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Posts posted by malachku

  1. Hey Guys, not sure if anyone would be interested in this, but i have created an online roster viewer. You can upload your .bin file and it will spit out the rosters and lines.

    You can get to it here http://oshlhockey.saintweb.net/roster/roster.php

    Currently, Genesis roms only.

    Works with roms based off of the original NHL94 version or any of the roms based off of wboys 30 team hack. (NHL2009.bin etc.)

    Thanks to wboy for his help and guidance.

  2. Hey malachku. Great work on the site. Really slick stuff.

    I was wondering, if there was a way to keep cummulative stat totals. I imagine it's possible to work some magic with the excel files, but I am no excel guru.

    I tried an upload but it will only track one game. Is there a way to keep personal stats for all exhibition games that a user plays?

    for sure its possible. over at the 2on2 league, we're using this system, with all the games accumulating into a mysql database.

    2on2 League

    on a personal stats level, it would require a little more tweaking, but it would be possible.

  3. i was thinking of also:

    - Having the program auto generate webpages for each team, standings, and a game score log (one for each team, and one for the whole league).

    - the option of choosing between the 1994 teams, and the 2007 teams (so depending on the league you can have updated logos and name banners)

    - Playoff Tree

    hey mate, i did something a while back. just upload your game state file!


  4. hey what's up with that league? do you need peeps?

    what happened to the forums on the OSHL site? the link doesn't work anymore. i was trying to find more information.

    the OSHL is just a simulated league. i thought it would be interesting to see how a full season played out in NHL94. I play a few games here and there, but thats about it. if someone wanted to start a league based on my template, i would gladly help out with the database/programming stuff.

  5. PHP is so much more flexable. I'd be willing to lend a hand on any programming if needed.

    I think the stats idea would add a dimension to that game that unparalleled!

    Also, just to throw in my 2 cents, I think chosing teams in order from whoever finished last is definetly the way to go.

    1st - Promoted/Relegated teams (with the relegation system.. this would only be nessisary for year 2 and beyond)

    2nd - Reverse order from last to first in the standings

    3rd - All new comers to the league (gotta pay your dues!)

    It's definetly the fairest system and provides the best competition.

    i've done the stats exporter in php. See here as well as my league in my footer. all those stats were collected with this system. The non-voteable awards auto tally at the end of the year. i would be willing to help implement this system into some sort of online league.

  6. thanks for the feedback. yes, this should work in netplay (have never tried it out, but i think you need to use v1.62 and do the save alpha). maybe someone can try it out with different versions after a netplay game and let me know.

    i did some furthur testing and found that it worked with most versions of gens. (tested it in 2.14, 2.11 and GensFE using the quick save method). I do know that it does not work with gens+.

    i'm not sure what you mean re: "capture replays of goals".

  7. i have created a web page that you can post a gamesave or alpha file to, and it will spit out the game stats to an html page or an excel spreadsheet. there are a couple of notes to use this.

    1. You must be using macks most recent rom file. Get it here

    2. It doesn't seem to work with gens+ (it was tested and worked in gens 2.14, 2.11, gens fe, and gens 1.62)


    When you finish your game, at the Exit Game screen (scoreboard with the zamboni going by), press F5 to do a quick save, or click file, quick save.

    Note where the file saved. If you used the quick save method, the save file will be in your emulator folder/save/

    Now, go to http://oshlhockey.com/excel/addnew.php

    Load your file, and select the output method (formatting in excel leaves a little to be desired)

    I am also using this method to populate my database for the OSHL

    BIG thanks to dmitry, and all who posted info in this thread

    Feedback is welcome!

  8. i will play the games sometimes B) very much like nhl 2006 etc. where you can play as your team and the rest of the games are simulated.

    i use php and mysql. i enter the stats manually, but have got it down to a very quick procedure. only takes a couple of minutes.

    A simulated league? Interesting... You don't play the game? The gameplay is what makes this game a classic!

    What tool are you using to extract the stats? I've heard it is possible to extract through the save state files. I'd love to be able to pull the stats out of my games. Hook me up! :D

  9. does anyone know how to extract the team logos from the in-game screen?

    i am talking about the team logos that appear in the grey bar along the bottom of the screen when you are playing on the pc version. if anybody had updated ones, that would be even better. i am looking to get them in a gif/jpeg/png format.


  10. yeah, the centres are dominating points/goals. defencemen get alot of pims. (although i think pronger has like 12 goals)

    yes, i do all the php/database work.

    HABS, i cant think of any reason why the database would not work with a real league. (by real i guess you mean online). i have no experience with online leagues, but if someone who runs one would like to try using my stuff, i would be more than glad to set it up for them.

  11. hi guys, i have been working on "simulating" the 2005-06 season using nhl94 (genesis ver) and tracking the stats along the way.

    by simulating, i mean using the frame skip option in gens+, and then inputting the stats into a database i have. i am using the rosters from nhl94.com/update (i lowered the goalie ratings) i am about midway thru the season, and i try to sim games every day or so.

    just thought some folks may find it interesting...........

    the league can be found here, OSHL

    let me know what you think :)

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