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Posts posted by Wittgenstein

  1. i'm against throwing players under the bus and all that shee (plabax)

    but, it's like, a lot of us folks who have been chatting with houly late night for a while now are in a position to judge whether houly has changed and can come back-- and all of us are vouching for him and want him back. the people who are against him coming back are the ones that either have him blocked on aim or don't aim chat with him.

    houly is cool guy. it's nice to have some interesting characters on the forums and in the leagues-- and houly is certainly interesting dude that adds character to 94. we aren't all yuppies (yet) who just want to play game and say gg and then go tend to kids and job stuff and whatnot. it's nice to have entertaining characters around.

    houly made some mistakes (that aren't even that bad; he didn't pull drp1zza and spam the site with porn); and can you even count making a second account to play as a mistake? he was banned and wanted to play-- what was he supposed to do?

  2. Are you serious? Houly is just being silly when he says that. & people are just being silly when they repeat it.

    Houly knows he trolled too hard. But he's changed; he's been humbled from being away from the game and community.

  3. ASSHOLES !!!

    I love how these moderators for 94 are all about whos friends with who ,everyone who knows houly knows he wouldn't screw up a last chance to be a part of this 1 last time.I even fn learned but im pretty sick of this hitler ran bullshit around here ,Its all about who likes who when you mod here .

    Eat my shorts from the brown spot out ,you guys really make me sick.

    I agree (although wouldn't be that harsh)

    Basically everyone on the site except for two or three mods want him back--or at least want to give him another chance. But just because the few people who have the power to unban won't, he hasn't been unbanned.

    And he can't just can't be unbanned? He has to go to icestorm and fall to his hands and knees and beg at icestorm's feet to be let back in? That is just weird

  4. So the 10,000 rule is....

    Forty years ago, in a paper in American Scientist, Herbert Simon and William Chase drew one of the most famous conclusions in the study of expertise:

    There are no instant experts in chess—certainly no instant masters or grandmasters. There appears not to be on record any case (including Bobby Fischer) where a person reached grandmaster level with less than about a decade's intense preoccupation with the game. We would estimate, very roughly, that a master has spent perhaps 10,000 to 50,000 hours staring at chess positions…

    In the years that followed, an entire field within psychology grew up devoted to elaborating on Simon and Chase’s observation—and researchers, time and again, reached the same conclusion: it takes a lot of practice to be good at complex tasks. After Simon and Chase’s paper, for example, the psychologist John Hayes looked at seventy-six famous classical composers and found that, in almost every case, those composers did not create their greatest work until they had been composing for at least ten years. (The sole exceptions: Shostakovich and Paganini, who took nine years, and Erik Satie, who took eight.)


    ... that it takes a lot a lot of years of practice to become the best at something: natural talent+tons of practice=being top in field.

    With 94, the rule may be more like 1,000-2,000 hours. But I am wondering if Plankster or TK are exceptions?

    TK has to be. While he wasn't at top form when he first started doing exis (I remember playing him in the early days), he quickly became one of the best within a few months. (Plantman may be a little different bc I know he was in a league or two before he became one of the best... although I'm sure he had a pretty quick rise, too.)

    Maybe NHL94 players can debunk the 10,000 hour rule?

  5. EDIT: To Witt, that also isn't true. Didn't he just beat me at Kings Court without Detroit? I play Seth more than anyone around here and for the whole month of August, it is safe to say Uncle Seth hasn't picked DET more than a good 10 teams in the game.

    Word. Ya, he's good. But... seth, I want chance to play you in kings court w/out detroit- this weekend- when I am not just getting home from work at midnight and miserable. You gonna be around?
  6. I have soooo much to say about my long history with NHL94,from habs as my 1st boyfriend hehe, to playing in Snes A lg finals vs xot82 , or waking up the next day and seeing 1000 word rants that I posted during a blackout lol, or battling with icestorm when he got me booted from nhl94.com, to argueing with houly like he was my wife or the battle that freydey led to get me back into NHL94.com but just the experiences of playing all the coaches over the years was a blast in itself.

    I would say more but you would never be able to read it anyways.

    I guess you will have to wait for the book.

    plz write this book

  7. - found the site because i was friends with soh. one day i saw him with the 94 homepage open on his laptop and asked him about it.

    - the best 94 days for me were the weird trips over to carse and bo's in the middle of night one summer, where we'd watch ytmnds and play 94

    - i went on a long hiatus after, in the 09 spring classic c/d semi-finals, wags tied our series 3-3 after he came back in game 6 because of this insane goal: he accidentally shot the puck from behind his own net, it went all the way across the ice, over my net, off the boards, then off the back of my goalie's head and into the net. it is by far the craziest goal I have ever seen. After that game, I smashed my controller with a baseball bat and didn't finish the series.

    - accomplishment i will always be most proud of on 94: http://forum.nhl94.com/index.php?/topic/10322-roenick-is-goalden/?hl=goalden

    - technically, my rookie class would be redwingdevil, wagsth, and donnybrook, although that seems weird since I went on long hiatus and was like a rookie all over again

    - best part of 94 has always been the weird ass conversations with 2on2 players at like 2am. lot of crazy ones with jesus-- he had craziest stories-- and sebe and co.; & even more crazy ones over the last year or so

    - free houly

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