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goalie star glitch


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Has anyone ever got a shutout and a goal with a goalie in the same game? On the Sega this happened with Mike Richter. He gets the shutout and a goal, but he doesn't wind up with the star. We looked at his stats and he had six saves and it said 7 shots. The opposing team had 6 shots. I knew that goalie goals were kind of phantom, but based on this (have yet to have the scenario rise again) it seems that they count a goalie goal as a shot against the goalie who scored the goal. I'm sure you guys have seen this but I didnt see it mentioned. Also, one time in a stanley cup final, I won the game, but had a penalty that was asessed after regulation. Blake goes to the box, with no time on the clock and the game froze never returning to the ice. Had to restart and play the game over. The penalty was flagged before the game ended but time ran out before I touched the puck.

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Also, first post. Glad to run into this place. No online experience, but have been playing (or working on gathering everything needed to play) since the game came out. I have only played the genesis version. I wound up living with 5 other people who were into the game from completely different backgrounds and it is pretty much the house activity.

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the game doesn't know how to separate shots/goals made by the goalie from those against the goalie. it tallies them in the only related goalie statistic slots and that screws up the math done to calculate stars. you can get a lot of weird stars by using the goalie to shoot/score and/or by limiting the only shots made in the game to the goalie(s). call in the backups for added "fun."

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the game doesn't know how to separate shots/goals made by the goalie from those against the goalie. it tallies them in the only related goalie statistic slots and that screws up the math done to calculate stars. you can get a lot of weird stars by using the goalie to shoot/score and/or by limiting the only shots made in the game to the goalie(s). call in the backups for added "fun."


RAM/memory was really limited back then, so what the designers did was they re-used the "goals for" memory used for players as the "goals against" for the goalies. Same with "shots for" and "shots against".

It's like this:

For each player: goals, assists, shots, PIM, checks, time on ice

But the game interprets goals and shots differently for goalies.

Also note that the game actually tracks checks and time on ice for players, even though it doesn't do anything with those... so actually they might as well have kept separate goals against and shots against values!

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Individual checks? Are you kidding me? I've wanted that since I was 8. Have you guys found a way to display these values in the rom/edited rom as actual stats?

YES! It's pretty awesome. The latest Blitz ROMS will have Checks For instead of PIM in the player section. You can apply it to a ROM using smozoma's amazing hack applicator:


Check out boxscores from recent leagues on nhl94online.com: http://www.nhl94online.com/html/box_score.php?gameid=18653

And some older ones on the Blitz94.com site: http://www.blitz94.com/boxscore.asp?gameid=4258

for some examples of stat based leagues we run that include checks and TOI for each player.

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