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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. I don't know what NHL 94 you play dude, but in mine (the cartridge version) it's 5 minute overtimes. We're playing regular season games, maybe that has something to do with it? We play 10 minute periods, the overtimes are always 5 minutes.
  2. Only two of the 01 2C are together. None of the other hex values are near those. So I edited one, assuming one would be the period length (5 minutes) and the other would be the overtime. Neither got adjusted. BAH! Anyone actually do the edit before? Know where the exact location is??
  3. I mean there's like ten of them. Ten of the 04 B0 's, so which to change
  4. there's also like 10 04 b0 which i'd like to change. how do i know which to change. do i change them all?
  5. Can't find it. Screen shot? I looked for the team, found it, didn't find it. There's about 7 "77's" i found.
  6. thanks. default ot length in snes is 5 minutes though.
  7. And is there a way to change overtime period length
  8. Ok, searched them what values do I change to? And what do you mean search "the hex data" How do I do that? Do I search a text string or hex string? We must use different hex editors. Mine is XVI32 I searched "inutes" in both, couldn't find anything.
  9. So how to change it?
  10. Can you screenshot just the nets from your tile editor with no text? :-D
  11. Stefan

    Editor v0.8.1

    Any chance you can have an update to show what each individual player's total average is? It'd be great for balancing and what not
  12. Can you show me how you edited your nets like that? I'd prefer those nets in my game...
  13. How do you change the ice colour to white. Does it look better? Thanks.
  14. I couldn't find out how to edit these in the hex editor, I don't really understand the brief guide in the mapping thread. First, what do the advantages do...? Second, how can I edit them? Thanks!
  15. Is there a way to start a game that goes directly into a best of 7, doing home ice 2 / 2 / 1 / 1 / 1, with the option of who gets home ice advantage? Some way to possible morph the best of 7 option already in place, and rather than "not playing" be placed on opposing team??!?!?! this would be GREAAAAAAAAT! And stanley cup at end?
  16. Can I get the editor?
  17. Wondering how to change the overtime length, and can it be continuous (Still sudden death, but if the period ends, go into another period)? Also, how do you change the period length options. I'd like 5/7/10 Thx.
  18. I tried adding the bottles. Doesn't seem to work for me. I've found the nets, but when 4 nets appear, and some I can't even centre, it becomes confusing, never seems to work. I'll add the bottle, and nothing will happen. Could you shed some light? What colour do you use? Perhaps the one I'm using blends in or something... (Although I do use brown for the bottle top)...
  19. I tried adding the bottles. Doesn't seem to work for me. I've found the nets, but when 4 nets appear, and some I can't even centre, it becomes confusing, never seems to work. I'll add the bottle, and nothing will happen. Could you shed some light? What colour do you use? Perhaps the one I'm using blends in or something... (Although I do use brown for the bottle top)...
  20. I'll take a look today. See the nets but that's about it
  21. Still confused :/
  22. Confusing as hell. All I see is a big pile of random colours...
  23. How did you add the water bottle? Tile editor? Where do I get that, and how difficult is it to do?
  24. I think I'm just gonna edit the game myself. Could you post all your changes? Just out of curiosity.
  25. Can I get the editor?
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