Have a nice day!
  14. Yep. As I said, I never said it was obsolete. It was more of a poke at the fact that the original poster acted like Kega makes Gens look exceptionally obsolete because it can do something Zsnes has always done. That's okay, I don't expect you to understand.
  15. Right, sure, okay. So what was funny about that, exactly? I didn't call anything obsolete, either.
  16. absolute? When did I say that? Don't make up things that I didn't say, thanks.
  17. I've been trying to volunteer to help out for ages now, but they wont let me. And yes, I would absolutely volunteer to help run it. And if they won't do it no matter how much help they get, then I would run a league. The problem with that being... nobody would sign up. Or rather, they would sign up, but not play games. And not care because its not the "official" league, anyway.
  18. I dunno. I run the network for a state university, numerous certifications, years of experience, etc etc. Maybe those things don't count? *shrug* you asked...
  19. Still don't see why we cant just use the old system for another season. If it's too much work for the admins, maybe a couple extra volunteers would make it work.
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