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Et Tu Brute 2 Draft Order


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Ok, ONCE the Google Sheet is created and all, WE will get this all looking pretty and clean like normal.


BUT, for now, I am outside of my technical expertise so I'm going to just post it manually.


A quick explanation:
EACH round of the draft was done with a weight lottery online.
In addition, I included a set of players from Group 4 to receive an additional pick at the top of Rd 1.
In addition, I included a set of players from Group 3 to receive an additional pick at the top of Rd 2.
In addition, I included a set of players from Group 2 to receive an additional pick at the top of Rd 3.
And finally, I included the last set of players to receive their supplemental picks at the top of Rd 6.

THIS means that at the end of Round 6, EACH team will have 7 players, because each team will have gotten one extra pick.
So, Rd 2 to some teams pick will actually be Rd 3, etc.
Again, on top of that, EACH team had a weighted set of balls for EACH round, and it is reflected over the course of the 10 round draft (we are drafting 11 players.)


UNTIL GOOGLE SHEET IS UP, you can look at this EXCEL sheet or this ROM, goto the AllStar teams and you will see the old time player(s) I added to the draft pool. 


REMEMBER, Blitz style ROM, where WEIGHT BUG IS FIXED, NO CB &&& CHECKING RATING added into your ability to check your opponent.



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(Drafting 11 players per team, but only 10 Rounds because 4 of the rounds will have more picks than normal)
Round 1

(First 5 are supplemental & weren't subject to lottery)
1.1 Chef
1.2 Flatcrusher
1.3 Spaceghost
1.4 Aqua
1.5 Jer
(Now starts the picks from the lottery I ran)
1.6 Lupz
1.7 Jer
1.8 Spaceghost
1.9 Zep
1.10 MikeGartner
1.11 Chef
1.12 J&J
1.13 Skip
1.14 Flatcrusher
1.15 Aqua
1.16 Chaos
1.17 Ice
1.18 Dcicon
1.19 Atomic
1.20 Tex
1.21 Brutus
1.22 AJ

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Round 2
(First 4 picks are supplemental)

2.1 Chaos
2.2 MikeGartner
2.3 Atomic
2.4 J&J
(Now starts the Rd 2 picks based on lottery run each round)
2.5 Atomic
2.6 Lupz (he had a lot of balls but kept coming up aces first 2 rounds!)
2.7 Brutus
2.8 Spaceghost
2.9 Skip
2.10 J&J
2.11 MikeGartner
2.12 Zep
2.13 Flatcrusher
2.14 Aqua
2.15 Chef
2.16 Dcicon
2.17 Jer
2.18 Chaos
2.19 AJ
2.20 Ice
2.21 Tex

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Round 3
(First 4 picks are supplemental)

3.1 Lupz
3.2 Skip
3.3 Dcicon
3.4 Zep
(Now starts the Rd 3 picks based on lottery for this round)
3.5 Spaceghost
3.6 Brutus (I had only 1 ball, but got lucky in Rd 2 & 3, and I don't even want to hear it from the peanut gallery!)
3.7 Tex
3.8 Lupz (4 leaf clover on this one)
3.9 Flatcrusher
3.10 Atomic
3.11 Skip
3.12 Jer
3.13 J&J
3.14 MikeGartner
3.15 Chef
3.16 Dcicon
3.17 Aqua
3.18 Chaos
3.19 AJ
3.20 Zep
3.21 Ice

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Round 4
No supplemental picks, order based on weighted lottery run for this round.

4.1 Atomic
4.2 MikeGartner
4.3 Aqua
4.4 Dcicon
4.5 Jer
4.6 J&J
4.7 Spaceghost
4.8 Chef
4.9 Flatcrusher
4.10 Zep
4.11 AJ
4.12 Skip
4.13 Chaos
4.14 Tex
4.15 Lupz (Luck ran out)
4.16 Brutus
4.17 Ice

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Round 5
No supplemental picks, order based on weighted lottery run for this round.

5.1 Dcicon
5.2 Chef
5.3 Jer
5.4 J&J
5.5 MikeGartner
5.6 Atomic
5.7 Flatcrusher
5.8 Spaceghost
5.9 Aqua
5.10 Lupz
5.11 Chaos
5.12 Tex
5.13 Skip
5.14 Ice
5.15 Brutus
5.16 AJ
5.17 Zep

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Round 6
(First 4 picks are supplemental picks to even out number of players per team)

6.1 Tex
6.2 Brutus
6.3 AJ
6.4 Ice (hail to the new King)
(Now starts the Rd 4 picks based on lottery for this round.  After this round, each team, barring trades, will have 7 players)
6.5 Flat
6.6 Skip
6.7 Jer
6.8 Atomic
6.9 Chef
6.10 MikeGartner
6.11 J&J
6.12 Spaceghost
6.13 Ice
6.14 Aqua
6.15 Dcicon
6.16 Chaos
6.17 Lupz
6.18 Zep
6.19 AJ
6.20 Brutus
6.21 Tex

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Round 7

7.1 Chaos
7.2 Flatcrusher
7.3 Jer
7.4 Spaceghost
7.5 Tex
7.6 Skip
7.7 Aqua
7.8 Zep
7.9 Chef
7.10 J&J
7.11 MikeGartner
7.12 Atomic
7.13 AJ
7.14 Lupz
7.15 Ice
7.16 Dcicon
7.17 Brutus


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Round 8

8.1 Skip
8.2 AJ
8.3 Flatcrusher
8.4 Chaos
8.5 Aqua
8.6 MikeGartner
8.7 Chef
8.8 Jer
8.9 Dcicon
8.10 J&J
8.11 Atomic
8.12 Lupz
8.13 Spaceghost
8.14 Zep
8.15 Tex
8.16 Ice
8.17 Brutus

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Round 9

9.1 Chef
9.2 Skip
9.3 Jer
9.4 Flatcrusher
9.5 MikeGartner
9.6 Atomic
9.7 Lupz
9.8 Zep
9.9 Spaceghost
9.10 J&J
9.11 Chaos
9.12 Aqua
9.13 Brutus
9.14 Dcicon
9.15 Tex
9.16 Ice
9.17 AJ

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Round 10

10.1 Atomic
10.2 Chaos
10.3 Ice
10.4 Dcicon
10.5 Flatcrusher
10.6 Chef
10.7 MikeGartner
10.8 Zep
10.9 Skip
10.10 Lupz
10.11 Jer
10.12 Aqua
10.13 J&J
10.14 Spaceghost
10.15 Brutus
10.16 Tex
10.17 AJ

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