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Posts posted by tru

  1. gotcha, Jay: stop being "angry," right? I did that, with a toned way down version of my previous self, displayed here for years with a much lower frequency of troublesome interactions, but I don't seem to be getting any of the response that one might hope would come from that, in reactions from other members and in tickets issued from los puercos. I have soiled my own pants, but I have been trying to get my laundry done for years. I'll be fine, I just would surely prefer the others to appreciate the efforts. the first bunch of posts in this thread give me some hope, but I get that people are sick of me and that only so much will change at their ends. stay tuned; I'll be here for a while.

  2. that all seems about right. my understanding of "aggressiveness" is that is a reputation rating. so, if you are John Scott or Brad Marchand, all of those interactions would be factoring in a likelihood of the penalty being whistled. so, you need the contact, yes, but I think when that happens, Toffoli isn't going to have as frequent penalties because the referees don't know him like that. Shawn Thornton? less leeway. I think folks like myself and FPB/TRR have very high reputation ratings around here, so we get the whistles out when there is a judgement call to be made. does that make sense? I have no in-game proof -- it's just what I have come to believe over the years.

  3. You just don't seem to be able to see that your way of writing comes off as really obnoxious / disdainful....

    or I don't see how that is something a bunch of adults can't handle.

    ....How many threads of yours have been hijacked?...

    I don't know. I feel like we can sort it out ourselves, usually, though, if/when it does happen.

    ....I'm sure you are not the only person who thinks we are....out [to] get....them

    then maybe chill out a bit, so we don't feel like we're tiptoeing around potentially tearmaking conversations. I suspect the stuff you deleted could have stayed without anybody pissing themselves in a state of being that offended.

    ....I appreciate the think thrice, and wish many others followed that thinking.

    thank you. I've built a little bit of a filter since I stopped using heroin, but I still bring honesty and think sugarcoating stuff is worse than letting a potentially troublesome thought flow freely.

    ....there was valid reasons to remove that post. You brought zero to that topic, why should your post stay?...

    well, I guess I just straight disagree. I think his and mine should have stay as a point and counterpoint. he offered defeatism and I offered a suggestion of ignoring defeatism. seeing something further than that is looking for jaywalking tickets to write. I can cross the street without my mommy.

    ....I tried to see how to remove the warning points and couldn't figure it out. The Mod group knows you were given an extra, so we will take this into account the next time you cause a violation.

    cool, thanks. I appreciate the clarification very much. I will try to not have a next time, but my ability to predict them sucks, obviously, so I'm sure there will be a next time.

    That really deserved to be deleted though?...

    I don't really think so. it was freaking terrible advise, but, although there is harm in bad advise, you should be free to give it.


    do you wish we were out of control in here? I think this thread is proving that we can handle tough subject matter with direct criticism and no broken hearts.

    ....I could have left it, but then I'd have to consider posting....a nicer version of trus post....

    and we can't be having that, now, can we? I mean... my post was supposedly so awful that it had to be deleted, but the message was still needed... shoot that messenger! I'm sick of being shot for bringing unwanted news.
  4. In all fairness to TomKabs....

    everybody else gets fairness, it seems... even him.

    ....There was no reason for tru to post in that thread and attack TomKabs.

    please attempt to define "attack" in a manner that is inclusive of my post's content and intent.

    That definitely deserves a warning point.

    maybe define "definitely," too.

    seriously, though, thanks for the very specific clarification. I do think thrice before hitting "post" and you are seeing the constrained and self-edited versions of my interactions here. I feel that the rules for me and the rules for others have very different breaking points.

    I think the first excerpt from deleted content proves my point. (you can reread that over and over and if you, in any reading, see anything worthy of full post deletion, you are spinning like the worst of doctors.) the second one shown includes a tiny jab while making a point, so I get it, but my posts like this get deleted while that is not how the unrelated rants, insulting content get to stay. the double standard is a continuing issue. I can't know if/when other get "points," but I can surely see when their posts get to stay after mine are deleted.

    would you be willing to clarify if there are rules to what these mean and what actions are taken at which thresholds? may I have the extra one removed? thanks for getting into the details, the heart of the matter, with us.

  5. ....you like to be different

    that seems to be accurate.

    Nobody hates him just to fit in....

    actually, yes, they do. I'm not sure I can remember enough details to find where somebody admitted doing exactly that, but it has happened at least once. I suspect three or four of y'all just take other peoples' words on it and jump in, mob rules.

    "hey, why are we kicking this guy?"

    "I think somebody said he grilled his neigher."

    "horse-cooking scum!"

    ....He's obviously a bad person


    ....I take it personally because it's beyond annoying....

    aw, poor Kaberle! do you think you can recover?

    ....people love jumping on the hatewagon, it's natural. People definitely do that to you. Skip was a jerk for doing that, and then he got mad at me when I brought it up on the forums. Kupuck hated everyone who carse feuded with because he had his balls in his mouth daily. To me though tru is totally different. I think he deserves every bit of it....

    throwing your cake and eating it, too, eh? classy.
  6. uh, oh.

    I hope this can be a safe place for this stuff... an active fire zone, or something. I feel like if you come to this thread, you are wading into the deep end, letting it all hang out, or whatever other trite, tight tripe type typed. that typed, please try to be calm, civil and noncombative, so it can be stuff that makes progress, not hurts feelings and incites anger. I'm not saying y'all currently risk that, but I am trying to get ahead of it so this thread can stay here to serve a purpose otherwise deserved, but underserved.

  7. ....most of the hate comes from people who do it just to fit in....follow the "cool" crowd, so if this guy and that guy think it's cool to hate on tru, then nearly everyone else will....People want to see him as the villain.

    yep. I'm fine with it if I can precipitate, but the moderators are fine with it until I participate. that's my major issue right now.

    People want to see him as the villain. I think the best solution would be for the mods to stop having knee-jerk reaction to anything tru says. And to stop deleting his posts/punishing him for things he says simply because it's honest or tru!...

    thanks for that. I doubt us as allies helps either of us, but appreciate your nuanced understanding and general avoidance of intellectual laziness.

    ....he doesn't form any relationships through AIM conversations....

    is it more noteworthy that I don't use America Online or that everybody else here does?

    ....he doesn't play online games or league which 99% of us posting here do....

    most that continue to be around, sure, but plenty of people come through for discussion of the games, exploring hacking them and more. the attitude that this place is for leaguers only turns those other off and dilutes their interest. it doesn't happen with me because I am difficult to bully and I'm committed to what I'm committed to.

    ....This is a community....where people play a game they love with each other....form friendships beyond 'onlag'...get together [in] person to play when possible.

    I invite any people reading this to come visit and play in person. I have moved to the town in Maine that the drinking water comes from. I am friendly, but still me.

    ....Sure plabax somewhat fits in the same category but he takes time to share his knowledge on the game, initiate some good debates, albeit annoying sometimes....he's one of the best online players that has been here.

    that describes me until you get back to the playing versions of the games watered down by the inherent issues of getting emulators miles away from each other to communicate without discrepancies. if you think the rest does not apply to me, you are wrong.

  8. it's pretty messed up that I am not supposed to post in thread where I have something to add; my posts do -- and all will -- get deleted, but the references to me stay, unchallenged. I can't ask to come up from third-class membership? I can't type about the tribulations of others that correlate to my experiences? y'all can talk about me here, but I cannot? that's just, uh... not great.

    I only get one post in threads you moderate? separate rules for me, still, eh?

    Only a total (insert the 4 letter c word) would post in this thread & say that J&j is a waste of his time....

    isn't it plenty cunty to imply that somebody is such a thing for trying to air grievances and defend themselves? I agree that FPB/TRR has been hard to get along with; I've been here, reading nearly everything, for a long time -- something more than a decade -- and he's managed to be even more difficult to get along with than y'all make me out to be, but you are surely extremely insulting when it is not appropriate, too. implying the word you won't actually use... using bathroom descriptions to belittle the value of somebody's content... reacting before thinking... maybe you can reel it in if you expect that from others. this in no way is an attempt to justify cheating -- he's been trying to get his trickery to stick for a long time and it isn't cool -- and I know y'all don't want my opinions about league stuff, even though I am a fair and impartial observer who reads a very high percentage of the words posted on this site, no matter the section it is in. (that is often because I use the "latest" button and sections don't show, but subsections with deceptive names do.)

    ....you were not previously posted about so your previous post & its deletion were more than justified....

    thanks. I surely do agree that the post I made was justified. it's almost funny how it was somehow also worthy of deletion.

  9. I'm a guy who has been around since day two. (I bailed on my old profile when it got to 1994/1995 posts.) I explored facets of NHL '94 through continual discussion over, what, a decade now? I help newcomers. I make ROMs. years ago I tried to engage in trash-typing, much like one might trash-talk at/with a friendly opponent in a game played in person. it didn't go over well, but I stuck with it, thinking people would come around. they surely did not. they asked me to stop. I did.

    I'm not perfect, but I try to be a better person every day. I have changed since then, but I am still the same entity at my core, so I suffer my own doings reflected back, years later. it seems that staff here kowtow to pressure from bullies that have it out for me, still, somehow; my posts get deleted and I get issued warnings at rates and for things that I suspect are out of the normal realm of actions taken against supposed transgressors. it may all be fair, but I don't feel that it is. I'm trying to explore these issues in a safe manner.

    now, just tonight, a moderator bud that I thought was a friend has selected a tiny portion of a private message sent to offer defense and request clarification, spun my words back with a key alteration making it seem to be an insult it was not meant to contain, and in blocked me from contacting that staffmember further. this encapsulates me, here.

    I want to explore if fairness is being employed where I suspect it is not, and I am met at most turns with confirmation. a weaker person would let it eat them up, but I just want to engage in a dialog about the issues inherent in the situation. it's tough when I get "ban him," "block him," "go away" quite often. this thread has been great, though, because it is allowing people to safely vent... and hopefully understand my side of event, see my defense of self, read my words that routinely get removed -- thus further suggesting/perpetuating a supposed need to treat me in such a manner -- from other conversations.

    hi, I'm tru; I like it here, and I think I have plenty of value to contribute. I ask that people consider how they interact with me and offer a kinder set of dispositions. I may not deserve it, but I don't think it's too much to ask.

    oh, and: no, you need not care.

  10. alright! thanks for letting this thread stand and for all of the excellent responses! I'll now attempt to respond to each.

    ....I'm willing to move on also....I'll look at your posts through a different lens....

    thank you. I shall try to not let our past bring out the negativity in me.

    ....You're a different kind of dude than most of us....

    for sure. and... thanks! hehe.

    ....I apologize for the secondary warning last week, it was inappropriate and immature.

    it really was. thank you for admitting it. now... how about deleting it?

    ....I hate you cause you're a douche....

    fair enough.

    ....you bring nothing to this place.

    I disagree. I help newcomers. I make ROMs. I discuss the games, in many incarnations. you remind me of Hastert (former Speaker Of The House in the USA) going all "I know you are but what am I" on homosexuals and others of alternative lifestyles, claiming they are dangerous and criminal, when, in fact, he raped boys. it takes one to know one, I guess.

    ....Thank god for the ignore function

    yet you can't seem to bring yourself to use it. go figure. you just keep bringing it up, encouraging others to use it against me, yet you follow me around like a sad puppy. are your mirrors all broken?

    I've noticed a change & have done my part to not make you some instant troll response.....

    thank you.

    ....you that you down play it a bit more than than what is still evident to review....

    fair enough. I invite others to make that call for themselves and remember that most of my self-defense and apologies get washed away when these things boil over in "wrong" places. we do not have a Member Specific section and I don't like letting spin doctors with revisionist history and deceptive practices used against me to go unchallenged.

    ....I'm well liked but cross the line way more in the offensive category & my favorite post on any forum ever was my "piss on your face" post which they deleted on us!...

    I don't mind taking my shots, as long as I can give them, but that was a great set of examples of what is inappropriate between folks that aren't, like, friends agreeing to interact in such a manner together.

    ....aside from on the basic warnings, the biggest difference is I'm not perceived as a "douche" doing it for troll reasons....

    you aren't?!

    ...."Why are you posting here?" This thought is why most of us are/were so anti-tru on anything....by you.

    it's okay for me to post in open forums. I try to add to the discussion almost all of the time. I have thoughts and opinions on the C-B check, on goalie control delay, etc., and I can discuss that stuff with y'all. it's okay, I promise.

    ....it's in the past. Your post for some time have been non-trollish. Sometimes, you'll respond to a gens based conversation with some stupid/meaningless comments but it's not stupid as a troll at least. The lack of snes dialogue is more the reason on those, as most of us on a forum DO want to post our thoughts....

    I sure do love discussing NHL '94, be it Genesis or PC, Sega CD or SNES.

    ....I cringe when I see you are the last commenter on a thread about A/B players, knowing you've never played a game online here, so how would you know A or B?

    I know about the differences between elite and decent players because I have played many people in person over the years. I may not have played the top five in the world, but it is also worth considering that it is possible that none of us here have done so.

    ....I have been making an effort to not be the troll in the room after seeing one of your posts.

    thank you. I am asking those yet to convert to that approach to strongly consider it.

    I like Tru....

    uh-oh. that's in the record, now, and people will judge you for it.

    Too much text for me to read the whole thing....

    please find the time.

    ....You really think your message that started the latest thing was totally innocuous....that is why this keeps happening....

    yes. just barely almost kind of maybe not completely, 100%, totally, but, yeah, at least 94%, which is an appropriate threshold.

    ....guys like Clockwise who can spice up their message with weird wording and it's funny and entertaining. You don't have that ability -- not in text anyway. Maybe in person you're hilarious, like some kind of Bill Burr crossed with Woody Allen, but in text you don't come off right....

    that's too bad.

    ....keep it plain and simple.....

    I shouldn't have to. others having sand in their, uh... orifices shouldn't force their building of pearls to affect my contributions.

    ....people totally over-react to you, but you gotta read the room.

    they do and I don't. I should be able to say "beer, baseball and bullets are for pussies," without having a drink dumped on me, a bat swung at me, or a shot taken in my direction. can you imagine that I've never been beat up?! how I made it here from 1977 without that occurrence must attest to my preference for partying in private.

    it's never been your truths that people can't handle, but how you deliver them

    surely it is a combination. people don't like being presented with hard truths. don't tell a US citizen about false flags for war profiteering, vaccine injuries, fluoride damages, GMO dangers.... hard truths threaten the protective bubbles of lazy acceptance that comfort the complacent.

    ....you could track the escalation of a thread to a single post....

    are those singular posts mine or the over-the-top, reactionary, negative responses to mine that could be interpreted with no ill will instead of as antagonistic?

    ....I'm rooting for you....

    thanks. I wish it was more evident than just right here.

    ....there's often....truth buried in there....

    I try to not have it be buried. when I fail, I do a disservice to what has become my misnomer.

    [a link to some sort of Clinton speech type of nonsense]

    I like asparagus.

    ....He attacked me because I told Raven that I've felt the pain of gens blurriness ever since I started....

    I attacked you?! that is revisionist history at its finest, isn't it? I put to you that my content there was infinitely more helpful than yours, as you can multiply zero as much as you wish without effect.

    ....I don't think my post should have been deleted, it wasn't unhelpful, it was fine.

    I agree that it didn't need to be deleted, but it also didn't deserve to stand unchallenged, for it was terrible -- and, yes, unhelpful -- advice, whether you knew it to be so or not.

    ....he's just as big a jerk as he was 5 years ago.

    aw, thanks!

    ....if you're the worst ever doesn't that make you the best at being the worst? I shall wear this badge with honor....

    thanks for taking that well. I'm serious in my critiques of your role(s) and your lack of tact. it might be a big clue that there's an issue when it is me who declares that somebody lacks tact. you are reactionary, vengeful, belittling, power-tripping, unhelpful, spiteful, and so many other things that a moderator should not be. I suggest you step away and evaluate whether your holding of such a position benefits the community. yes, you are willing and able to act, but your actions are not positive from what I can tell. I may be wrong, but I can describe what it looks like from here. I have to say I was baffled and shocked when the title appeared by your name, much like I'm sure you would have been if you were seeing it by mine. I hope you continue to improve your presence here. I believe you have something of value to add, but I think it may take a different type of effort from what you are willing to extend. it may be kind of the intellectually lazy, but headstrong in action problem. more thinky, less doey!

    ....I told AtomicRaven that the same thing happened to me too, and all you can do is learn to live with it....THAT DESERVES DEMERIT POINTS?...

    maybe not, but surely more so than my post which was actually measurably helpful. my point was meant to be that my post surely didn't.

    alright! thanks, guys. so, do you think we can be a friendlier group, maybe even one that an occasional female might not turn away from? I really do believe that trash talk is part and parcel to our game(s), but my gentle (yep, trust me on that) lobs across the aisle were grabbed and popped without return plays like a hated beachball at a concert and it wasn't the SNES side that was full of wannabe toughguy macho security powerclique funhaters. wait, can I type that without being written up, hall monitors? seriously, though, I love it here and I will not go of my own accord, no matter how nor how often it is presented as an option. fun time -- go!

  11. oh, hey, look: I have another demerit.

    I was tempted to bicker about the first demerit assigned to me this month, but I understand that I approached the line that others are allowed to cross and that my reputation from years ago does me no favors, so I figured that just one can't really hurt me. then the worst moderator -- who can also work on becoming better, and seems to be willing to try -- that I can recall having encountered in decades of Internet use hit me with another for the exact same post, admitting in the note that it was double dipping, double jeopardy, a double minor. the first was undeserved, but it wasn't going to snowball, I figured. I was wrong.

    it wasn't cool and HE should have gotten the double minor, a major, or even a game misconduct for knowingly and admittedly being childish and vindictive and cruel. I should be able to call out such abuse of power. I don't know how many demerits lead to whatever action, but can assure you I deserve such actions against me, this time.

    then today I notice yet another. for what? for advising a relative newcomer to ignore intentionally bad advice from an intentionally combative member, and to consider ignoring that person entirely. how is that a problem? it the same crap everybody is allowed and encouraged to do to me. "ban him." "the ignore button is here just for him." that stuff is fine, if I am the target. the moment I make a similar suggestion, in a singular post with good reasoning -- not in my signature, under every single post I make -- my post is deleted and I get a demerit. I'm guessing the other party, the one giving a newcomer bad advice and then I physically hurt somebody, received coke zero. I can't know, but I can guess, based on the status of that individual who doesn't even deserve to be allowed to interact with others, offering so little of value.

    this is wrong. I expect better from the person giving me this third tick against me in a few short days. this particular moderator has been a stand-up dude, a dream keeper, the best hype man we have. I am pissappointed. please don't let this be a place where discussing addictive and unnecessary math actions is distributed. I should be free to examine this with an expression of self defense. read this and the first post here -- in its entirety -- and understand where I am coming from. advise me on how what I did was in any way worse than what others do every time they post. clarify butter for me what these three strikes at the ball game this week should mean and which are deserved for valid reasons.

    Marchand says he has changed and he has matured and that he wants to lead by example. nobody is going to make him admiral, but stop sending him to the box for what others are free to do to him. he may have earned his 65 reputation rating this season, or it may be overflow from previous transgressions, but he should be able to get that down to a 55 by this time next year. he doesn't just deserve two minutes in the box for lacing up, right?

  12. I think there is something about the compatibility between the Genesis emulators (and NES ones, too) that the SNES emulators do not suffer from. I can't get ANY of my four vastly different controllers to play NES nor Genesis ROMs without that drifting issue that makes them unplayable. I do believe there are programs and drivers that can address this. I recall using a separate program to calibrate and fix that stuff, once, long ago, on an old computer. I think the answer is out there. I think it's fixable. if you figure it out, I'm excited to give the Genesis/Sega CD versions another go. I know Kega is not a preferred emulator (controller delays or something), but I think it has more options for tweaking this stuff. good luck. I firmly believe that any controller can be used once you convince the crappy emulator of your choice to recognize. until then, switch to Snes9x.

  13. please let this topic stay undeleted and allow folks to have at me without consequence, here, in this one thread. I don't mean to clutter other threads with my self-defense and other unrelated back-and-forths. instead of deleting that stuff from our records, if it occurs again, maybe just move it to here.

    Can you ban him already

    I get enough of this. I made my apology years ago. all I did in this particular instance that you reference was point out an unhelpful post and advise the original poster of the questioning thread to ignore the terrible advice -- and the member offering terrible advice, generally. that person was combative and I know you are trying to spin it to make me out to be a bad person, but I am not.

    your agenda against me may have been closer to fair long ago, when I used a degrading term -- jokingly -- for prodding participation from -- trashtalking -- the "other side," something I very much believe is a large part of competitive 'Chel. I was asked to ease back. I have done that, quite significantly. however, when I post in a manner similar to the way you are allowed to -- and others, including moderators, are allowed to -- y'all jump all over it and try to make it into something it isn't.

    when I defend myself with posts like this -- albeit, in an unapologetic manner -- my posts get removed along with those of the person actually taking it too far. it's a common theme, and I understand it's from years of ill will garnished from playfully challenging those on the popular side of the aisle. the active moderators here are Genesis guys who were around for my teasing and joking that went underappreciated, and they are quick to sweep my self-defense away with your attacks, but know that my intent here is not to ruin your fun. when I was more challengingly interactive, it was in sporting encouragement of rivalry. it's not my fault that I was too good at it and y'all couldn't handle the hard truths within. I have stopped that line of antagonism.

    you should check yourself. you are looking for a battle unwanted, much like I did, years ago. how many chances to the aggressively drunken buffoons that post nonsense and attacks get around here? more than I can ever hope for. I could make excuses and tell you all about how I don't do hard drugs anymore, but that would be beside the point. I am not a bad member. my every post is scoured for citation-worthy content. try as you may, you cannot put into my words your hopes for what they may contain.

    I try to follow the rules, which is more than can be said for you and the moderator most like you. I had one borderline post several days ago and I received TWO separate demerits for it, the second with a note admitting it was double dipping. neither was deserved, but I understand how the first came to be generated and I gave it appropriate consideration. I want no harm for us. I get that an enemy is needed, and I'd be willing to play one in the movie, but it's a fiction you cannot fulfill from your end.

    please stop trying to make me out to be evil and unhelpful and a blight on the community. please check to see if that is really you. which of us is forthcoming with good advice for newcomers? which of us is a giver? which of us is taker? which of us is negative and nasty? which of us is abusive and abrasive in every interaction between? which of us is the bully? which of us is unjustly maligned? you seriously need to stop fighting a one-sided war.

    you will not convince me that I am not of value to this community. you will not convince me that I don't belong here. you will not convince me that I have nothing to offer. you will not convince me that I am universally hated. you will not alienate me with your attempts to spin my words and actions into some containing intent unmeant. you may be able to convince the moderators that posts like this one help nobody, but I insist that they are necessary, so you do not win with spin, making me out to be bad, ruining possible friendships and devaluing my participation.

    newcomers should see that I admit to having been playfully abrasive many years ago, but I hold no ill will towards fellow members and I truthfully wish to expand appreciation for all four versions of the game, no matter which order I rank them in. we should be able to discuss this stuff. this conversation should not be whitewashed. I have made enough amends for my extremely minor "offenses," assuming you even believe they amount to being deserving of such a label.

    those of you that follow me around, seeking to perpetuate a misunderstanding, do so toward no just end, no gain for good, nothing but exactly what you ascribe to me. just because you have moderators willing to kowtow to victim blaming, such as by removing my posts that are similar to this one, that does not make your version of our shared history correct. other members have their posts gently scrubbed of potentially troublesome content with minor edits, while mine get removed, en masse, for far less. that double standard in unjust. I can handle it, but it hides the truth. the other members of the community deserve access to evidence of the truth.

    call me out again, every time, but please first examine your intent, your position, your approach, your value here, your level of participation, your attitude, your effect on newcomers, your effect on the spirit of the community as a whole. I examine(d) mine. I know I came/come from goodness. I may approach the lines in the proverbial sand, but not with any desire to cause harm. can you claim the same? I offer you an extension of a hope for intelligent renewal. I advise you to accept it. I advise you to move on. I advise you to grow up.

    so, fellows... evidence through a long period of time assures me that you don't like that I try to move on, that I try to be a positive influence more than anything negative, that I ask for permanence afforded actual transgressors, but he it is. please don't delete this. please don't ban me. please don't censor this thread. let them come at me. I can take it. we, as a community of adults, can handle it. let us vent. let us try to build a consensus on my role(s) here. let's get better. I started long ago. I have steadily made steps to improve. I intend to continue. join me.

  14. wow. it's a sad statement about the commitment of this community when an organized and helpful and devoted and committed dude like Mac can't manage to hold the interest of SIX (6) participants. were there technical issues or did it just flop out because people who signed up lost interest when things didn't go their way(s)? maybe it could become an "elite six," where people with proven records of not bailing on leagues are approved based solely on their league play histories. rough.

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