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Posts posted by Cosmic
MA Fluery or M Murray as the starting Goalie for PIT - Zatkoff has not played since the NYR series and will likely not play any more.
I will do some teams that I like skating with, right now (LAK, CHI, TBL, etc.)
I can pitch in with handedness, weights, spelling, and ratings feedback for the Metropolitan Conference.
Yeah I was dumbfounded after trying nhl 16 and seeing that the ratio of love-hate threads on the easports nhl reddit page was like greater than 10:1.
NHL 16 is one of the biggest videogame disappointments ever for me
I never look at reddit, just find the format to be psychotic. But on the EA NHL Forum, it seems like more people hate the game, than like it:
great posts. I posted like that in the Scrabble (EA) forums. they banned me. they get that money either way.
That could explain why no one replied to this thread that I started titled, "!! REQUEST REFUNDS !!"
EA has not banned me yet.
Looks awesome and I love the trailer (awesome work, for real), except that for future renditions, I think you need to be wearing hockey gloves when you are standing there holding the hockey stick, at the beginning as the cover guy. Did you watch the Road to the Winter Classic - SJS/ LAK from last year? Remember when the LA Kings went to DC? Remember when Coach Darryl Sutter was standing next to the Grand Pubah, how clueless the Pubah looked holding the stick (his top hand was like upside down and backward or something- he looked so awkward), and how terrified Sutter looked standing next to him? Sutter was looking at him like, "What the hell is he doing?" and then could not get away, quickly enough haha. From now on, whenever I see a guy holding a stick without gloves, I always think of this moment (which was hilarious, but one does not want to be associated with this event).
I am just thinking, PS4 has internet, so can I download an emulator, and then play NHL 94 through my PS4, on my big TV, with my PS4 controller?
I don't know- perhaps the PS4 has some built in blocker that won't let me emulate video games (to stifle competition or preserve copyright or whatever boring/ obnoxious corporate reason)?
I suppose I could research it online, but figure someone here would know for sure. I would like to get into gaming with everyone here, and am awaiting some assistance from Coach Mac to help me get set up with my Mac. I would also like to get set up on my PS4, if possible.
When I was in High School, my friends and I all agreed to get Sega Genesis, and thus, that is the only system I have ever known NHL 94/95 on. I see why the SNES is better though, after having read the differences (no shot passes going in, and no soft goals, which always irked me to no end in my high school days). So ...
1 (tie): NHL 94 (Sega)
NHL 95 (Sega)
* I know that the games are so different, and that 95 is not exactly loved in these parts, but I loved it regardless (I played a ton of NHL 96 too in college).
2. Halo (XBox) - how sweet was 16 player, with 4 boxes LAN'ed - Bloodgulch
3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (XBox 360) - Game Mode: Survival, 2 player tandem, oh the carnage
4. NHL 15 (PS4)- this game is super fun for online versus- wide open, passing is sound, and it feels so good to snipe with with a lefty coming down the RW (I am a righty myself, so I cannot do this in real life).
5. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (the first one that came out on XBox 360- I do not recall the exact name of the title) - I played the heck out of Headquarters on XBox Live.
Honorable Mention:
NHL 93 (Sega) - this game "wet the whistle" for my buddies and me to get into video gaming hockey. I know that the game was ridiculous, and I used to win by scores of like 30-5, which was stupid, but there was something about it, like we knew that epicness was pending, so we got ready, and got ourselves familiar with the game, controls, players, etc ...
NHL 92 (Sega) - For whatever reason (too busy with Madden and Lakers v. Celtics), we barely played this game, even though it was pretty good actually.
NHL 16, online versus (the only game mode that I play), is absolute trash. This should come as no surprise to my brethren in this forum. If anyone cares, here is my rant on the matter, following my request for a refund via PSN, with a response from an EA Dev. I actually enjoyed NHL 15, which is why I am not too active on the old school console stuff here, but I love that we got a forum to keep the best video game ever alive:
What do you guys think the turnout would be if it was in say Vegas, NYC or Chicago?
I'm concerned the fact a high % of players were from the GTA it might be tougher elsewhere? What about Montreal?
It would seem that whatever was done to get those guys in the Toronto tourney who were from the GTA, would generalize to the GA or whichever venus is identified. For example, if we had a tourney in Los Angeles, then I would guess that we would get a lot of guys from the GLA area coming out of the woodwork. Or not. Hard to say. Vegas might be a better venue (than Los Angeles, or anywhere between San Diego to Santa Barbara), as hotels are pricey in LA and it is not really set up for visitors as well as Vegas is. I guess the greater Las Vegas area, where guys would flock from, would likely include the rest of Nevada (which is not much, I do not think), Arizona & SoCal.
Who are you Gary Bettman?
While LA would be fairly close for me and summer would be great as I am a teacher.
King of 94 needs to be in an Original 6 city or Sakatoon or Hay River.
I think a better idea is for you to organize a second King of 94 Expansion tour stop in LA.
I would like to have one near Lake Tahoe.
I also wish KO94 was later so it was actually Hockey season.
When I wrote that, about doing KO94 in LA, I figured it may not have been the best idea, and it would morph into something better. So, yes, this will work. LA, Tahoe, Vegas, wherever- I am happy to drive up to 6-8 hours, and meet everybody in a hotel/ convention center type setting, and then game all day and night. Do you have any idea on how to organize, get sponsors, etc.?
I'd be up to play in a league, if I can get my Mac working and running this ROM.
Request for Dates for summer 2016 King of 94 Tourney: starting June 9 or after, ending July 26 or prior
Request for Venue: Somewhere in Los Angeles area
I was unable to attend the King of 94 tourney, as I had to leave to go overseas for work on July 31. Generally, I spend summers in Los Angeles from about June 10-July 30 or so. I am up for a tourney every summer, if we can rally the guys and find a venue. I would play NHL 94 online but I am on a Mac, and every time I try to get set up, I get stuck. So, I just play NHL 16 (or whatever the most current game is) online, and am generally left unsatisfied.
(Probably the wrong thread; I just read the movie update, and it inspired me to make this request ... of course, I am looking forward to seeing the documentary, and thus I read McMikey's post in its entirety, and cannot wait to see Pixelated Heroes.):
I got a request (and I will PM the organizers). Can we please have the King of 94 tourney starting after June 10, and ending before July 23? (the closer to Los Angeles, the better, as that is where I stay, and will need to return to, to get back to work overseas). I am overseas for work all year, and would love to participate in an NHL 94 tourney. Don't worry, I am sure I am not a ringer. I mostly play online versus in NHL 16 these days (when I am not lobbying the devs to change the garbagy aspects of it in the EA NHL Forum), and miss my NHL 94 !! Here is an example of some of my "work":
(I am IceCosmic in PS4, and on the EA NHL Forums- trying to get EA to bring back the fun and trash the nonsense, did not go over too well though.)
it's been twenty years of "this season's release is good/bad and last season's was bad/good." they have not been right about any of that since somewhere around the year 1994.
It's ok, no '94 for sure. I liked 14/15 better.
There are one timers in 94, but not in 92. For me, the addition of the one timer MADE 94 what it was. I remember so many times in 93 playing and trying to feed an open guy with a cross crease pass, who then failed to get the shot off, and asked, "Why bother, may as well just deke to a goal every play?" When I heard the 1 timer was coming to 94, I was as excited as I have ever been about a feature coming to a sport video game. And voila, it was perfectly implemented and was a big factor in making 94 what it was and still is.
If you scroll down the EA NHL page on FaceBook a bit, then you will see a section called "Visitor Posts" on the left hand side.
I just posted there (bottom left of the screenshot):
Nathan "Nate" Barnatt.
I assume that he is a member here, who hosts tournaments?
Any chance we can do something like this here in LA, this summer? I am in Los Angeles until July 31; I do not know any SNES or GENS players, do not even have either system myself, but I am sure there are people here still playing.:
I am not sure what zone starts are, but this site has links to some fantasy stat sites:
You just need to scroll the left side content flow, down to "C. Stats Resources." I have never actually looked at the sites, but I have heard guys on the interview talking about stats like % that a guy successfully carries the puck over the blue line and into the offensive zone. I thought it was a cool stat. I noticed last years that Mats Zuccarello seemed to be the most consistent NYR at doing this, but I never heard an announcer mention it. I noticed he has not been doing it as much this year, mostly him or another guy on his line just dumps and chases. I have not confirmed my anecdotal memory; but I figure if I really wanted to, then this would be the place to scour the stats to do so.
Whatever happened to the newest installment of NHL Ninety Flow? I am sure you are aware of this- I found an error in the last version- Playoffs 2014. Vlad Tarasenko on STL is RH and #79 in the game; in real life he is #91 and LH. Cheers.
y'all play at a mall?
lol yea- every rink that I know of, in Asia, is in a mall. It basically makes it impossible to keep the ice proper, since people in malls do not want to freeze their tails off, which is what we need for good ice, right? But it is "better for business." Supposedly the one in Taipei is pretty good, and the one in Bangkok (Ramm 9) is nice. Oh yea, the Cube in SG is fine. I dunno about Phillipines but I know they are in a mall too. And then out here, both of ours have perpetual problems with (lack of) ice hardness issues.
So, you guys might appreciate this. I played one season (3 or 4 months) of ice hockey in 7th grade (something like 1988), and then another 3 or 4 months of just pick-up once or twice per week when I was a sophomore in college (1996). Recently, I decided to make a "comeback" (in quotes because I never was much good). I play on a team that won this 35+ Old Timers Tourney (I am 37 years old). So, everyone I have been playing with for the past 7 months, and then some of the guys on the tourney team who I had never met before (we picked them up at the tourney- they live in SE Asia in other countries, and have been friends with guys on my team), are sort of impressed. I am light years away from being as good as our top guys- they skate awesome, stickhandle, create. I just basically forecheck and score goals. Both, I do surprisingly well, even to the surprise of my own self. The funny thing is, I learned positioning and just how to flow with the game from playing the video games lol. Never had a coach except those 3 or 4 months in 7th grade (who just yelled the same nonsense all the time and I never knew what he was talking about anyway), and then score 6 goals in 13 regulation games between our league and tourney, and create havoc on the forecheck. So, here is the highlight video of my antics (just from the league, there are only pics from the tourney):
I am #23 in white:
Chris Kreider is back.
International NHL '94 Players
in Pixelated Heroes - NHL'94 Documentary
I do not know if I count. I live in Indonesia now. I grew up in the USA, and played NHL 94 all the time when I was in HS/ college. I tried to get my Genesis/ NHL 94 set up out here, and fried the AC adaptor. So, I just play EA NHL 16 on PS4, as the AC Adaptor just works without any fire risk.
Out here, no one plays NHL 94. I will host some NHL 17 tournaments on occasion at work, but those are just a couple times per year (just started in April/ May last year, and will continue this year).