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I edit tiles, but any ROM I edit will not play in any emulator

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This might seem like a weird question/issue.

I've done ROM editing for NES/SNES.  But this is my first time trying Genesis.

I want to edit logos in NHL 94.  I'm using Tile Layer Pro.  But have also tried using Tile Molester.

Everytime I edit some tiles, I press save.

But when I try to load up my edited rom in an emulator, it won't play.  The emulator just stays at a black screen.

I tried then loading the rom in Tile Layer Pro again, and this time I just edited ONE TILE in the pittsburgh pengiuns logo just to try it again.

Saved the Rom in Tile Layer Pro.  Loaded it in several emulators, but it won't play.  Again, it just shows a black screen.

Any Ideas?  It seems like I must have some sort of setting wrong.  (I have tried the auto-fix checksum feature, but that didn't do anything either).

Any help out there?

Edited by mattyisdamang
spelling error
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Like Drezz suggests, you probably didn't remove the checksum. But if you have the checksum, then you are probably trying to edit the original game, which is something you shouldn't bother doing, because the graphics aren't editable.

You should use a 32-team edited ROM.

Anyone have a link to a good 32-team base ROM to use?

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Personally, I'd use Adam Catalyst's as his documentation is really good and he managed to fix the player card crash. Also, he tries to keep the core look of the game as close to the original as possible. But all of the 32s I've seen follow the same structure... so take your pick.

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